The Challenge: Battle of The Exes 2 - Johnny Reilly and Averey Tressler

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When she says "I think at some point Johnny stopped loving me." And then starts wiping away tears, God that's hard to watch. I think he is just immature and wanted to break up with Averey just before the challenge, so he could hook up. And he wasted no time in hooking up with Nany. I always said Averey could do better. Maybe Johnny R. is a nice person as a friend, but as a boyfriend? He's immature and with insecurity issues, so let him take that small ***** elsewhere. 

A lot of people keep saying this and I really don't think it is true at all. He didn't even really seem down to go after anyone on FA. He even said it is up to the girls if they want to come after me. Nany came after him and she is a gorgeous girl so he went for it but it wasn't like he was chasing girls around trying to hook up. I think he stopped loving her like she said and he wanted an excuse to get out of the relationship so he made himself believe she cheated but we will never know what actually happened because they didn't really get into it. I just hate when people say they broke up with their significant other to hook up on the challenge when they usually is never the case. People said the same damn thing about Nany and Cohutta and they were way off....


Okay maybe you're right about him not doing it just for hooking up, but I do think he was very insecure  while dating a sexual knockout like her and thought if Averey didn't cheat on him, he believed she would while he was away on the challenge. He never trusted her and they say if you don't have trust in a relationship, then it just doesn't work.

Wait, did anyone else notice Averey and Nia next to one another after the elimination (when they were at the bar)?  Averey said "I love watching Diem dance" or something, but I couldn't tell if she and Nia were talking or just in the vacinity of each other.  Are they on better terms now?

Wait, did anyone else notice Averey and Nia next to one another after the elimination (when they were at the bar)?  Averey said "I love watching Diem dance" or something, but I couldn't tell if she and Nia were talking or just in the vacinity of each other.  Are they on better terms now?

Nia wrote on twitter that her and averey were close friends from the start: 

I wish Daisy can do a challenge lol


Daisy has potential. I know she can defintetly beat Jasmine in an elimantion round. Rivals 3 can't come any sooner.

I wish Daisy can do a challenge lol


Daisy has potential. I know she can defintetly beat Jasmine in an elimantion round. Rivals 3 can't come any sooner.

Would love to see those two in a Balls In elimination. Daisy would destroy Jasmine

It's so weird. I disliked these two together on RW but they're easily my favorite team this season. I'm officially on the bandwagon that Avery is gorgeous, damn she looked great last night.

I absolutely loathe the word bae. That being said, Averey is bae

I absolutely loathe the word bae. 

I don't think I've ever read a statement that I've agreed with more. It makes me cringe. 

Here is an interview with Averey Smile She calls in at about 12 mintues.  She kind of talks about her breakup with Johnny. I loved Averey in this interview.

Great interview. She doesn't sound as bitter as I thought she would be about this challenge. She admitted she'll be shown as the crazy ex 95% of the time which was funny and finally addressed upcoming challenges. She said doing future ones was up in the air. She said she heard people saying "Avery's only gonna do one or 2" and "Avery's going to do a bunch" but she didn't confirm either.  She DID say that if she comes back, she'll be stronger physically and mentally.     This makes me thing she'll be back!

Great interview. She doesn't sound as bitter as I thought she would be about this challenge. She admitted she'll be shown as the crazy ex 95% of the time which was funny and finally addressed upcoming challenges. She said doing future ones was up in the air. She said she heard people saying "Avery's only gonna do one or 2" and "Avery's going to do a bunch" but she didn't confirm either.  She DID say that if she comes back, she'll be stronger physically and mentally.     This makes me thing she'll be back!

I think she will be back too Smile Yay!

I love how Wes tried to make them part of their alliance and Johnny basically said no lol

I love how Wes tried to make them part of their alliance and Johnny basically said no lol

A Wes and Averey alliance would have been amazing.

Averey is great, hope she comes back.

Damn her and Nia were really close in the house, I hope we get the scoop. 

That was a decent interview. She's also really confident I see. 

Hearing that interview, it's apparent to me that Johnny was what made her so annoying on Portland imo. She needs to stay far away from him as she is a lot more tolerable.

The one question they didn't ask about was the whole Nia/Averey dynamic & how it came about. A shame because even Averey was expecting them to ask about it.

I'm just plain worried....who's baby-sitting Daisy while she's out gallavanting around doing challenges?

Averey to me is one ****** female who tells it like it is. I can see some of the loudmouth alpha males like Johnny Bananas and Zach not liking her for that reason. And she said Johnny had talked crap about her on Free Agents, so it got his guy friends (probably guys like Zach) to not like her without even really knowing her.

and as for Averey and Nia being close, I always said that if it weren't for her relationship with Johnny, I think Nia and Averey would have gotten along better. And Nia is capable of getting over past drama. She has more drama with guys. The only drama she seems to have with girls usually have to do with them hating on her (Jasmine, Latoya).

I liked the part about the house being divided with the people upstairs hanging together and the people downstairs hanging. Theresa and Wes were upstairs with Averey and Nia, so they were all close. You can see Nany, Jonna, Jenna, and Brittany are all super close, and they were roommates. 

I like how Johnny acknowledges when he is at fault in the game. On Free Agents, he even admitted that he didn't think he should have kept getting as lucky as he did when it came to the elimination Draw and thought he should have gone in. And even on a team with Avery who he isn't cool with right now he admitted he messed it up for them.

I'm just plain worried....who's baby-sitting Daisy while she's out gallavanting around doing challenges?

Daisy's next up for a Challenge.

I like how Johnny acknowledges when he is at fault in the game. On Free Agents, he even admitted that he didn't think he should have kept getting as lucky as he did when it came to the elimination Draw and thought he should have gone in. And even on a team with Avery who he isn't cool with right now he admitted he messed it up for them.

Well I wouldn't consider that a fault nor a bad thing. If you can get to the end without really going into an an elimination then more power to you. Screw all that "earning you stripes" bullshit. Get to the end however you can.

I like how Johnny acknowledges when he is at fault in the game. On Free Agents, he even admitted that he didn't think he should have kept getting as lucky as he did when it came to the elimination Draw and thought he should have gone in. And even on a team with Avery who he isn't cool with right now he admitted he messed it up for them.

Well I wouldn't consider that a fault nor a bad thing. If you can get to the end without really going into an an elimination then more power to you. Screw all that "earning you stripes" bullshit. Get to the end however you can.

True but at the very lestw it shows he has a sense of knowing when he messed up.

In the game at least.

I still think Avery cheated on him. He's so done with her and she's constantly crying over him.

I think Avery is crying because Johnny won't give her a chance to explain herself. The first chance he got, Johnny went on a challenge, talked shit about Avery the entire time and then slept with another girl. I think Avery has every right to be upset.

Sidenote: Two episodes in and I am hooked. It's refreshing to see couples actually have to get over the problems they had in the past.

So proud of Averey for winning her very first 1st elimination round! She did so well! Go Ave! <3

I can't believe some people here are actually siding with Averey over Johnny R. I guess she does put on a good show with her puppy dog eyes and crocodile tears in the confessionals. Averey cheated on Johnny R and still expected him to look past it. Well Avery, Johnny never cheated on you, he was dedicated to you from day 1. Even when you were flirting with random dudes in Portland, he still gave you the benefit of the doubt. Then you cheat on him (shocker) and it crushes you when he breaks it off. Good riddance. You can't have your cake and eat it too little girl.

I forgot how beautiful Averey is. She is just stunning.

Do we know for sure that Avery Cheated? If she did then she has no right to be upset but if she didn't then she's right to be upset.

There's no real confimation that she cheated so I feel like it's just his word against hers at this point.

Do we know for sure that Avery Cheated? If she did then she has no right to be upset but if she didn't then she's right to be upset.

There's no real confimation that she cheated so I feel like it's just his word against hers at this point.

Didn't she said that she got into situations that looked like it, but she never did whereas Reily cheated on her on national tv?

Do we know for sure that Avery Cheated? If she did then she has no right to be upset but if she didn't then she's right to be upset.

There's no real confimation that she cheated so I feel like it's just his word against hers at this point.

Didn't she said that she got into situations that looked like it, but she never did whereas Reily cheated on her on national tv?

Reily didn't cheat. They were broken up.

Do we know for sure that Avery Cheated? If she did then she has no right to be upset but if she didn't then she's right to be upset.

There's no real confimation that she cheated so I feel like it's just his word against hers at this point.

Didn't she said that she got into situations that looked like it, but she never did whereas Reily cheated on her on national tv?

Reily didn't cheat. They were broken up.

If you believe Averey....Reily cheated on her on national tv while they were in a relationship or something...
