The Real World: Skeletons - Ratings

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I didn't last the whole of the Ex-plosion season rubbish, I didn't even make it ten minutes into Skeletons before I had to turn it off. The sooner this program dies the better, it's depressing seeing what it's turned into.


Edit - Looking through this and other threads maybe it's not the the show maybe it's me. People here seem to love junk TV Bad Girls Club, Teen Mom, Jersey Shore etc The Real World never used to be that type of show, it pushed gay rights, AID's education, racial  & gender equality etc, it was a program about the story of people going on a personal journey. Don't get me wrong there was always drama but it wasn't the core of the show. So yeah maybe I'm just too old for it now and it's changing into the junk TV freaksow full of desperate people wanting fame and willing to throw their dignity away to get it, which seems to be what the new generation wants.

I'm pretty sure many viewers feel the same way, because just yesterday my brother saw me watching a recorded episode from Tues. and he thought it looked interesting until he started watching the beginnning and stated the showas plain "trash" now.

Why is everyone so judgemental about this season. There is a lesson learned every season, just cause there is more partying than before(it's our culture), there are still lessons learned! For example:

SAN DIEGO - LGBT awareness.

ST THOMAS - Drug Addiction, Pregnancy

PORTLAND - Domestic Violence, Rape


SKELETONS - Drug Addiction, Anorexia

There are still lessons being learned they're just not as shocking as they use to be understandabley so. This show is still about real people and real life issues.

Why is everyone so judgemental about this season. There is a lesson learned every season, just cause there is more partying than before(it's our culture), there are still lessons learned! For example:

SAN DIEGO - LGBT awareness.

ST THOMAS - Drug Addiction, Pregnancy

PORTLAND - Domestic Violence, Rape


SKELETONS - Drug Addiction, Anorexia

There are still lessons being learned they're just not as shocking as they use to be understandabley so. This show is still about real people and real life issues.

What? How did pregnancy go into St. Thomas?

Why is everyone so judgemental about this season. There is a lesson learned every season, just cause there is more partying than before(it's our culture), there are still lessons learned! For example:

SAN DIEGO - LGBT awareness.

ST THOMAS - Drug Addiction, Pregnancy

PORTLAND - Domestic Violence, Rape


SKELETONS - Drug Addiction, Anorexia

There are still lessons being learned they're just not as shocking as they use to be understandabley so. This show is still about real people and real life issues.

What? How did pregnancy go into St. Thomas?

Trey's girl back home but it wasn't even mentioned on the show that she was actually pregnant..

Whose anorexic on Skeletons ?

Why is everyone so judgemental about this season. There is a lesson learned every season, just cause there is more partying than before(it's our culture), there are still lessons learned! For example:

SAN DIEGO - LGBT awareness.

ST THOMAS - Drug Addiction, Pregnancy

PORTLAND - Domestic Violence, Rape


SKELETONS - Drug Addiction, Anorexia

There are still lessons being learned they're just not as shocking as they use to be understandabley so. This show is still about real people and real life issues.

What? How did pregnancy go into St. Thomas?

Trey's girl back home but it wasn't even mentioned on the show that she was actually pregnant..

Whose anorexic on Skeletons ?


I'm sorry but the Real World hasn't been about real issues since like the 1990s and the sooner people realize that the better. The fact is The Real World was a reality show before all others and then the medium blew up. People who appear on The Real World now have never known a life without reality TV so it clouds how people act now than they did 15+ years ago. And guess what, 15 years ago people were getting naked and jumping in the pool before they even introduced themselves. 


Sorry, this post isn't directed at anyone but the fact is, The Real World had to change in order to keep up, and it made that change 12 years ago. And people have been complaining about it for 12 years. Plus, teenagers and 20 somethings changed as well. People are different now than they were in 1994 or whenever. I get that people get sick of the drunken drama but that's how a lot of kids this age act. I'm not saying that there isn't an issue with casting because sure there is, but maybe these "normal adults with REAL issues" aren't applying. Seems like this season they cast mostly people who did have real issues who also like to get drunk and do stupid shit. At least it's kind of a step in the right direction?

I'm sorry but the Real World hasn't been about real issues since like the 1990s and the sooner people realize that the better. The fact is The Real World was a reality show before all others and then the medium blew up. People who appear on The Real World now have never known a life without reality TV so it clouds how people act now than they did 15+ years ago. And guess what, 15 years ago people were getting naked and jumping in the pool before they even introduced themselves. 


Sorry, this post isn't directed at anyone but the fact is, The Real World had to change in order to keep up, and it made that change 12 years ago. And people have been complaining about it for 12 years. Plus, teenagers and 20 somethings changed as well. People are different now than they were in 1994 or whenever. I get that people get sick of the drunken drama but that's how a lot of kids this age act. I'm not saying that there isn't an issue with casting because sure there is, but maybe these "normal adults with REAL issues" aren't applying. Seems like this season they cast mostly people who did have real issues who also like to get drunk and do stupid shit. At least it's kind of a step in the right direction?

This is so true. Remember Hawaii? Teck and Ruthie got naked and Jumped right in the pool and they had JUST MET each other at that point.

The Real World hasn't been about real issues in a long *** time. I think people are forgetting this.  The first episode was on par with that this show has been about for years now.

I feel like the real world brooklyn was one of the most realest season even though some people say it was boring, it's one of my favorite season, it focuse one some real shit, addressing some serious and very relevant social issues while people were building genuine relationshitps 

I definitely see what people are saying about wanting the show to go back to how it was, but I think people need to let go of the idea that Real World would be so much better and praised again if it went back to the way it was in 1995... mind you, that was almost 15 years ago. Not only has TV changed but society as a whole has changed, especially young people -- which is who Real World is geared towards. It's naive to think the show would get back to the ratings it got during its heyday if they simply went back to casting "real people" in this day and age reality TV has become so oversaturated there's a small percentage, if any, of people who could be cast on a show like Real World and not play it up for the cameras, everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame, that's just the way it is now.

As for this season, it's not bad... I feel like they're really trying hard with the Jersey Shore vibe, where 99% of the drama is centered around them when they're drunk but it's not a snoozefest which is much better than St. Thomas or Portland. I'm not sure why the ratings are so low, I'm assuming the fact that MTV's viewership continues to go down isn't helping. And for people saying MTV needs to promote Real World on other channels, why would MTV invest more money into a show that has been on the verge of cancelation for years? From a business perspective that doesn't make any sense, it's extremely expensive to promote shows on other channels but I do think MTV could have done a lot better promoting this season, they seem like they've basically given up which is why I don't get why they continue to renew it for another season but then only show it once a week, with no weekly reruns, no promoting upcoming episodes, etc.

Also if anything they're showing waaaaaaaay less club scenes than last season so far. I swear on the first episode they went to 1,313 clubs

Even though for me Jenny and Ashley were better than anyone on this cast, at least there's no one I actively hate like I did with Jay and Jamie. 

This cast is awful. Bruno was casted for the challenge. Jason will only be interesting bexause of his skeleton. Lesbian is fake as hell.  No bra wearing girl is putting on a charactor. Tony is being the I'm the innocent good looking guy for TV. Sylvia is boring and I have met a lot of Sylvia's in my life. I feel the victim, wanting attention, bad boyfriends, and always getting the short end of the stick is not interesting. There are hundreds of people who have gone on reality shows with the same story. Madison is the only interesting one.

Sylvia story is played out. Intervention, Real World, Bad Girls Club, and so many more have casted a version of Sylvia.

I feel like everyone on these shows claims to be a model when only 3% look to be qualified as one. They're such wannabes, taking a profesional photo at a studio and uploading it to a website doesn't make you a model.

This is a pretty solid cast at least compared to recent sessons. Everyone is at least entertaining or interesting. Truthfully, people would claim a calm cast is too boring if they weren't too out there. People will always complain.

This is a pretty solid cast at least compared to recent sessons. Everyone is at least entertaining or interesting. Truthfully, people would claim a calm cast is too boring if they weren't too out there. People will always complain.


No doubt the average person is boring, but there is a differenxe between a hyped up self and a character you want to be potrayed as. Tony is a player in real life. Hyped up Bruno would be much better instead he is just being himself. Nothing entertaining about Nicole for me. Her personality is just fake. Jason havent seen him much. Sylvia is the overplayed character on every reality show. No bra girl is an act that anyone can see through. She wants to be Nia, but come on no one finds you tough, *****y, or a ball of fire. If I got into a verbal altercation with that girl I would make her cry.

I mean is he supposed to be hyped y p in the first two episodes? We're getting progression with everyone decently well and I love Nciole because she seems genuine to me. A much needed goofy character that is essential in every season and Jason is similar. It's kind of weird how her not wearing a bra stuck out to you lol. Idk she definitely seems *****y and firey, but she's shown vulnerability as well. I really think we're watching a different show here.

I can't understand how people don't like Nicole's accent, I personally find it hilarious. The highlight of the premiere for me was her saying she wanted some "bergahs". 

I can't understand how people don't like Nicole's accent, I personally find it hilarious. The highlight of the premiere for me was her saying she wanted some "bergahs". 

I hate Nicole's voice but love Madison's so I guess I'm a minority. 

My fav Nicole part of this episode was Violetta attempting to explain the difference between oceans and lakes to Nicole. 

My fav Nicole part of this episode was Violetta attempting to explain the difference between oceans and lakes to Nicole. 

OMG. I think I may watch just for this.

I can't understand how people don't like Nicole's accent, I personally find it hilarious. The highlight of the premiere for me was her saying she wanted some "bergahs". 

I hate Nicole's voice but love Madison's so I guess I'm a minority. 

My fav Nicole part of this episode was Violetta attempting to explain the difference between oceans and lakes to Nicole. 

I'm starting to warm up to Madison, she is so cute. 

Nicole is unintentionally hilarious, though she needs to scrap the purple lipstick. 

I agree Nicole/Tony are both not entertaining but definitely not wallpaper like some people were on Explosion/Portland/St.Thomas, I      think Sylvia is trying way too hard to be something she's definitely not,Bruno is very hot but his personality is a total turn off, Jason is honestly cute to me his personality seals it, he is entertaining which can come off as forced but still watchable, Violetta is entertaining but it's not real world entertaining kind of like BGC

Its already episode two and I feel like with Madison and violetta we already know more about them than most of the Explosion cast. So I'm going to keep an open mind.

I can't understand how people don't like Nicole's accent, I personally find it hilarious. The highlight of the premiere for me was her saying she wanted some "bergahs". 

It took me a while to get used to many New York accents when I first met people with them. Some of them are really thick. So I can understand not feeling it.


The Real World: Skeletons
10:00 PM
509,000 viewers

These are the ratings for Episode 2.  509,000 viewers is not that good.


is that bad?  

According to the MTV schedule for next Tuesday they will be airing a 'The Challenge: Battle of the Exes II' special @ 11 PM right after Skeletons.

If the were smart they would swap the Real World and The Challenge's timeslots, but it's MTV we're talking about here. 

MTV president Susanne Daniels is probably happy about these low ratings for Skeletons since she said she wanted to cancel the Real World ever since she arrived but she couldnt due to Ex-Plosion's solid ratings. She is not a fan of The Real World and the Teen Mom shows. She believes they're a bad influence and puts a negative spotlight on the entwork as a whole. Susanne will only renew this show once she sees the ratings for the rest of the season. At least she is trying to move the network in a new direction. So far IMO she is doing a good job by ordering shows like Beyond Dance, One Bad Choice, Eye Candy, Scream and Shannara.

MTV president Susanne Daniels is probably happy about these low ratings for Skeletons since she said she wanted to cancel the Real World ever since she arrived but she couldnt due to Ex-Plosion's solid ratings. She is not a fan of The Real World and the Teen Mom shows.

ew someone needs to exterminate that hoe

No one needs to exterminate Susanne Daniels. She wants MTv to compete with Netflix, HBO, AMC, ABC Family, The CW and other networks. That's why she is focusing so much on scripted shows and docudramas/documenteries instead of reality shows.

MTV president Susanne Daniels is probably happy about these low ratings for Skeletons since she said she wanted to cancel the Real World ever since she arrived but she couldnt due to Ex-Plosion's solid ratings. She is not a fan of The Real World and the Teen Mom shows. Susanne will only renew this show once she sees the ratings for the rest of the season. At least she is trying to move the network in a new direction. So far IMO she is doing a good job by ordering shows like Beyond Dance, One Bad Choice, Eye Candy, Scream and Shannara.

That witch, if she cancels Real World and The Challenge they will lose on loyal viewer. 
