The Real World: Skeletons - Ratings

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Off  topic but I'm glad to see Mob Wives is doing good.

MTV is a joke nowadays

MTV is a joke nowadays

Basically. I've gotten to the point where I don't even care about the ratings anymore. Sadly if it ends, then it is what it is. It isn't the same anymore.

MTV is a joke nowadays

Yep. It used to be so good back in the day.

People have to keep in mind long gone are the days when shows like the real world would get 6 million like the Chicago finale.  


Back then people only watched Survivor, the Love Boat, all these shows.  I remember they were huge.  However, it's not just the real world.  if you look at various ratings charts, the shows that do well every year have declined in ratings, but hold better rankings than in previous years.  Between seasons 13 and 14 Law and Order SVU went down 200,000 viewers, they went up 11 spots however in ratins charts.


We're in an age where netflix, online viewing, and VOD services dominate.  I think while yes, 600k is alarming, compared to other shows on MTV it's doing better than most of them.  I think if it's the 2nd ranked show on MTV it's going to stay regardless of the ratings.


I also think MTV loses a lot of viewers if the Real World or Challenges get cancelled.  Even the lack of viewership, they need these shows.  I for one, and I'm sure many other Real World viewers watch it out of habit and guilty pleasure now.  I don't watch Snooki, Teen Wolf, I really only watch True Life.  They lose a huge demographic of old viewers if they cancel their oldest and most popular show.

People have to keep in mind long gone are the days when shows like the real world would get 6 million like the Chicago finale.  


Back then people only watched Survivor, the Love Boat, all these shows.  I remember they were huge.  However, it's not just the real world.  if you look at various ratings charts, the shows that do well every year have declined in ratings, but hold better rankings than in previous years.  Between seasons 13 and 14 Law and Order SVU went down 200,000 viewers, they went up 11 spots however in ratins charts.


We're in an age where netflix, online viewing, and VOD services dominate.  I think while yes, 600k is alarming, compared to other shows on MTV it's doing better than most of them.  I think if it's the 2nd ranked show on MTV it's going to stay regardless of the ratings.


I also think MTV loses a lot of viewers if the Real World or Challenges get cancelled.  Even the lack of viewership, they need these shows.  I for one, and I'm sure many other Real World viewers watch it out of habit and guilty pleasure now.  I don't watch Snooki, Teen Wolf, I really only watch True Life.  They lose a huge demographic of old viewers if they cancel their oldest and most popular show.

I agree. If MTV cared about losing viewers they wouldn't play Ridiculousness 24/7. I don't know what Ridiculousness is even about, other than the fact that it involves Chanel West Coast. I miss when they would actually play a variety of shows but its ALWAYS Ridiculousness. Which is why MTV is a dying network

Yeah I never understood why they don't replay The Challenges or episodes of The Real World. But I guess it's easier for the average viewer to watch an episode of a 30 minute comedy show than an hour long show that has a storyline and it'd be odd to change the channel to it on a completely random episode.

I agree I remember when I started watching around Battle of the Sexes 2 Real World Philadelphia time, you couldn't watch MTV without seeing episodes of it.  It was 30 minutes.  I think the show works better as a 30 minute show.


But I remember they would show various episodes during the day and they woudl all segue right into eachothe.  Right after TRL on Fridays and right after the dating shows on the other days.

Are those numbers accurate? Because that doesn't make much sense. Even if long time fans don't like the format and twist changes, Ex-Plosion was actually very successful.. posting the best ratings in 3 seasons since Vegas 2. So it's not like the new twists are the thing turning off viewers.


I also think streaming and DVR has become very popular ... skewing the numbers a bit. Anyone can watch right now on They don't count for all those views.

I also think streaming and DVR has become very popular ... skewing the numbers a bit. Anyone can watch right now on They don't count for all those views.

Networks do generally take into account DVR and other factors for renewal decisions. We don't see those numbers though (unless released via press).

Neilsen ratings are so outdated. Several networks are even making it clear that first night numbers are irrelevant to this day and age. FX was one of the first and just this week HBO has done the same.

Outdated as they may be, sadly, it's what advertisers and sponsors go by. Until a new system makes its debut, we're stuck with Neilsen.

Are those numbers accurate? Because that doesn't make much sense. Even if long time fans don't like the format and twist changes, Ex-Plosion was actually very successful.. posting the best ratings in 3 seasons since Vegas 2. So it's not like the new twists are the thing turning off viewers.


I also think streaming and DVR has become very popular ... skewing the numbers a bit. Anyone can watch right now on They don't count for all those views.


Yes, the numbers are accurate and include DVR viewing.   Advertisers don't presently count those who watch on since the show online is only 44:22 with no imbeded commercials.   Any other show that lost over 50 % of its average audience for the past five years would be cancelled, so why not this one?  Lets face facts.  New viewers are not coming to MTV in sufficient numbers to sustain RW, let alone sustain the network, and many "old school," once-loyal viewers have now opted out.   They may return for the challenge, but that is an open question beyond the first three challenge episodes, in my view.

I think MTV just needs some shows that are fresh and good and can compete with other networks. They kinda had that with Jersey Shore but we see where that is now. All the stuff they have now is just not worth watching. I mean Snooki and JWOW  is boring as ****. Slednecks isn't good. AYTO blows,  Teen Mom is just a mess..They need some shows that people are actually going to want to tune in for. They also need to up their promtion game. I mean they barley promoted The Real World and this Eye Candy show isn't getting much promotion either. They can't expect people to watch if they don't know the shows are even on.

I think MTV just needs some shows that are fresh and good and can compete with other networks. They kinda had that with Jersey Shore but we see where that is now. All the stuff they have now is just not worth watching. I mean Snooki and JWOW  is boring as ****. Slednecks isn't good. AYTO blows,  Teen Mom is just a mess..They need some shows that people are actually going to want to tune in for. They also need to up their promtion game. I mean they barley promoted The Real World and this Eye Candy show isn't getting much promotion either. They can't expect people to watch if they don't know the shows are even on.

High Five even though 

Teen mom is "not a mess".

I think MTV just needs some shows that are fresh and good and can compete with other networks. They kinda had that with Jersey Shore but we see where that is now. All the stuff they have now is just not worth watching. I mean Snooki and JWOW  is boring as ****. Slednecks isn't good. AYTO blows,  Teen Mom is just a mess..They need some shows that people are actually going to want to tune in for. They also need to up their promtion game. I mean they barley promoted The Real World and this Eye Candy show isn't getting much promotion either. They can't expect people to watch if they don't know the shows are even on.

High Five even though 

Teen mom is "not a mess".

If Eye Candy flops, I'm going to be pissed. I need my girl VJ.

I fully expect Shannara to get promotions on other networks, they'll have to justify that big budget. And it's one of the most high profile shows in production at the moment.

It would've been cool if eye candy and scream aired the same week on different days this is why I hate midseason shows because there's too much to watch, Blum 3 Dirol

People need to face reality about this show.  MTV promoted this show plenty.  I saw commercials for it a decent chunk of time and I don't even watch MTV.  The fact of the matter is that no one cares about The Real World anymore and everyone's over it.  The twist, the new look, the people aren't helping at all.  I say just let the show die already so we don't need any more of this shit.

People need to face reality about this show.  MTV promoted this show plenty.  I saw commercials for it a decent chunk of time and I don't even watch MTV.  The fact of the matter is that no one cares about The Real World anymore and everyone's over it.  The twist, the new look, the people aren't helping at all.  I say just let the show die already so we don't need any more of this shit.

The truth hurts. This. This right here, is the truth.

People need to face reality about this show.  MTV promoted this show plenty.  I saw commercials for it a decent chunk of time and I don't even watch MTV.  The fact of the matter is that no one cares about The Real World anymore and everyone's over it.  The twist, the new look, the people aren't helping at all.  I say just let the show die already so we don't need any more of this shit.

I only seen this show promoted on MTV and maybe VH1 and that was when it was few weeks away from airing. Good promotion would be what VH1 did for Mob Wives. They had good commercials not just little teasers. They also had posters on buses and buildings all over NYC. MTV could have done that and also had the cast at the radio stations and on talk shows doing interviews and getting people ready to tune in. The failure is not because the show is tired but the lack of effort on both MTV and Bunim Murray.

Time out...if MTV buys and then sells the house it isn't truly an expense of is an investment that they may even make a profit on.

Time out...if MTV buys and then sells the house it isn't truly an expense of is an investment that they may even make a profit on.

Renovations are mucho expensive but yeah, if they do buy it and sell it outright then it should be a profit. Not quite sure if they do make a profit of the houses or not.

Time out...if MTV buys and then sells the house it isn't truly an expense of is an investment that they may even make a profit on.

Renovations are mucho expensive but yeah, if they do buy it and sell it outright then it should be a profit. Not quite sure if they do make a profit of the houses or not.

See! The only thing real world pays is renovations which cost about $100K-$200K and the crew.

Snooki gets paid $175,000 per ep right now!

Time out...if MTV buys and then sells the house it isn't truly an expense of is an investment that they may even make a profit on.

Renovations are mucho expensive but yeah, if they do buy it and sell it outright then it should be a profit. Not quite sure if they do make a profit of the houses or not.

See! The only thing real world pays is renovations which cost about $100K-$200K and the crew.

Snooki gets paid $175,000 per ep right now!

Where did you find that? She made $150,000 on Jersey Shore but like I said, that was Jersey Shore. Do you a source?

Time out...if MTV buys and then sells the house it isn't truly an expense of is an investment that they may even make a profit on.

Renovations are mucho expensive but yeah, if they do buy it and sell it outright then it should be a profit. Not quite sure if they do make a profit of the houses or not.

See! The only thing real world pays is renovations which cost about $100K-$200K and the crew.

Snooki gets paid $175,000 per ep right now!

Where did you find that? She made $150,000 on Jersey Shore but like I said, that was Jersey Shore. Do you a source?

just search "how much money does snook I make on Snookie & Jwwow.

Crazy, never would have guessed that. Appreciate the source too, thanks!

Back when the show was interesting each espisode progressed an estabished storyline.  Now it's like the episodes have no direction except for let's cram as much drunken drama in here as possible.


The new cast is pathetic. They try way too hard to cause drama to the point where the viewers don't even care for what's going on. There's no memorable drama, it's just a bunch of drunken debauchery. Not to mention that the females are subpar in terms of looks and that the guys are boring as hell.

I wasnt fond of AYTO in the beginning, but I now welcome our AYTO overlords to start taking over The Challenge. 


People need to face reality about this show.  MTV promoted this show plenty.  I saw commercials for it a decent chunk of time and I don't even watch MTV.  The fact of the matter is that no one cares about The Real World anymore and everyone's over it.  The twist, the new look, the people aren't helping at all.  I say just let the show die already so we don't need any more of this shit.

I only seen this show promoted on MTV and maybe VH1 and that was when it was few weeks away from airing. Good promotion would be what VH1 did for Mob Wives. They had good commercials not just little teasers. They also had posters on buses and buildings all over NYC. MTV could have done that and also had the cast at the radio stations and on talk shows doing interviews and getting people ready to tune in. The failure is not because the show is tired but the lack of effort on both MTV and Bunim Murray.

What's your point?  When has MTV EVER promoted RW outside of the mai Viacom networks?  You saw the show promoted on the channel it's supposed to be promoted on and no one cared.  Why would they spend millions of dollars to promote it when they know the cost won't justify the minimal increase in viewers?

I didn't last the whole of the Ex-plosion season rubbish, I didn't even make it ten minutes into Skeletons before I had to turn it off. The sooner this program dies the better, it's depressing seeing what it's turned into.


Edit - Looking through this and other threads maybe it's not the the show maybe it's me. People here seem to love junk TV Bad Girls Club, Teen Mom, Jersey Shore etc The Real World never used to be that type of show, it pushed gay rights, AID's education, racial  & gender equality etc, it was a program about the story of people going on a personal journey. Don't get me wrong there was always drama but it wasn't the core of the show. So yeah maybe I'm just too old for it now and it's changing into the junk TV freaksow full of desperate people wanting fame and willing to throw their dignity away to get it, which seems to be what the new generation wants.

Edit - Looking through this and other threads maybe it's not the the show maybe it's me. People here seem to love junk TV Bad Girls Club, Teen Mom, Jersey Shore etc The Real World never used to be that type of show, it pushed gay rights, AID's education, racial  & gender equality etc, it was a program about the story of people going on a personal journey. Don't get me wrong there was always drama but it wasn't the core of the show. So yeah maybe I'm just too old for it now and it's changing into the junk TV freaksow full of desperate people wanting fame and willing to throw their dignity away to get it, which seems to be what the new generation wants.

It's not just you.

Edit - Looking through this and other threads maybe it's not the the show maybe it's me. People here seem to love junk TV Bad Girls Club, Teen Mom, Jersey Shore etc The Real World never used to be that type of show, it pushed gay rights, AID's education, racial  & gender equality etc, it was a program about the story of people going on a personal journey. Don't get me wrong there was always drama but it wasn't the core of the show. So yeah maybe I'm just too old for it now and it's changing into the junk TV freaksow full of desperate people wanting fame and willing to throw their dignity away to get it, which seems to be what the new generation wants.

It's not just you.
