Big Brother 15: Spoilers

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[QUOTE=RMD1;361468]In other news: Gina Marie is more masculine than both Andy and Mccrea combined.[/QUOTE] So is Casey (MTV: Fresh Meat)
I wish BB would come on the loud speaker and say: "McCrea, please wash your hair." Wishful thinking, I suppose.
[QUOTE=RMD1;361467]Aaryn is getting sick. Realizing she is Amanda's puppet.[/QUOTE] Well I hope Aaryn realizes that Amanda is manipulating her and either tries to save Helen who was more loyal to her or alings with Eliza and take Amanda down next week.
[QUOTE=RMD1;361498]I wish BB would come on the loud speaker and say: "McCrea, please wash your hair." Wishful thinking, I suppose.[/QUOTE] I read that in BigBrother's voice. Dead. I about spit up. Solid joke!
God another to dislike about Andy. Hate when HGs pronounce veto like that
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;361528]God another to dislike about Andy. Hate when HGs pronounce veto like that[/QUOTE] Ummmm...okay Regardless--he's right...he should throw it.
Yeah I agree with that, still not a fan of how he and past players have pronounced that word
Smart Elissa... Shut up GM
That was hot Elissa
Amanda needs to cover up her wishes a little better
Wait, why are you guys in the spoiler thread, lol?
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;361541]Wait, why are you guys in the spoiler thread, lol?[/QUOTE] LOL--I was just responding because comments were made--lol
Lol! I hadn't noticed
Aaryn just drank nail polish remover. That can't be good.
[QUOTE=RMD1;361852]Aaryn just drank nail polish remover. That can't be good.[/QUOTE] WTF? Why would she do that?
[QUOTE=Raymond21;361857]WTF? Why would she do that?[/QUOTE] She thought it was her water bottle.
She'll live
Wow, that's dangerous. Hope she's okay. I wonder how she didn't smell the scent before drinking it.
[QUOTE=Legend;361870]Wow, that's dangerous. Hope she's okay. I wonder how she didn't smell the scent before drinking it.[/QUOTE] Her nose is to clogged with Amanda's ****, because her head is so far up her ***.
[QUOTE=RMD1;361873]Her nose is to clogged with Amanda's ****, because her head is so far up her ***.[/QUOTE] Didn't she just yell at Amanda a few days ago and debate putting her up? Aaryn knows what she's doing--it may not work in the end but she's has a plan--that's to sit next to Andy and Amanda seems to be on board most of the time for taking 3 am to final 5
[QUOTE=kvm1977;361880]Didn't she just yell at Amanda a few days ago and debate putting her up? Aaryn knows what she's doing--it may not work in the end but she's has a plan--that's to sit next to Andy and Amanda seems to be on board most of the time for taking 3 am to final 5[/QUOTE] Yup and then she took her place in the house and listened to Amanda. Head inserted into ***. I could see them making final 6. Highly doubt 5. If the chips fall correctly Aaryn will be Gone next week or the week after, depending on who comes back this week. I kind of want Helen to come back, it will be interesting to see Amanda squirm, as much as I like her.
[QUOTE=RMD1;361889]If the chips fall correctly Aaryn will be Gone next week or the week after[/QUOTE] That can be said about anyone other than Andy
[QUOTE=kvm1977;361903]That can be said about anyone other than Andy[/QUOTE] It can be said about anyone at all, but the odds are favoring an Aaryn eviction.
[QUOTE=RMD1;361905]It can be said about anyone at all, but the odds are favoring an Aaryn eviction.[/QUOTE] They aren't...especially when you factor in she's the only legit competitor in the house And the idea that sooner than later people will break up the couple.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;361907]They aren't...especially when you factor in she's the only legit competitor in the house And the idea that sooner than later people will break up the couple.[/QUOTE] The end of the game always comes down to comps. I think Aaryn alone is more dangerous than MCranda.
[QUOTE=RMD1;361910]The end of the game always comes down to comps. I think Aaryn alone is more dangerous than MCranda.[/QUOTE] She is but McCranda correctly believes she's more likely not to nominate them both than Spencer, Gina Marie or Elissa. It will be interesting to see who comes back--although they'll likely just leave immediately anyway
[QUOTE=kvm1977;361915]She is but McCranda correctly believes she's more likely not to nominate them both than Spencer, Gina Marie or Elissa. It will be interesting to see who comes back--although they'll likely just leave immediately anyway[/QUOTE] I don't think that's what they believe at all. They always have conversations about how shady she is. I think Helen or Judd could flip the house and stay for a while.
[QUOTE=RMD1;361918]I don't think that's what they believe at all. They always have conversations about how shady she is. I think Helen or Judd could flip the house and stay for a while.[/QUOTE] I have no idea how you think Judd could flip the house. Helen could if she or Elissa won HOH because they'd put up McCranda. McCrae is fully on board with Aaryn, Andy is fully on board with Aaryn and Amanda is fully on board with Aaryn when she's on her meds. Unless they can find someone to actually replace Aaryn they need her at this point and all 3 of them understand the game well enough to see that.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;361923]I have no idea how you think Judd could flip the house. Helen could if she or Elissa won HOH because they'd put up McCranda. [B]McCrae is fully on board with Aaryn[/B], Andy is fully on board with Aaryn and [B]Amanda is fully on board with Aaryn[/B] when she's on her meds. Unless they can find someone to actually replace Aaryn they need her at this point and all 3 of them understand the game well enough to see that.[/QUOTE] We must be watching a different show. Do you not see how Amanda, Mccrea and Andy are all keeping Spencer so close? Why do you think Amanda wanted Elissa to trust her? The first chance they get to take Aaryn out, they are going to. Like I said, this all depends on who returns.
[QUOTE=RMD1;361927]We must be watching a different show. Do you not see how Amanda, Mccrea and Andy are all keeping Spencer so close? Why do you think Amanda wanted Elissa to trust her? The first chance they get to take Aaryn out, they are going to. Like I said, this all depends on who returns.[/QUOTE] McCrae and Amanda are trying to keep everyone close as everyone should do. I'm sorry but you constantly make too big of a deal over anything you think Aaryn does. I don't know if you just dislike her or want her to leave or what but you're ignoring what they're actually saying when they're alone. They may turn on Aaryn, like the Brigade turned on Matt, but you're creating something that truly isn't there right now. Right now, at this moment, Aaryn's only in trouble if she ends up on the block next to Andy. Notice Aaryn is keeping Spencer and Gina Marie close and she's even trying to be civil with Elissa. That's called game play--it doesn't mean any of them aren't solidly aligned. If I didn't know better I'd say you were just reading updates instead of watching the feeds. And, check the history of returning HGs--usually they die fast...Kaysar & Brendon...James survived 3 weeks by winning an HOH then 2 POVs...
