Real World: San Diego (2011) - Over the Rainbow

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Frank shut up, you're just gonna claim you were joking 5 secs later, relax.
[QUOTE=InfamousJoks;284291]And is it just me, or are they stretching the gay thing over too many episodes? Seriously, move on to the next storyline . CAN SOMEONE GET PREGNANT IN THIS ***** ALREADY?!?[/QUOTE] Can you elaborate on what you mean by the "gay thing"?
Anonymous's picture
This aftershow is going to have exact same argument between Frank/Zach?
[QUOTE=JL81790;284297]Ashley is one of the most boring people I've watched on tv BUT in that dress on the aftershow I agree with assessment of her ***.[/QUOTE] Yeah she's smokin on this aftershow
[QUOTE=InfamousJoks;284295]lol and it's sooooo easy for Frank to talk **** backstage.[/QUOTE] I know right, he's just gonna go out there and be a *****.
[QUOTE=InfamousJoks;284291]And is it just me, or are they stretching the gay thing over too many episodes? Seriously, move on to the next storyline . CAN SOMEONE GET PREGNANT IN THIS ***** ALREADY?!?[/QUOTE] Well its San Diego hello?! I don't object to a pregnancy storyline just as long as it not the Naomi/Leroy and Trishelle/steven bull****.
What would this season be if you take out the gay discussions?
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;284303]Well its San Diego hello?! I don't object to a pregnancy storyline just as long as it not the Naomi/Leroy and Trishelle/steven bull****.[/QUOTE] That crap was lame, but Tami's storyline was friggin awesome.
[QUOTE=jojorules;284300]This aftershow is going to have exact same argument between Frank/Zach?[/QUOTE] I know right? Boooring
[QUOTE=LaneV95;284304]What would this season be if you take out the gay discussions?[/QUOTE] Episode 4. The end.
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Zach means by her being patient with him, she agrees with everything he does/says.
Lol Frank I don't care about you
[QUOTE=jesses_girl;284305]That crap was lame, but Tami's storyline was friggin awesome.[/QUOTE] High-Five is in order. Where's the like button.
Zach almost dropped an F-Bomb?
[QUOTE=JL81790;284297]Ashley is one of the most boring people I've watched on tv BUT in that dress on the aftershow I agree with assessment of her ***.[/QUOTE] Ashley and *** in the same sentence?
Part of me kind of hopes that Zach clocks Frank at the end of the season. Sure it'll look like a hate crime, but Frank is really pissing me off now.
[QUOTE=jojorules;284308]Zach means by her being patient with him, she agrees with everything he does/says.[/QUOTE] Yep. And she so plays up to the fact, too :girl_crazy:
Frank just settin himself up for failure
This entire cast is pits and completely disgusting overall. These people are so boring and I don't know how long I can take this gay vs. straight drama. I'm hoping this entire season isn't like this. Zach is so full of it and Ashley is a puppet.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;284313]Part of me kind of hopes that Zach clocks Frank at the end of the season. Sure it'll look like a hate crime, but Frank is really pissing me off now.[/QUOTE] Lol
Frank made him self look stupid, his voice is so annoying it's unreal lol It sucks that Priscilla and Alexandra aren't gay or "gay haters" lol Will Priscilla even get a story line yet? Like a whole episode and not just a visit to her family?
Frank's being such a hypocrite too. Sam was soooooooo pissed when he didn't want to go to it. He's making up **** now to look good. Also, plus one for a contract reference. I like how Ashley's being ignored by the cast members on stage.
Good comeback Ashley
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I like how Zach/Ashley talk as 1 person when they argue. But you can tell based on what Sam said, throughout the season Zach/Ashley will be away from the group the whole time by themselves. Sam acted like why did you do this than, implying that is how it goes all season. The perfectly scripted line was pretty good. But seriously if all Zach wanted was to have the experience and say he did it, than Ashley was a bonus and he probably is 100 percent satisfied with 0 regrets from the show. He doesn't strike me as a deep thinker either like it crosses his mind ever. Couldn't MTV have just set these two up on a blind date and not casted them? Same result. I am glad they found each other but it doesn't sound like they add much to the show. I am surprised most of the cast seems team Frank so far too. Not sure if it's for a reason or just because Zach irks them. I really am in middle of that fight, both are idiots IMO. More Nate/Priscilla please, or at least some?
Does Ashley have her own initials tattooed into her wrist? I'm not a tattoo person so idk if that's a common thing but that seems strange...are they there in case she forgets?
[QUOTE=JL81790;284322]Does Ashley have her own initials tattooed into her wrist? I'm not a tattoo person so idk if that's a common thing but that seems strange...are they there in case she forgets?[/QUOTE] Maybe. She is so pathetic it's sad.
[QUOTE=JL81790;284322]Does Ashley have her own initials tattooed into her wrist? I'm not a tattoo person so idk if that's a common thing but that seems strange...are they there in case she forgets?[/QUOTE] Hilarious now my face hurts
I don't really pay Frank any mind, he's irritating too.. But no one is irked by Zach's personality at all?
Glad Zach is on this show only reason I tune in. I can't stand Frank he just seems like a big ***** and lashes out at everyone then apologizes like he's ok for doing what he does. So Zach doesn't want to go to gay stuff you can't blame him HE'S STRAIGHT
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;284325]I don't really pay Frank any mind, he's irritating too.. But no one is irked by Zach's personality at all?[/QUOTE] I don't know what to make of him. You can't really root for someone who has said/done some pretty stupid stuff as he has thus far. The same can be said of Frank too. Ashley makes me sick to my stomach. There is nothing more unattractive than not having any level of self-confidence in yourself. It's sad to see anyone act so beholden to someone else. That's not what I would call 'love' on any level. Honestly, the whole lot of them don't seem too bright or likable.
