The Island: MTV - General Discussion

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We're back! Haha. In the span of 5 minutes I saw...1200 online...then 2100 online then 3000 online then a white screen and it has been loading ever p.s. I have it set now to start sending people away at a certain point so if you get that message, just be patient as it will calm down in another hour.
Is it me or did it seem like derrick and abram were flying under the radar this first episode?? And what was with everyone rooting for Kenny during the faceoff??
Dude, that took forever for the website to get back up. KT, I know that nobody knows ho because it is new, but everyone knows that Kenny will be a bigger threat to their position, rather than Tonya. Recap up shortly.
[quote=Bacchus;28675]We're back! Haha. In the span of 5 minutes I saw...1200 online...then 2100 online then 3000 online then a white screen and it has been loading ever[/quote] HAHA I was refreshing like a madman for a little while. Anyway I thought it was an excellent way to start this challenge minus Tonya getting kicked off and seeing whether or the cast can survive TJ's long explanations. I like Johnny and Kenny somewhat but they annoyed me in this episode.
[QUOTE=jayman2582;28676]Is it me or did it seem like derrick and abram were flying under the radar this first episode?? And what was with everyone rooting for Kenny during the faceoff??[/QUOTE] No they were not flying under the radar. It is the edit they received. They were there the same amount of time as everyone else, but stayed quietly to themselves and out of the drama. There is a formula to how these shows are edited. It's very predictable. This episode was not about Derrick and like Dave, Abe will be minimized for other reasons that will soon become obvious.
Yeah, this episode was amazing. Great drama, great rules, hook-ups, and everything needed to make an opening episode great. [B]Thoughts:[/B] Only one elimination happened this episode. Does this mean a long Challenge? Or was there only one because they had to explain rules and introduce the people? I was honestly bothered by how everyone, besides Rachel, were so non-chalant about voting Tonya off. This is shocking, but Johanna got on my nerves this episode!!!!
Godddd I didn't really like Johanna either, I'm not sure what it was but she just got on my nerves. Another shocker, Ev actually didn't make me want to change the channel! Usually I don't like listening/seeing her, but she was pretty good for the first episode andI actually look forward to seeing her throughout the challenge.
Me too. I couldn't help but to find Ev watchable! And when she made that remark about Johnny I had a grin on my face.
J. Bananas: We're "starving for information..." (referring to the rules) Now some of you may appreciate the method in my madness in only feeding you small amounts of game info at a time. I thought it would be fun to make you feel just like the cast did during their first few days. The uncertainty was palpable among the cast. As for Tonya's crying and the panic attack. She takes medicine for a specific condition. It is about as strong as you can take. She gave it to production on the boat before they began the swim to the island. Production refused to give it back to her. If you watch the dailies, you will finally hear a production person say while Tonya is having her attack that she will go get her medicine. It was too late. Did anyone see Dave getting a warm BMP edit tonight. Was Dave even there after the opening credits?
[QUOTE=Dartagnan;28684]Yeah, this episode was amazing. Great drama, great rules, hook-ups, and everything needed to make an opening episode great. [B]Thoughts:[/B] Only one elimination happened this episode. Does this mean a long Challenge? Or was there only one because they had to explain rules and introduce the people? I was honestly bothered by how everyone, besides Rachel, were so non-chalant about voting Tonya off. This is shocking, but Johanna got on my nerves this episode!!!![/QUOTE] There are currently 8 episodes scheduled, all are an hour
[quote=V1man;28690] Did anyone see Dave getting a warm BMP edit tonight. Was Dave even there after the opening credits?[/quote] I didn't see him, lol.
[QUOTE=V1man;28690]J. Bananas: We're "starving for information..." (referring to the rules) Now some of you may appreciate the method in my madness in only feeding you small amounts of game info at a time. I thought it would be fun to make you feel just like the cast did during their first few days. The uncertainty was palpable among the cast. As for Tonya's crying and the panic attack. She takes medicine for a specific condition. It is about as strong as you can take. She gave it to production on the boat before they began the swim to the island. Production refused to give it back to her. If you watch the dailies, you will finally hear a production person say while Tonya is having her attack that she will go get her medicine. It was too late. Did anyone see Dave getting a warm BMP edit tonight. Was Dave even there after the opening credits?[/QUOTE] That shit is so ***ked up
[QUOTE=Morris1721;28685]Godddd I didn't really like Johanna either, I'm not sure what it was but she just got on my nerves. Another shocker, Ev actually didn't make me want to change the channel! Usually I don't like listening/seeing her, but she was pretty good for the first episode andI actually look forward to seeing her throughout the challenge.[/QUOTE] Eve has run from the cameras and production in the past. Not this time. She actually is very funny and on this challenge you will see the continuing results of her proactive engagement with the crew rather than them catching her on-the-fly in the heat of one battle or another. I'm proud of her adjustment to the environment. My only remaining hope is that someone steals that visor and we never see it again.
[quote=V1man;28691]There are currently 8 episodes scheduled, all are an hour[/quote] Thanks for the info V1. Yeah, I watched the daily where Tonya had a panic attack and they were talking about medication, so I knew there was something edited out. I didn't see Dave at all after the 5 words he was allowed to say on the boat.
[quote=V1man;28690]As for Tonya's crying and the panic attack. She takes medicine for a specific condition. It is about as strong as you can take. She gave it to production on the boat before they began the swim to the island. Production refused to give it back to her. If you watch the dailies, you will finally hear a production person say while Tonya is having her attack that she will go get her medicine. It was too late. [/quote] that's ***king horrible. i hope that they're somehow made to take responsibility for that decision. i mean.. i know their ethics are questionable at best to begin with, but withholding someone's medication? that seems like something that they should face legal repurcussions for.
[quote=maybeshesright;28696]that's ***king horrible. i hope that they're somehow made to take responsibility for that decision. i mean.. i know their ethics are questionable at best to begin with, but withholding someone's medication? that seems like something that they should face legal repurcussions for.[/quote] I agree. Taking sombody's medication from them is terrible. Especially, if needed. I can't believe the mistreatment of Tonya this episode. It never stops with her and I feel bad.
[QUOTE=maybeshesright;28696]that's ***king horrible. i hope that they're somehow made to take responsibility for that decision. i mean.. i know their ethics are questionable at best to begin with, but withholding someone's medication? that seems like something that they should face legal repercussions for.[/QUOTE] Well, if I were her doc, and I had sent all her medical info to BMP as required by the cast contract, I'd be wondering if anyone competent on the other end had reviewed the medical info, and if the executive producer was advised by competent medical and legal minds. I'd be wondering about the process for filing grievance with the State of California's medical licensing body.
You know what interesting twist on the rules I like, but dislike as well. I like how friends could give somebody else a key, but I dislike it, because now it becomes a popularity contest.
[QUOTE=Dartagnan;28701]You know what interesting twist on the rules I like, but dislike as well. I like how friends could give somebody else a key, but I dislike it, because now it becomes a popularity contest.[/QUOTE] and for some reason i just absolutely do not understand, kenny wins the popularity among castmates. And johnny playing kenny's mini me kind of discusts me. I would have wished derrick to stay away from those two.. But you get the general consensus that everyone is afraid to get on kenny's bad side cuz he's the most popular. You heard derrick and ev admit as much
[quote=Dartagnan;28701]You know what interesting twist on the rules I like, but dislike as well. I like how friends could give somebody else a key, but I dislike it, because now it becomes a popularity contest.[/quote] Every challenge turns into a popularity contest at some point. All reality shows do. People see it as the only way they can survive.
I agree that it is always going to be a popularity contest, but I think by giving them that power, they have made it into way more of a popularity game than a social strategy game if that makes sense.
[QUOTE=Unoriginator;28661]Johnny Mosley was the host before TJ. haha, can't believe I remember that.[/QUOTE] Dave Mirra was also a series host.
I would totally be hiring V1 if I was Tonya. Seriously, I work with individuals with serious MH problems, and those type of medications are horrible to stop cold turkey!!! Especially if it's a high dose, and many medications for panic disorders cause seizures, higher and more intense feelings of anxiety, and risk of suicidal behavior.
Anonymous's picture
I really didn't care for the show. I don't know if it's because I'm not a huge survivor fan, so the format wasn't for me... or if I know too much about the outcome. I don't think the cast is great either. I dont know who most of these kids are.. and the ones I know, I don't like. lol (with exception of Derrick) I've never seen Johanna sooo annoying. I sincerely hope this love bird act ends soon. It's obnoxious and very clearly fake. Now, I need to rewatch the video so I can refresh my memory and complain some more. :)
[quote=Bacchus;28692]I didn't see him, lol.[/quote] He was there during the elimination vote!
[quote=Jimmy;28735]He was there during the elimination vote![/quote] You sure that wasn't just a cardboard stand in? ;)
[quote=Bacchus;28736]You sure that wasn't just a cardboard stand in? ;)[/quote] 6 to 1 1/2 dozen to the other lol
I do know one thing.. I'm getting a little tired of seeing Dan's butt crack and we've only been through the first episode!
[quote=Jimmy;28735]He was there during the elimination vote![/quote] He was like that extra in a movie that only gets a few lines then dies. I felt bad for Tonya, she got the shaft and was sent home way too early. Honestly, no offense against her, Ashli should have gone in but hey it was nice to see some newbies band together somewhat even though Tonya was pretty much the target beforehand for some people.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=GoldenWarrior;28740]He was like that extra in a movie that only gets a few lines then dies. I felt bad for Tonya, she got the shaft and was sent home way too early. Honestly, no offense against her, Ashli should have gone in but hey it was nice to see some newbies band together somewhat even though Tonya was pretty much the target beforehand for some people.[/quote] You're right. Tonya was pretty much targeted by almost everyone. Kenny very obviously had it in for her immediately. His little buddies were going to go along with him.. I think the newbies were sorta in the "afraid of kenny" boat too. As I've said many times before, I'm not a fan of Tonya..... but I did feel for her last night. That panic attack looked awful. She didn't need that on top of the "retard" harrassment and being ganged up on. I would have already called for my mommy. lol
