The Island: MTV - General Discussion

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This season is lacking the drama queens & hotheads that used to rock the casbah-- it's just a bunch of attention ****** obviously fighting for airtime. I don't blame Dave for leaving man, he seemed an island of his own--could be editing I suppose. That would suck though being the new kid and not even having anyone from his season to have his back. I never used to mind John or Paula, but these Key West kids are really turning into **********... You can tell who think's they're hot shit from doing these shows, and it's mostly the cold diahrrea of the cast... For the first time I could stand Abram, and I think that it's because you can tell he's grown up a lot since Road Rules. Same thing with Derrick... Oh, and I think I know what the next challenge is going to be-- 20 castmembers on one island, one has an STD and the last to get it wins (in more ways than one)...
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[quote=Dartagnan;29779]I know. I felt kinda weird because I know that wasn't the Johanna we have seen. She doesn't really need to be so mean and nasty to win. She has the social aspect and strength, intelligence to make it. Kinda sucks to see that her edit will most likely stay this way because of her alignment with Paula, Johnny, and Kenny.[/quote] This really IS Johanna though. These are her friends. They aren't all that bad in reality. I don't agree with the way they play the game in most cases... but in general they aren't so bad. Not everyone that likes Paula, Johnny, or Kenny is automatically a D-bag. ;) I think the fact that Jo didn't rip nasty Robin to shreds when she made those comments in the dailies proves that she's strong. I probably would have called a ***** a ***** and blasted her on camera. Jo didn't need to do that.
[QUOTE=burdette;29797]This season is lacking the drama queens & hotheads that used to rock the casbah-- it's just a bunch of attention ****** obviously fighting for airtime. I don't blame Dave for leaving man, he seemed an island of his own--could be editing I suppose. That would suck though being the new kid and not even having anyone from his season to have his back. I never used to mind John or Paula, but these Key West kids are really turning into **********... You can tell who think's they're hot shit from doing these shows, and it's mostly the cold diahrrea of the cast... For the first time I could stand Abram, and I think that it's because you can tell he's grown up a lot since Road Rules. Same thing with Derrick... Oh, and I think I know what the next challenge is going to be-- 20 castmembers on one island, one has an STD and the last to get it wins (in more ways than one)...[/QUOTE] :biggrin: at your description of the next challenge... You may be on to something:laugh2:
[quote=Moonpaw;29757]I just don't understand how any self-respecting woman (but I guess that's the problem, isn't it?) could ever vote to keep Johnny on the island. He's a misogynistic pig, and I can't believe that none of them realize that he'll be far more biased against them than Abram ever would be. I'm so glad that KA straight up told Johnny to his face that she didn't like him and that's why she wanted him off. I wish more people would have done that. And he's such a hypocrite, calling everyone cowards for wanting to vote him off, and then telling them that there's "no hard feelings" if they do. It's like him and Tyler on The Duel all over again. Sure, he said it was okay and acted cool, but then look at what happened on The Gauntlet III. Yeah, I hate Johnny. And I really wish Ev would just act on her impulse to gut him like a fish. And then steal his key.[/quote] I am sure that after watching last nights episode the girls realized that they had made a major mistake not voting Johnny off!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the guy is a ******. i wish we coulda seen him wrestle derreck that woulda been a good battle but i think abram would have taken it. i know the castmembers dont like dave for quitting, but what does everyone think of abram? was the girl he was talking about on the show still coral? and anyone know if his buisness prospered?
did anyone else notice how he won the first challenge of every show hes been on 4 times in a row? BOTS 2= the hanging thing inferno2= him and derreck won the sand torture inferno 3= the ladder race island= beat kenny and tonya oh and wheres cameran? she ever gonna do another challenge?
[quote=Insider;29803]This really IS Johanna though. These are her friends. They aren't all that bad in reality. I don't agree with the way they play the game in most cases... but in general they aren't so bad. Not everyone that likes Paula, Johnny, or Kenny is automatically a D-bag. ;) I think the fact that Jo didn't rip nasty Robin to shreds when she made those comments in the dailies proves that she's strong. I probably would have called a ***** a ***** and blasted her on camera. Jo didn't need to do that.[/quote] I get what you are saying, but watch Fresh Meat and The Gauntlet 3. She was not this way at all around them. Even on Austin. But she aligns herself with Paula, Johnny, and Kenny and is all of the sudden so rude. I'm not saying her being friends with them makes her that way because she was friends with them before, but her actions have definitely changed being around them. I personally thought it was funny what she said. Not in a rude way, but kinda funny because in some cases it is true.
I am really disgusted with Johanna in this season and no matter how you feel about Robin, you can't deny that what she says to her is entirely true. Johanna seems like that undercover, behind the scenes ***** that will align herself with the big and strong and do anything (literally) to secure her place on the boat. I mean common, he whole ordeal with Kenny is very all happens too quickly to be natural and the immense sexuality that she throws his way kinda leads me to think that she is using it to hook him... I really hope her, Kenny and Johnny eventually get kicked off because they really don't deserve it!!! The newbies have to get smarter at playing this game and start forming alliances. Everything about this is strategy and unfortunately I'd hate to see such a ******* as Johnny make it to the end...
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Dartagnan;29893]I get what you are saying, but watch Fresh Meat and The Gauntlet 3. She was not this way at all around them. Even on Austin. But she aligns herself with Paula, Johnny, and Kenny and is all of the sudden so rude. I'm not saying her being friends with them makes her that way because she was friends with them before, but her actions have definitely changed being around them. I personally thought it was funny what she said. Not in a rude way, but kinda funny because in some cases it is true.[/quote] What did she say that was rude? I have the Robin argument from Dailies stuck in my head... lol I can't remember much else of her right now. I think it might be because she's single.. I dunno. Johanna was a bit of a party girl on RW wasnt she? It's been so long and I wasnt a big fan of hers.. so I don't really remember. It could be that I fealt negatively about her at the time.. but I remember her being sort of a ***** to Wes on the show...
[quote=Insider;29906]What did she say that was rude? I have the Robin argument from Dailies stuck in my head... lol I can't remember much else of her right now. I think it might be because she's single.. I dunno. Johanna was a bit of a party girl on RW wasnt she? It's been so long and I wasnt a big fan of hers.. so I don't really remember. It could be that I fealt negatively about her at the time.. but I remember her being sort of a ***** to Wes on the show...[/quote] I mean she did say very nasty things during the Robin argument. I just thought this episode brought out a new side to a lot of the people.
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[quote=Dartagnan;29920]I mean she did say very nasty things during the Robin argument. I just thought this episode brought out a new side to a lot of the people.[/quote] Oh ok. I just wasnt sure if it was the same conversation. Yes.. she did say some nasty things to Robin... Is this like the most controversial hook up in the history of the challenges or what?
can someone link me to the daily in question??? did shit go down that they didnt show??? I'm not gonna lie...this season is pretty terrible. It's so mock-Survivor its sad. Almost every single cast member is an attention *****....even worse so than G3. I'll prolly watch it til the end, just so I can mock it and chat with you all though haha it's just NOT good television. at ALL.
Totally agree. I will watch it of course but i absolutely hate this season, i dont like the survivor set up at all. I want a battle of the sexes back!
[quote=MASSHOLE;29720]I'd love to see somebody make him their Davis Mallory on a show just once.[/quote] What the f*** is that supposed to mean??? and who is this jerk??
So how have to ratings been for this show so far??
whats up Vevmo I'm baaack! My apologies to Bacchus and V1 and everybody, I have been proven wrong...The Island is turning out to be real interesting and in no way sucks (unless Derrick doesn't win, then you're going to see a pissed off Nemesis). I am trying to stay away from the spoilers so I don't know who'll keep me watching for sure. A few beginning observations... 1. What the hell happened to Johanna? its like she is a completely different person! 2. Same thing with Ev, but in a positive way...I almost like her on this challenge (love the Johnny "gut him like a fish" comment lol) 3. Poor Tonya 4. Dunbar rules! 5. When/will Cohutta go home? I absolutely hate that voice 6. Never mess with bees...ouch! 7. ******* Johnny losing the ring match to Derrick will probably be the hilite of the season for me...woohoo go D! Ok I think I'm all caught up on posting now!
[quote=Unoriginator;29735]I liked the comment Rachel made to Kenny when Kenny said "We gotta get rid of the newbies". I'm sure it made all the Kenny/Fresh Meat haters laugh as well.[/quote] you're right I forgot about that one...I just didnt know who said it. Go Rachel!!! Priceless
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[quote=iamnemesis666;29996] 2. Same thing with Ev, but in a positive way...I almost like her on this challenge (love the Johnny "gut him like a fish" comment lol) [/quote] I know, I am becoming more of a fan of Evelyn too. But, as a woman, I think we need to have her a "visor intervention".... ;) J/K....and I mean that in a nice way!!! :D
[quote=iamnemesis666;29993]What the f*** is that supposed to mean??? and who is this jerk??[/quote] Not sure, but we sent him on his way. ;)
[quote=iamnemesis666;29996]whats up Vevmo I'm baaack! My apologies to Bacchus and V1 and everybody, I have been proven wrong...The Island is turning out to be real interesting and in no way sucks (unless Derrick doesn't win, then you're going to see a pissed off Nemesis). I am trying to stay away from the spoilers so I don't know who'll keep me watching for sure. A few beginning observations... 1. What the hell happened to Johanna? its like she is a completely different person! 2. Same thing with Ev, but in a positive way...I almost like her on this challenge (love the Johnny "gut him like a fish" comment lol) 3. Poor Tonya 4. Dunbar rules! 5. When/will Cohutta go home? I absolutely hate that voice 6. Never mess with bees...ouch! 7. ******* Johnny losing the ring match to Derrick will probably be the hilite of the season for me...woohoo go D! Ok I think I'm all caught up on posting now![/quote] Welcome back Nemissis!! I agree with you on so many things...Like Derrick I really want to see him win! I do think though that it is a matter of time before Dunbars starts losing it, and freaking out! Ev is growing on me so much more than she did on G3, but she got a pretty sh*tty edit from what we were told! I do disagree on Cohutta though I love the accent, and he is just a good ole boy:)
[quote=Bacchus;30008]Not sure, but we sent him on his way. ;)[/quote] woohoo Bacchus ur my hero...wanna get married?? its legal in California and Massachusetts! lmao j/k
[quote=iamnemesis666;30015]woohoo Bacchus ur my hero...wanna get married??[/quote] Hmm, that's not much of a proposal. I always pictured it being a bit more grandiose in nature. ;)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;30020]Hmm, that's not much of a proposal. I always pictured it being a bit more grandiose in nature. ;)[/QUOTE] something like what real did for hoops on ILM?
[quote=hpkhg45;30023]something like what real did for hoops on ILM?[/quote] no way that was completely whack!
[QUOTE=LilysMom;30027]no way that was completely whack![/QUOTE] The off camera stuff of Brandi C and Megan macking which happened at the same time was much more fun.
[quote=V1man;30029]The off camera stuff of Brandi C and Megan macking which happened at the same time was much more fun.[/quote] And a lot more people would have wanted to see this, rather than real being unreal!!! Bring on the Brandi and megan please?
[QUOTE=LilysMom;30045]And a lot more people would have wanted to see this, rather than real being unreal!!! Bring on the Brandi and megan please?[/QUOTE] You asked for it and we deliver... Scroll down the page at the following link to see the pictures. [url=]Megan and Brandi C kiss and makeout on I Love Money | - Where smart people dumb down![/url] (You will probably need to shower after visiting the above website.)
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;30047]You asked for it and we deliver... Scroll down the page at the following link to see the pictures. [URL=""]Megan and Brandi C kiss and makeout on I Love Money | - Where smart people dumb down![/URL] (You will probably need to shower after visiting the above website.)[/quote] oh gross.
Anonymous's picture
I can't see it at work....and that's probably a good thing.
[QUOTE=Insider;30048]oh gross.[/QUOTE] FYI -- It's not real. They were doing it to distract the camerman.
