The Island: MTV - General Discussion

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[quote=Insider;28732]I really didn't care for the show. I don't know if it's because I'm not a huge survivor fan, so the format wasn't for me... or if I know too much about the outcome. I don't think the cast is great either. I dont know who most of these kids are.. and the ones I know, I don't like. lol (with exception of Derrick)[/quote] What about Kenny? I thought you liked Kenny... :) [quote]I've never seen Johanna sooo annoying. I sincerely hope this love bird act ends soon. It's obnoxious and very clearly fake. [/quote]I think I must be the only one who didn't find Johanna annoying... She just came across as drunk. I too hope this love bird act ends soon, but for different reasons. :) Now, the way Kenny was throwing and pushing Johanna around (as seen on the dailies site too) was completely appalling to me. I don't care how much you're trying to flirt, you don't push women around like that when you're a full grown man. This isn't kindergarten; we don't need to shove our crushes to get attention.
[quote=needsalife;28730]I would totally be hiring V1 if I was Tonya. Seriously, I work with individuals with serious MH problems, and those type of medications are horrible to stop cold turkey!!! Especially if it's a high dose, and many medications for panic disorders cause seizures, higher and more intense feelings of anxiety, and risk of suicidal behavior.[/quote] I've had a couple of panic attacks before and I can't imagine being in Tonya's shoes and knowing that the only thing that keeps me from having panic attacks has been withheld from me despite doctors orders. I find it completely disgusting and repulsive that there are people in this world who would do such a thing. AHEM, BMP a big ***k you goes out to you!
Anonymous's picture
[quote=killer_tofu;28742]What about Kenny? I thought you liked Kenny... :) [/quote] I like Kenny on a personal level. (most days lol) I also really like his family. He's not my favorite challenge player. I've always said that I prefer Derrick or Brad... and Katie... [quote=killer_tofu;28742]I think I must be the only one who didn't find Johanna annoying... She just came across as drunk. I too hope this love bird act ends soon, but for different reasons. :) Now, the way Kenny was throwing and pushing Johanna around (as seen on the dailies site too) was completely appalling to me. I don't care how much you're trying to flirt, you don't push women around like that when you're a full grown man. This isn't kindergarten; we don't need to shove our crushes to get attention.[/quote] Johanna obviously enjoyed the way he pushed her around. Some girls like it rough.. lol Who am I to judge? I think I wouldn't mind being shoved down on a bed... :shifty: I dunno about the wet sand..
[quote=Insider;28745]I like Kenny on a personal level. (most days lol) I also really like his family. He's not my favorite challenge player. I've always said that I prefer Derrick or Brad... and Katie... Johanna obviously enjoyed the way he pushed her around. Some girls like it rough.. lol Who am I to judge? I think I wouldn't mind being shoved down on a bed... :shifty: I dunno about the wet sand..[/quote] Yeah but there is a big difference between being thrown down on a bed (or hell even the wet sand) because someone is about to pounce you (haha) and someone pushing you and flinging you in the opposite direction. The context just didn't seem appropriate to me. I think she was "enjoying" it because she was drunk and didn't fully realize what was going on.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=killer_tofu;28750]Yeah but there is a big difference between being thrown down on a bed (or hell even the wet sand) because someone is about to pounce you (haha) and someone pushing you and flinging you in the opposite direction. The context just didn't seem appropriate to me. I think she was "enjoying" it because she was drunk and didn't fully realize what was going on.[/quote] I think they were both a little out of it. There is def a fine line between "rough" and rough. Johanna and Kenny had a "relationship" outside of this challenge. She def knows what to expect out of him. They're just friends playing around. This is a little off subject.. but I'm going to rant for a minute. I'm completely tired of women who drink and act all ****** like.. then sober up and say... "He shouldn't have done that". (not that Johanna did that. She seemed more than pleased with her experience.) Guess what.. he was drunk too. It goes both ways. You shouldn't have gotten sloshed and took all your clothes off... and maybe he wouldnt have thrown you down in the sand.. LOL.. ok... sorry. Point made.. I'll stop.
[quote=Insider;28751]I think they were both a little out of it. There is def a fine line between "rough" and rough. Johanna and Kenny had a "relationship" outside of this challenge. She def knows what to expect out of him. They're just friends playing around.[/quote] I fully agree Insider. It was harmless. Someone is being waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay oversensitive.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;28752]I fully agree Insider. It was harmless. Someone is being waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay oversensitive.[/QUOTE] LMAO Well you guys have pretty much said all I wanted to say...damn vevmo for going down while I was trying to get on!! Damn lurkers taking up all the space, LOL. :D
[quote=Bacchus;28752]I fully agree Insider. It was harmless. Someone is being waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay oversensitive.[/quote] Haha, whatever... Anyway, I guess I'll give up... I just know that if I was thrown around, I would want the person coming after me when he threw me! haha Just pushing me/throwing me for the hell of it, doesn't do it for me.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=killer_tofu;28755]Haha, whatever... Anyway, I guess I'll give up... I just know that if I was thrown around, I would want the person coming after me when he threw me! haha Just pushing me/throwing me for the hell of it, doesn't do it for me.[/quote] I'll make sure Kenny knows you're off limits.. lol
[quote=Insider;28757]I'll make sure Kenny knows you're off limits.. lol[/quote] Hahaha... Ok. I have no problems with that!
Anonymous's picture
[quote=killer_tofu;28758]Hahaha... Ok. I have no problems with that![/quote] Unless of course... you'd like to take a "walk on the sun" :puke: (sounds like it would burn my feet... not interested)
[quote=Insider;28759]Unless of course... you'd like to take a "walk on the sun" :puke:[/quote] Hahahaha... That line was so pathetic. I meant to say something about it, but completely forgot! What is wrong with him!? [SIZE=1] (P.S. Just to make myself extra clear, all I'm saying is Kenny should've gone after her after he pushed Johanna away! Dont just push her away, jump her bones damnit! hehe)[/SIZE]
Anonymous's picture
[quote=killer_tofu;28762] [SIZE=1](P.S. Just to make myself extra clear, all I'm saying is Kenny should've gone after her after he pushed Johanna away! Dont just push her away, jump her bones damnit! hehe)[/SIZE][/quote] I agree. Dont let her drown for Pete's sake!
[QUOTE=Insider;28757]I'll make sure Kenny knows you're off limits.. lol[/QUOTE] Are you suggesting that Kenny has boundaries? Someday I'll open the "Girls Gone Wild" vault and tell you some stories that might convince you otherwise.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;28764]Are you suggesting that Kenny has boundaries? Someday I'll open the "Girls Gone Wild" vault and tell you some stories that might convince you otherwise.[/quote] lol Ooooooh no. I get it. TRUST ME. again off topic.. but that Girls Gone Wild creator should be shot. He's disgusting. Girls who are stupid and of age are one thing.. but getting underage girls drunk is just wrong. (note: the drunk thing doesnt apply here because they are underage.)
I love how this first episode kinda dissolved most speculation we all have had going on since june...Pretty crazy though how much info we all got and solved through one little trailer....i also like how theres NO 'challenges' but there are 'face-offs'
I wish kenny would push me around like that! Those scenes, especially the beach ones, were so hot. [SIZE=1]sorry, small crush on kenny here![/SIZE]
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Prinycesa07;28777]I wish kenny would push me around like that! Those scenes, especially the beach ones, were so hot. [SIZE=1]sorry, small crush on kenny here![/SIZE][/quote] Oh no, oh no, oh no you didn't.....:rolleyes: (sorry, I know, diff'rent strokes....)
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Prinycesa07;28777]I wish kenny would push me around like that! Those scenes, especially the beach ones, were so hot. [SIZE=1]sorry, small crush on kenny here![/SIZE][/quote] eh. I'd rather be pushed around by Derrick. (i know, he's married. ::sob:: )
Gonna pry myself away from work for a minute and post a couple random thoughts from what I remember of last nights premiere - Before last night I was prepared to defend Kenny and Johnny - I think they're both alright. Don't love them or hate them. I can certainly see how some people would find them annoying. To me it seems that Kenny is always playing to the cameras in his attempt to be funny. I was thinking he would dial it down a bit without his girlfriend (Evan) there with him - nope - still the same Kenny. Sure he can be funny but the way he seems to ham it up whenever the camera is on him is annoying. Not sure why the rest of the cast consider a Fresh Meat guy to now be a default Alpha Male now. (IMO someone like Derrick who has been there, a competitor, someone likable and respectable should be seen as that Alpha Male but it seems like people overlook him because he is a "little guy" and also because he is a nice guy) Back to Kenny - I just can't muster any love or hatred for the guy, same thing with Johnny. Maybe that'll change over the course of the season. Like I said earlier - I love Tonya. I hate seeing her ganged up on and seeing her go first. I understand it though. She is always going to have the "crazy" stigma. Vets and newbis will always look at her as weak and want to pick her up. Hearing the issue with her medication sickens me. I hope BMP is called to the carpet on that one. She looked like she put on a little weight - not saying that as a bad thing - just something I noticed. Wonder if its related to the medication. Derrick - made some points about him above. The more challenges he's on the more I like him. TJ - still can't muster anything beyond indifference to him. One thing I was wondering though is hwo the monotoned, stoner one is able to memorize all those confusing rules. I would assumer he would need cue cards for that but don't imagine a PA holding them up for him or how many times it would take him to read them. Maybe he has some cuper cool new technology enhanced teleprompter on his sunglasses. Rachel - that mucle pose in the intro was gross - just my opinion. Loved the edit of Cohutta talking about how great KA is then cut to her puking. Like others I noticed Dave's edit. Thought it was pretty funny. The tough talk from Tyrie would be more believable if he ever accomplished something in a challenge beyond lasting a day or two. Thats about all off the top of my head. Looking forward to the rest of the season. edit - Oh yeah - I know we're supposed to see a different Ev this season but so far she still annoys me. Others thought the "gut him like a fish" comment was funny, I just had to roll my eyes. I know she's pretty much the toughest, most athletic of the females castmembers but sometimes I think she ups the testosterone level to the males castmembers level and starts to believe her own hype. Just my opinion though
[QUOTE=El Rey;28784]Gonna pry myself away from work for a minute and post a couple random thoughts from what I remember of last nights premiere - Before last night I was prepared to defend Kenny and Johnny - I think they're both alright. Don't love them or hate them. I can certainly see how some people would find them annoying. To me it seems that Kenny is always playing to the cameras in his attempt to be funny. I was thinking he would dial it down a bit without his girlfriend (Evan) there with him - nope - still the same Kenny. Sure he can be funny but the way he seems to ham it up whenever the camera is on him is annoying. Not sure why the rest of the cast consider a Fresh Meat guy to now be a default Alpha Male now. (IMO someone like Derrick who has been there, a competitor, someone likable and respectable should be seen as that Alpha Male but it seems like people overlook him because he is a "little guy" and also because he is a nice guy) Back to Kenny - I just can't muster any love or hatred for the guy, same thing with Johnny. Maybe that'll change over the course of the season. Like I said earlier - I love Tonya. I hate seeing her ganged up on and seeing her go first. I understand it though. She is always going to have the "crazy" stigma. Vets and newbis will always look at her as weak and want to pick her up. Hearing the issue with her medication sickens me. I hope BMP is called to the carpet on that one. She looked like she put on a little weight - not saying that as a bad thing - just something I noticed. Wonder if its related to the medication. Derrick - made some points about him above. The more challenges he's on the more I like him. TJ - still can't muster anything beyond indifference to him. One thing I was wondering though is hwo the monotoned, stoner one is able to memorize all those confusing rules. I would assumer he would need cue cards for that but don't imagine a PA holding them up for him or how many times it would take him to read them. Maybe he has some cuper cool new technology enhanced teleprompter on his sunglasses. Rachel - that mucle pose in the intro was gross - just my opinion. Loved the edit of Cohutta talking about how great KA is then cut to her puking. Like others I noticed Dave's edit. Thought it was pretty funny. The tough talk from Tyrie would be more believable if he ever accomplished something in a challenge beyond lasting a day or two. Thats about all off the top of my head. Looking forward to the rest of the season.[/QUOTE] Superb insight (mostly because I agree with you)! Tonya did put on weight in the days just before the challenge. She is a good friend of Parvati (winner of Survivor, Cook Islands) and took Parv's advice about bulking up for the "Survivor style" stuff. If T had lasted longer, you would have seen her drop the weight over the month on the island. She is back to her normal 115 lbs. By the end of the season, you will be sick of seeing people's rib cages so exposed.
Why does everyone love derrick so much?? I don't dislike him tho.. I think him and abe should take that alpha male slot from kenny and bannanas.. but derrick seems intimidated by the two which i didnt think was like him.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;28786] By the end of the season, you will be sick of seeing people's rib cages so exposed.[/quote] When so many are already almost there...
[quote=jayman2582;28788]Why does everyone love derrick so much?? I don't dislike him tho.. I think him and abe should take that alpha male slot from kenny and bannanas.. but derrick seems intimidated by the two which i didnt think was like him.[/quote] I think Derrick has shown time and again that he is not intimidated by anyone. the guy just doesn't quit. Time after time he has shown heart and character. A true competitor. I think if he comes across as timid to you - its just the edit. I think history shows the most normal and stable of the cast get the least amount of screen time as there is no drama to present the viewer. [quote=OtherPplsDrama;28789]When so many are already almost there...[/quote] Word. Look I am a guy so I am pre-disposed to love teh ******* but a lot of the gals who have gotten **** jobs since their seasons got them too big for their frames. Paula looks like she's hiding bowling balls. KA looks hot but her new set look like a size or two too big. Not trying to sound **** obsessed or anything - just an observation made when the gals are in bikini tops the whole show. KA already looks like she'll be the quickest to show of her ribcage. Never thought of the bulking up strategy - pretty smart. Just wish Tonya could've been around long enough to see it work.
I hope Rachel can prevent herself from being a ***ktard, like she usually is. Yeah, I think Tonya gets a bad edit and bad rep for unfair reasons. I felt bad for her too.
Am I the only one who thinks that Kelly Anne is looking AMAZING...when Cohutta was dusting all the sand off of her, I was in Awe...she is so toned and muscular even though she is so tiny. V1 if you can find out for me, I would love to know what her training routine was leading up to the challenge.
[quote=stacee_danielle;28799]Am I the only one who thinks that Kelly Anne is looking AMAZING...when Cohutta was dusting all the sand off of her, I was in Awe...she is so toned and muscular even though she is so tiny. V1 if you can find out for me, I would love to know what her training routine was leading up to the challenge.[/quote] If you are talkiing about viewing her from behind, then I would have to agree
Anonymous's picture
argh at this episode /not saying anything personal
Kelly Anne puking was GROSSSSSSSSSSSS. Can't these kids hold their alcohol by NOW!?!?!?!?!
[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;28803]Kelly Anne puking was GROSSSSSSSSSSSS. Can't these kids hold their alcohol by NOW!?!?!?!?![/QUOTE] LOL, no I agree the puking was nasty, but also funny as hell, LOL. But for real she is in great shape muscle wise.
