The Island: MTV - General Discussion

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The Island: MTV - General Discussion


The Real World Road Rules Challenge Premieres tonight and I think we need a fresh place to talk about the episodes between the recaps (which Dartagnan will be doing for us this season.) So if you want to talk about what is happening while you watch or what has happened, this is the place to do that until an episode specific thread is created. If you want to talk about The Island Dallies or Spoilers, head over here.

Anonymous's picture
Go Johanna!!!!!
I can't tell who the brunette all the way to the left is in those first two linked pics? (edit - is that Colie? If so she's looking pretty hot in those pics. Did she get new ***** too?) I almost didn't recognize Paula - forgot about the new ***** and looks like she put on a little weight which in her case is a good thing Ev looks like the victim of bad photshop in those pics specifically the way her head and neck sit on the rest of her body. And would it kill her to go just once without those damn visors? Edit - one last new **** note - KelliAnne looks smokin hot with the new rack.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=El Rey;28504]I can't tell who the brunette all the way to the left is in those first two linked pics? [/quote] Colie from RW: Denver
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;28505]Colie from RW: Denver[/quote] I must've just realized that when you responded. I never thoght much of her, other than grating, during the Denver season but that pic certainly caught my attention.
30 minutes until lift off! I can't wait! I have a feeling that this first episode is going to be a good one!
[quote=Phoenix;28611]30 minutes until lift off! I can't wait! I have a feeling that this first episode is going to be a good one![/quote] I agree. I swear, I don't think I have ever been so anticipated for a show for like 5 years. Although, Gauntlet 3 had me excited because Brooke, Katie, Beth, Coral, were all on it. [spoiler]I can't wait for my 50 dollars i get for knowing Tonya was the first one out.[/spoiler] Hahaha. Thank you V1 and Bacchus for those amazing spoilers.
Anonymous's picture
are we there yet?
[quote=Dartagnan;28612]Hahaha. Thank you V1 and Bacchus for those amazing spoilers.[/quote] Dart, I totally just LOL'd at that. Cheating your Friends/Family, eh? I'm very excited for this. Thanks to everyone who contributed to Spoilers and Info pre-challenge. I have a feeling this one is going to be good. :)
[quote=Akarah;28618]Dart, I totally just LOL'd at that. Cheating your Friends/Family, eh? I'm very excited for this. Thanks to everyone who contributed to Spoilers and Info pre-challenge. I have a feeling this one is going to be good. :)[/quote] Hahaha, well me and my cousin made bets and whoever was right got 20 dollars out of that bet. We had a period of time where we made our guesses, but it was so early on that we decided to change. So by then I had just found out Tonya was the first out. And then I changed my final ten to Dan, Ryan, Dunbar, Derrick, Johnny, Kenny, Paula, Robin, Johanna, and Jenn. So technically only cheated on 1. es, but i think we all owe Bacchus and V1 a big thank you for giving us spoilers, hints, and keeping us racking our brains since June.:wacko2:
I am a horrible wife. I asked my husband to not come to bed until 11 because I am in bed waiting for The Island. But he hates reality tv and makes fun of it the whole time. Totally ruins it!
Anonymous's picture
[quote=needsalife;28620]I am a horrible wife. I asked my husband to not come to bed until 11 because I am in bed waiting for The Island. But he hates reality tv and makes fun of it the whole time. Totally ruins it![/quote] lmao!! That's great. I make my bf watch it with me. Unfortuntately... we're states apart right now. :(
[quote=Insider;28623]lmao!! That's great. I make my bf watch it with me. Unfortuntately... we're states apart right now. :([/quote] Making him watch an episode of the Bad Girls Club was the straw that broke the camels back. And I enjoy the shows more without his constant whining. Love him, glad I married him, but we differ on TV preferences.
Its finally here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Its awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn like Donkey Koooooooooooooooong!
I could swim to that Island with a hangover...
I'm actually excited, I've avoided spoilers (which I rarely do, for any show) but now that its actually on, I think I'm gonna have to take a peak
Tonya are you serious, its been a day and you breaking down already
Rachel and Jen hooking up? Hahaha.....
[quote=Bacchus;28628]I could swim to that Island with a hangover...[/quote] I was thinking the same thing! (minus the hangover part)
I know, but Rachel and Jenn,,, words cant describe. I love them both.
[quote=rlopez;28630]Tonya are you serious, its been a day and you breaking down already[/quote] Don't say that... :(
Question.... Does the show last for 30 min. or an hour??
nice puke KA. Loved that editing...
Seriously, Tonya isn't known for having the best times on these Challenges. And when she is finally excited she is thrown out in the wilderness. Not fair of you to judge her like that.
[quote=Phoenix;28635]Question.... Does the show last for 30 min. or an hour??[/quote] Tis an hour.
[quote=Dartagnan;28637]Seriously, Tonya isn't known for having the best times on these Challenges. And when she is finally excited she is thrown out in the wilderness. Not fair of you to judge her like that.[/quote] ...... I feel sorry for Tonya.
[quote=Phoenix;28639]...... I feel sorry for Tonya.[/quote] Kenny is being Kenny for sure. ;)
[quote=Dartagnan;28637]Seriously, Tonya isn't known for having the best times on these Challenges. And when she is finally excited she is thrown out in the wilderness. Not fair of you to judge her like that.[/quote] Oh I agree. I love Tonya in all the challenges, I just found it funny that she was already crying. [quote=Bacchus;28640]Kenny is being Kenny for sure. ;)[/quote] Ugh, I defenitley need to check the spoilers to see when he goes home, that will make my day.
[quote=rlopez;28641]Oh I agree. I love Tonya in all the challenges, I just found it funny that she was already crying.[/quote] My point was just that you don't know why...
[quote=Bacchus;28640]Kenny is being Kenny for sure. ;)[/quote] Oh yes he is. He irks me so bad but it cracked me up in the beginning when he said "I don't know how to cook or clean. I'm from NJ; Our moms do that shit for us."
