The Island: MTV - General Discussion

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[quote=EastNY;29020]ooooh does it involve hush money?[/quote] Yeah right... more like GTFO! We need a break from you, you sleazebag!
[quote=killer_tofu;29025]Yeah right... more like GTFO! We need a break from you, you sleazebag![/quote] That might not be too far from the truth. ;)
Anonymous's picture
[quote=killer_tofu;29025]Yeah right... more like GTFO! We need a break from you, you sleazebag![/quote] I think he just might need a new approach. I think I do a fairly decent job of taking the opposing view point and the hated "*********" front without being too offensive. Then again... I'm pretty awesome. :smoke:
[QUOTE=Insider;29039]I'm pretty awesome. :smoke:[/QUOTE] Point taken... Actually, B and I have experience with him from another forum, and we are definitely NOT that place (although there are some very nice people there).
Here are a few pictures of the island (east of [URL=",+Bocas+del+Toro,+Panama&ie=UTF8&ll=9.415278,-82.329054&spn=0.010055,0.019312&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr"]Boca del Drago[/URL]) and the "deserted" area in which they filmed.
[quote=Bacchus;29010]I just got a PM from Masshole and he is going to take a week break from vevmo...[/quote] How very considerate of him ;)
Finally, thanks to the MTV i could watch this first episode of The Island week after premiere... and I've got just one pretty sad observation: What the F#%* happened to those challenges that Kenny became an Alpha Male ?? Where is Wes, CT, Alton, Landon, why Derrick seems to be invisible on the island, why did [spoiler]Abram leave [/spoiler]since he clearly was favourite to win?? [spoiler]Abram beat Kenny in the face off and I'm pretty sure that Abram would win this challenge if he stayed on that island. That was a perfect challenge for him. Tough conditions which he likes plus the fact that he was the srongest mentally male...but he left and let those two ******** (Johnny & Kenny...I'm pretty sure that Evan is jealous) win.[/spoiler] Edit: Sorry for spoilers, thanks for editing V1
I seriously hate those mosquito nets around the beds.
I cannot stand Johnny. He's also so mean to KellyAnne.
Johnny is absolutely annoying. What a jerk.
[quote=Dartagnan;29713]Johnny is absolutely annoying. What a jerk.[/quote] Yes indeed.
That was really sweet of Ashli to tell Dan to stop.
Well, that was very......odd.
I sadly agree. Dave quitting was such a cop out. Seriously.
HA, I always knew Dave was an "all talk, no walk" piece of garbage and tonight cemented it.
I'm trying to figure out what happens if Abram were to win? Even though we know it doesn't happen. I love how Johnny is finally realizing, and so is everyone else, that nobody likes him.
Johnny is such a hypocrite and a whiner, I'd love to see somebody make him their Davis Mallory on a show just once. Man I wish Dunbar was in this "Ring Wrestle" faceoff or whatever it's called, he'd absolutely murder people
Johnny is so whiny and obnoxious. If only Abram hadn't wanted to quit, Johnny would be leaving!
I love Rachel for telling everybody and trying to get Johnny off. I love it.
So do I. I used to not mind Johnny as much, but this challenge so far he is making me want to go through my tv set and punch him in the face.
If they were smart, why not vote Johnny off and if Abe had to go home so bad, have him just quit and go home? Get rid of two guys. By the way, did Kelly Anne really have plastic surgery? She's lookin fine
I agree msstock. Johnny has officially made me want to jump off a bridge.
[quote=MASSHOLE;29726]By the way, did Kelly Anne really have plastic surgery? She's lookin fine[/quote] That would be [URL=""]affirmative.[/URL]
Kelly Anne *****
What the hell is Johnny talking about that he, Kenny, and Derrick are beginning to run shit and people don't like it? You're not running anything clown, the only reason you're still there is because Abe has to leave.
Johnny has officially made me want to kill myself.
so wait... did johnny and derrick know abe was gonna go home?? And Abram lost on purpose?? he probably could have beat both of them... hahahaha
Sorry, but what Robin said to Johanna was kinda funny. It made me like Robin.
I liked the comment Rachel made to Kenny when Kenny said "We gotta get rid of the newbies". I'm sure it made all the Kenny/Fresh Meat haters laugh as well.
One word. One question. Why? Why did you have to leave Abe? You're my favorite! And not only that but we could've gotten rid of freakin Johnny! I can't stand him at all! And to see Abe take down Johnny when both Johnny and Derrick were against him just proves how great he is. This sucks. Ev, you can gut that sucker and demolish him any time you want. You have my full support.
