The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion

re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=MuchoDenaro;288827]If there's a challenge of endurance I don't think they'd want to go against Diem either. If anyone remembers the challenge where she was in the pool of mud if it comes down to a stamina like challenge they wouldn't do too hot against her.[/QUOTE] Yeah and also that one mission on the first Duel where they had to do I think 3 things and it ended with going up that hill with the slippery tarp on it. She breezed by everyone if I remember correctly.
Re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=townie;300340]I also find it hilarious that people are so quick to throw out all these assumptions that Mark had to have thrown it against if he's ever proven to be some beast when it really mattered. Bananas has tree trunk arms, bigger than anybody on the show, and he's no lightweight. He could've easily beaten Mark legitimately at this game seeing as he didn't seem to ever be against the ropes when he took on Dunbar in a similar game a couple seasons ago. Johnny also doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to split money like that. First place gets $100,000 right? I don't buy that he'd settle for $25,000 instead of $50,000 when he would be the one doing all that work & going through hell in the final. If Mark knew he would get last, that's still $40,000 or $20,000 per person. At the end of the day, lets be real...Mark may look like Tarzan but he's a pretty boy with a lot of Jane in him. I don't see him wanting to get rough & physical for anything if it means messing up his hair. Wouldn't shock me one bit to see Bananas whoop that *** fair & square.[/QUOTE] We didnt come up with that assumption, Robin did. And I'd have to see in order believe Robin but I think Mark could beat Johnny if its something physical, have you seen the size of the guy?! He's about the same as CT. And I wouldnt put it past these guys to throw it in exchange for a cut in the winnings, some of the cast say Abram did it on the Island. And Johnny didnt look all that impressive against Dunbar on the ruins, its Dunbar for god's sake, nothing compared to the pole wrestle on the duel or even Abram vs Ty. Johnny is good at the daily challenges but I dont think he's that good on something physical one on one, mainly because most of them are bigger than him.
Re: The Challenge: Open Thread
[QUOTE=gamer73;282429]I'm not asking you to tell us what the challenge is, just if you can tell by looking at the list how the teams are set up.[/QUOTE] I know the teams, the format, and who the first three people eliminated are. I know all of this before the cast does. [url=][img][/img][/url]
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=eagles28;285744][B]Why does every one think this will be a pairs challenge?[/B] I personally really hope that it isn't, because Fresh Meat 2 and Rivals both were. I wouldn't mind a concept where there was like, 5 teams of 6 people or something like that. Just something different.[/QUOTE] Really wish people would stop asking this question... Read the thread. Look at the speculated cast. Make an educated guess.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=DomDom7;285991]So, I'm not saying it will be a pairs Looks like it's gonna be [U]Johnny[/U]/[U]Camila[/U], [U]Vinny[/U]/Sarah, [U]Mark[/U]/Robin, [U]Nate[/U]/Priscilla, [U]Leroy[/U]/Naomi, Dustin/[U]Heather[/U], [U]Tyrie[/U]/[U]Jasmine[/U], [U]C.T.[/U]/(Diem, Laurel, Shauvon, Mandi), [U]Wes[/U]/(KellyAnne, Theresa, Mandi), .....Abram/Cara Maria, Dunbar/Paula, Rachel/Aneesa, Guy/Guy, (and another to make 28). Underlined are those confirmed to be in or en route to Miami. Or they go with 24 and eliminate LGBT couples. But I hope they do have LGBT representation! So I hope it turns out to be a cast of 28! Wonder who that last couple would be?[/QUOTE] So you're saying Rachel is going and might be paired up with Aneesa... or like another person said maybe Rachel will be paired up with Darrell, but since we have no proof that Darrell is going, it is just a wild guess. Let me take my wishful thinking to the open thread...
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=CzarEric;286525]I believe what she is referring to is that certain postings are saying "I wish so-and-so was on this challenge" or "I bet you anything __________'s gonna be there!" And it throws everything off. Molds is very careful in what she posts and makes sure that she has proof and evidence before posting such claims. I mean, just back during Rivals, it took her FOREVER to reveal that Robin was the mystery female we were all waiting to find. But that was because there was no visible proof or evidence when the cast first departed. Also, Molds is very kind to the cast and does not like to put them in harm's way (i.e. the wrath of BMP). If someone has screenshots or other ways to support his or her claim(s), he or she is more than welcome to PM Molds (I think >_>) with that information. Otherwise, it gets really confusing. Take, for instance, the several posts that say "Ty is 100% there." Now, we don't have confirmation that he is actually there, but now that it's been posted, I'm sure several people are going to be spreading that around the thread. In the end, Molds is doing us a HUGE favor (besides the obvious one of telling us who's on the challenge) by setting up these guidelines. In the end, it's for our own benefit (in addition to her sanity).[/QUOTE] Well said!
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=halfdecayed;286780]Can't wait to see if something is going to happen between CT and Abram about the comment CT made on Rivals.[/QUOTE] I don't know if anything will happen. I saw that clip of CT and CM and their little drama on MTV's site, and I kind of got the impression that CM was probably acting like Abram was all that (she had an "Abram's Army" hat on), and when CT got angry with her, he threw it out there that he could beat Abram up. Abram and CT have gotten along in the past, and I think they might be OK with either other this time, unless something else has happened concerning CM. From Derrick's podcast that had Abram and CM, Abram didn't seem that concerned. He also thinks CM gets too wrapped up in the shows. [QUOTE=Nightwolf;286731] I'd also like to add that if this season is pairs and they don't do the Newlywed Game mission from Battle of the Seasons then this season will have failed. Well at least failed to give the most obvious competition. Who doesn't want to see another "I'm gonna have to go with...*****.com!" moment?[/QUOTE] I want to see this too, and I think they can incorporate something similar without it being a pairs thing. It can be a "how well do you know your ex" or something like that.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
Perhaps CT & Ty are working together. LOL How awesome would it be if Ty came on this season beasting like Alton or something?
Re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=Econ1260MetZ;300342]Thank you--townie--for finally giving Bananas his dues. People think just because Mark is much more muscular and a lot taller Johnny would absolutely lose to him. Johnny is very strong himself and can easily overpower all the guys on this season except for CT, Dunbar as well as Mark. But Mark has never shown what he was made out of in an elimination and by seeing his previous performance, I am convinced that Johnny would surprise a lot of people with his victory over him. I seriously think Johnny has made his case for top 10 all time male competitor ever on a challenge with his performance ( and possible win) this challenge.[/QUOTE] Mark has never been in an elimination round if i'm correct... So how are we to know how good he is?
Re: The Challenge: Open Thread
[QUOTE=molds13;285245]Maybe not... [/QUOTE] Maybe they're the last minute replacement for Adam/Nany?
Anonymous's picture
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=icubaby;285495]If the cast is currently departing why is everyone speculated still tweeting about being home, being out to dinner with a friend/friends, or being at a bar at home. Doesn't sound like anyone has departed anywhere to me.[/QUOTE] Possible they departed for Miami yesterday and not the country yet as they needed everybody together before they put them on a single flight outbound; could also be possible they have somebody else tweeting for them which is not completely unheard of. Who knows.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
So far we got Sarah/Vinny, Tyrie/ Jasmine, Nate/Pricilla, Mark/Robin, Abram/Cara Maria, Paula/Dunbar, Heather/Dustin, and Leroy/Naomi as the 99.9% couples lock. So far the rest of the un-coupled competitors are Johnny (who can be coupled with either Camilla or Casey), Tyler (can only be Ryan), and Wes (with either KellyAnne, Mandi, or Theresa).
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=cystic;286270]I think we all missed one very obvious pairing that should not be ruled out: Eric Nies and Jump Rope. Write that down, molds.[/QUOTE] hahahahaha BTW, did he ever get that back?
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=CzarEric;286525]I believe what she is referring to is that certain postings are saying "I wish so-and-so was on this challenge" or "I bet you anything __________'s gonna be there!" And it throws everything off. Molds is very careful in what she posts and makes sure that she has proof and evidence before posting such claims. I mean, just back during Rivals, it took her FOREVER to reveal that Robin was the mystery female we were all waiting to find. But that was because there was no visible proof or evidence when the cast first departed. Also, Molds is very kind to the cast and does not like to put them in harm's way (i.e. the wrath of BMP). If someone has screenshots or other ways to support his or her claim(s), he or she is more than welcome to PM Molds (I think >_>) with that information. Otherwise, it gets really confusing. Take, for instance, the several posts that say "Ty is 100% there." Now, we don't have confirmation that he is actually there, but now that it's been posted, I'm sure several people are going to be spreading that around the thread. In the end, Molds is doing us a HUGE favor (besides the obvious one of telling us who's on the challenge) by setting up these guidelines. In the end, it's for our own benefit (in addition to her sanity).[/QUOTE] Co-sign.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=dreamer;286781]IF IF [B]IF it's a pairs challenge like the assumption[/B], I think Abram and Cara Maria could take it, or CT & Diem (if Diem is even going...)[/QUOTE] Like whose assumption?
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
I really want Robin to win her first challenge, she really deserves it. Funny her and CT would be winners had it not been for Big Easy!
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=TSPKM2;289587]Oh soo very happy to see Abram and Cara Maria out! Now if only Ty and Emily were the next to go it will be so awesome![/QUOTE] Amen! I am very happy to know that there will be at least a couple of Cara Maria FREE episodes. YES!
Anonymous's picture
Re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
Don't these pot-splitting rumors come up pretty much anytime Mark is on the show?
Re: The Challenge: Open Thread
when did u get this?
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
Well since Jasmine tweeted yesterday that it was her last day of working out and she was saying things like going to get her hair and nails done and everything it sounds like some preshow primping, they probably are leaving today. Also CM wanting her check to come in yesterday as the last possible day also makes sense that they would be leaving today.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
Im kind of worried that there won't be a girl/girl and guy/guy pair, and that we are looking at the final cast list. Im hoping im wrong though.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=cystic;286270]I think we all missed one very obvious pairing that should not be ruled out: Eric Nies and Jump Rope. Write that down, molds.[/QUOTE] If they can convince him to come down from the cross he's nailed to, then who knows
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=molds13;286784]Like whose assumption?[/QUOTE] It may not be yours or mine, but there seem to be a lot of people who think this will be a pairs challenge just by reading through some of the pervious pages..
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=CzarEric;287032]By the way, (I might have missed it but...) was the podcast released when the cast was in Miami or was it recorded that day? Not saying she's there, but I've recorded a few podcasts for a show my friend does, and it will sometimes take a week to be edited and released.[/QUOTE] It's not out yet but was recorded on November 4th, which if I'm not mistaken, was right when the cast left or the day after.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=MuchoDenaro;289594]Are the remaining 4 teams finals bound or is it going to be 3 as per the norm?[/QUOTE] I don't think there is a norm. Fresh Meat had 3 final teams, Fresh Meat 2 had 4 final teams, and Rivals had 6 final teams.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=FishHooks;290105]I'll watch the first few to see how Dustin-Heather are received by the others, but beyond that I will skip until maybe the last episode unless they have had some real competition. I'm sure the hard-core fans will disagree with me, [B]but most of the competitions seem like such blowouts that are attempted to be made dramatic by so-so editing[/B], that it turns me off. I'd rather see two people slugging it out neck and neck all the way to the finish line in a 40-yard dash than see two people slogging water up a mountain in buckets where they aren't even in earshot of each other well before the finish line.[/QUOTE] How would you even know unless you were there? If every challeng were a 40 yard dash or a 100 meter swim then the show would have been cancelled years ago. I think it would be hilarious if they did a challenge and gave people here what they think they want and see how it actually turns out. I'd imagine it would be a **** poor game.
Re: The Challenge: Open Thread
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=TSPKM2;285498]Opinions can't be correct or they'd be facts. Kenny admitted to screwing over Paula, that's where Johnny got his Dbag status. The only people that felt that Dunbar was the only one screwed over were Ev, Johnny, Dunbar and Kelly Anne. I would hardly call that everyone.[/QUOTE] This isn't the place for this discussion but I would do a little background reading before you take what was said on the reunion as truth. Go read a few of the threads about the Island. Paula didn't get screwed over.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
Theresa is still tweeting but I can't tell if it is actually her or not.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=foofighter7;288060]What do you mean?[/QUOTE] Since they're in opposite sex teams except for maybe 2, will only one pair win.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
Hey Molds, has the order been confirmed between the pairs who update on the same day? Like with Leroy/Naomi and Heather/Dustin and now Rachel/Aneesa and Paula/Dunbar. Or are you just listing them as you got them? On another note, woohoo Ty/Emily and CT/Diem! Keep on trucking! I don't mind Rachel and Aneesa losing this one because they both got money on Duel 2 but I'm glad they lasted this long.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=TheKorean;289599]Perhaps CT & Ty are working together. LOL How awesome would it be if Ty came on this season beasting like Alton or something?[/QUOTE] I hope that's the case lol I hope they at least tried to create some counter-alliance with the other underdogs early on. (Leroy, Nate, Tyrie, etc..)
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
Is CT going to be on this challenge, does anyone know?
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
Wait, Mike from LV2 said he won't be in the US on Friday on Twitter
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
Ty and Emily are not on this next challenge.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
Nobody who has read through this thread in its entirety should have any assumptions that it is a pairs challenge. Every single sign I've seen thus far points to a team challenge or an individual challenge.
Anonymous's picture
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=gamer73;288308]Poor Naomi, that's the 2nd person who didn't have a good time there. Hopefully it's not production that's treating them bad.[/QUOTE] Priscilla and Naomi are not the first people I would think of as Challenge ready and those shows are supposed to be a lot different than Real World conditions so I wouldn't assume too much yet.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=mcteng2010;288820]April is too long, I can't wait that long lol. I think the next challenge will air around end of January, beginning of February.[/QUOTE] I doubt it. I know its different nights but it'll most likely be after the 14 episodes of season 5 of Jersey Shore which premiere's January 5th. So I think April 2012 as well.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=jesses_girl;289090]Hey Molds, has the order been confirmed between the pairs who update on the same day? Like with Leroy/Naomi and Heather/Dustin and now Rachel/Aneesa and Paula/Dunbar. Or are you just listing them as you got them? On another note, woohoo Ty/Emily and CT/Diem! Keep on trucking! I don't mind Rachel and Aneesa losing this one because they both got money on Duel 2 but im glad they lasted this long.[/QUOTE] I still wish they did not put Rachel/Aneesa together but you're right. I'm just glad they both did another challenge and made it as far as they did ... but wow at Ty/Emily, I was sure they would be the ones next. I hope CT/Diem win
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=Npresh24;289344]I really want Robin to win her first challenge,she really deserves it.Funny her and CT would be winners had it not been for Big Easy![/QUOTE] And Diem
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
Robin wants to win so bad she must be devastated. Not too surprised considering the remaining men have much stronger female players (Emily, Diem, Camilla). The saying you're only as strong as your weakest player might apply here. Let's face it emotionally and physically, Robin's never been all there. Go Emily and Ty and CT and Diem.
Re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=townie;300340]I also find it hilarious that people are so quick to throw out all these assumptions that Mark had to have thrown it against if he's ever proven to be some beast when it really mattered. Bananas has tree trunk arms, bigger than anybody on the show, and he's no lightweight. He could've easily beaten Mark legitimately at this game seeing as he didn't seem to ever be against the ropes when he took on Dunbar in a similar game a couple seasons ago. Johnny also doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to split money like that. First place gets $100,000 right? I don't buy that he'd settle for $25,000 instead of $50,000 when he would be the one doing all that work & going through hell in the final. If Mark knew he would get last, that's still $40,000 or $20,000 per person. At the end of the day, lets be real...Mark may look like Tarzan but he's a pretty boy with a lot of Jane in him. I don't see him wanting to get rough & physical for anything if it means messing up his hair. Wouldn't shock me one bit to see Bananas whoop that *** fair & square.[/QUOTE] First place gets $150,000. Johnny and Mark may have had a deal before the show even started, meaning no matter what happened in that dome, they'd be splitting money. Hence it would make more sense for Johnny to win. Now that is all speculation in my book, but as I stated earlier, Mark's body language and tone at the After Show does make me suspicious, no to mention the fact that he's already gone home to split money on Battle of the Sexes 2.
Re: The Challenge: Open Thread
[QUOTE=FishHooks;284179]I think the reality is that the entertainment industry is flooded with unemployed people with no real experience other than in college wanting to work in it. Maybe she could do some office type production work, but she is so tiny looking I'm not sure how much she could do on-set so to speak. I'm not sure that being a former reality star really would help you much unless BMP had an opening, so yeah, I expect the economic realities could put her on a Challenge.[/QUOTE] Only office type work because she is tiny? Do you even have any idea what you're talking about? On a podcast it said she wants to work in casting or editing, neither of which would matter at all the size of the person. Actually, there is a ton of behind the scenes work that have nothing to do with a persons physical attributes. The only logical thing in your post is the economy part, but I'm assuming being on a reality show wouldn't hurt or help her chances at a job, it would depend on her skill, not size. I'd like to see her on a challenge but I'd rather see her without Dustin on the cast.
Re: The Challenge: Open Thread
If indeed it is a couples challenge the eliminations rounds would have to be like an exile because its hard to imagine a guy/girl team vs another guy/girl team or a same sex team in a straight up head to head elimination round, so the only fair elimination would have to be a an exile which is race with a series of puzzles.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=pips1681;285507]Is CT going to be on this challenge, does anyone know?[/QUOTE] CT probably knows.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
Priscilla: I'll be out for a few weeks, tweeties :( the second i'm back, you'll know! I wanna see all ur tweets upon return!! She's a definate.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=new-girl;286015]So you're saying Rachel is going and might be paired up with Aneesa... or like another person said maybe Rachel will be paired up with Darrell, but since we have no proof that Darrell is going, it is just a wild guess. Let me take my wishful thinking to the open thread...[/QUOTE] Well the last three pairs are likely, but not certain. None of them were confirmed to be on their way to Miami, the likely takeoff destination for the cast. All the other pairs had at least one member headed to Miami. Looks like the only "for sure"s would be those I underlined.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=InfamousJoks;286785]It may not be yours or mine, but there seem to be a lot of people who think this will be a pairs challenge just by reading through some of the pervious pages..[/QUOTE] Tons of people have said the exact opposite really, considering that Aneesa and Rachel and the potential of other LGBT cast members being ex-lovers/hook-ups/whatever would be unfair for a pairs challenge.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
I could be way off, but recently there was a Battlefield 3 mini challenge on Gamespot. It included Chet and Leroy as "noobs" and they were trained by random video game nerds called "vets". Maybe they will carry the Veteran/Noob teammate format into MTV? The Gamespot challenge was called "The Controller" and can be found on youtube. It was exactly like a challenge. Cash prize, elimination rounds, etc.
re: The Challenge: Battle of the Exes - Spoiler Discussion
[QUOTE=jesses_girl;289090]Hey Molds, has the order been confirmed between the pairs who update on the same day? Like with Leroy/Naomi and Heather/Dustin and now Rachel/Aneesa and Paula/Dunbar. Or are you just listing them as you got them? On another note, woohoo Ty/Emily and CT/Diem! Keep on trucking! I don't mind Rachel and Aneesa losing this one because they both got money on Duel 2 but I'm glad they lasted this long.[/QUOTE] Someone (unfortunately, cannot remember who) alerted me to Aneesa about a week ago. I was just waiting on more confirmation.


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