This classic MTV series is back with a new roster of Road Warriors. These strangers will be abandoned in a far-flung location and stripped of their modern-day luxuries by boarding a restricted life in an RV, traveling from location to location. They will be guided by a set of clues, odd jobs, and missions for money. If they last to the end of the trip, they walk away with the life-changing prize.
HUH ???
I only started watching road rules after extreme so should I be excited for this?
I'm excited but we'll have to see how they do it.
I hope this also means them putting up old seasons of Road Rules onto the service
Woah I'm so excited! Paramount plus is about to be that girl
Oop hope they haven't filmed so a vevmoian can get on
Road Rules!!!! OMG. Where the best crop of challengers come from. IM PRESSED
Imagine if they could get some of the OGs to be a part of their missions/checkpoints.
when they get treated like real world facebook lmao
They didn't excute that real world revival right my expectations are super low for this
bruh if this gets the facebook watch treatment. that real world was terrible. please please let this be good content
Hold on now. Does this mean the older seasons will be available to stream
We can only hope that's how they promote for it
imagine how embarrassing
Im curious if they cast already for this, havent been able to find a casting call anywhere and i usually keep my eye on BMP and other websites for this kind of stuff
Let me dig around. Because this should not be a hard show to film in the slightest.
let me know if ya find anything
i am so excited
Homosexuality won
Y'all don't understand I'm literally about to CRY oh my freaking GODDDD I'm so excited!! Like Road Rules was always my FAVORITE and I resigned to the fact it would never return. My jaw is on the FLOOR right now!! Hopefully they haven't filmed yet lmao I need a chance to at least apply
I kept saying this is the one they need to revive not Real World. This is exciting but more than anything I'm just hoping this means we are getting all Road Rules seasons on P+
I was 11 years old when the first season of Road Rules debut back in 1995.
I'm only concerned it will be more like Viewers Revenge but I'll even settle for something kind of like that
It's like Paramount+ read my mind and specifically went out of their way to please me lol
OG Challenge, Real World Reunion, and Road Rules Revival, I'm sick!
I won't lie--if I didn't already have CBS All Access I would have got it for these
Hasn't the show always called the cast members Roadies instead of Road Warriors?
It'll be interesting to see where they film this and how they film this. I can't see it taking place anywhere but New Zealand or Australia in order to travel about.