Real World Seattle: Bad Blood - Bad Blood No More

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I loved how as soon as they fought security dives at them to stop it. Yet let's all be remembered of the Nia/Avery fight

and Ceejai/jenna

I think they don't let them fight because now they are tons of different producers, and the old ones got yelled at by fans over those and they didn't intervene fast enough definitely during the Nia/Averey one. 

I think they don't let them fight because now they are tons of different producers, and the old ones got yelled at by fansover those and they didn't intervene fast enough definitely during the Nia/Averey one. 

Courtney and Matt have been on field producers, since before Vegas 2...

The reason they got security it was over them letting Nia/Averey go to far 

That should have been the obvious answer. 

Ready to see my girls fly tonight Wink

this season is JETS





LurkerNoMore wrote:

Jennifer Geoghan Alliance™

You too? Yikes I thought it was just the Brittany Baldi fanbase that was apart of this doormats fanbase

I loved how as soon as they fought security dives at them to stop it. Yet let's all be remembered of the Nia/Avery fight

Lol Averey commented "we never got security" on an instapost of the bad blood fight.

hardbitten wrote:

LurkerNoMore wrote:Jennifer Geoghan Alliance™

You too? Yikes I thought it was just the Brittany Baldi fanbase that was apart of this doormats fanbase

Lurker and I both love Brittany, Hailey, Jenny, Ashley, and now Jennifer. People say irrelevant, we say the future. 

Tbone123 wrote:

hardbitten wrote:

LurkerNoMore wrote:Jennifer Geoghan Alliance™

You too? Yikes I thought it was just the Brittany Baldi fanbase that was apart of this doormats fanbase

Lurker and I both love Brittany, Hailey, Jenny, Ashley, and now Jennifer. People say irrelevant, we say the future. 

Ok 3 of the 5 are worthy I'll give you that.

Tbone123 wrote:

hardbitten wrote:

LurkerNoMore wrote:Jennifer Geoghan Alliance™

You too? Yikes I thought it was just the Brittany Baldi fanbase that was apart of this doormats fanbase

Lurker and I both love Brittany, Hailey, Jenny, Ashley, and now Jennifer. People say irrelevant, we say the future. 

Only 2 out of those 5 are worth a shit(Jenny/Ashley).

HonestTea101 wrote:

Tbone123 wrote:

hardbitten wrote:
LurkerNoMore wrote:Jennifer Geoghan Alliance™

You too? Yikes I thought it was just the Brittany Baldi fanbase that was apart of this doormats fanbase

Lurker and I both love Brittany, Hailey, Jenny, Ashley, and now Jennifer. People say irrelevant, we say the future. 

Only 2 out of those 5 are worth a shit(Jenny/Ashley).

I got love for momma chivers tho smh


Hailey's great too

this season is JETSJustEndTheSeason

Yall complain about everything, what satisfies yall? smh

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

this season is JETSJustEndTheSeason

Yall complain about everything, what satisfies yall? smh

Skeletons satisfied me

This season was good imo but it definitely faltered when they started to ignore too many people & people started leaving....except Mike, **** that waste of sperm.

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

this season is JETSJustEndTheSeason

Yall complain about everything, what satisfies yall? smh

NOLA2, Vegas 2, Portland, Explosion, Skeletons.....

But honestly these past two episodes have been ok.

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

this season is JETSJustEndTheSeason

Yall complain about everything, what satisfies yall? smh

Vegas 2 and Skeletons for me.

They did good on GBGH with showing everyone.. Why didn't they keep doing that? lmaoo.

One thing that bothers me is that so many episode have been good but then theres a period of bad episodes that follow weeks after. 

They did good on GBGH with showing everyone.. Why didn't they keep doing that? lmaoo.


They did good on GBGH with showing everyone.. Why didn't they keep doing that? lmaoo.

They also showed everything they put in the trailer for that season.....why/whoever the **** decided to cut stuff out of this season needs their walking papers.

Maybe I'm just easily impressed but I find nothing weong with this season, it is the real eorld and they actually focused on problems this season and had entertaining drama. Yeah many people went unfocused but it's not their fault they weren't giving enough.

A better casting will satisfied me....I only care about 3 out of the 14 lol

I liked the season. Strangely. 

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

this season is JETSJustEndTheSeason

Yall complain about everything, what satisfies yall? smh


nearly every season other than this season and the past season *****boy.

I after watching this season, I don't think it was that bad. It had some entertaining episodes. I would rank this over go big and explpsion.

Didn't care or dislike majority of this cast

The cast was overall better than explosion IMO. Explosion had the entire season carried by the girls while this season featured a strong male cast and fairly good female cast.

1. Skeletons

2. Bad Blood

3. Explosion










4. trash
