LOL why Kim more screen time in the finale than all season? I wish we saw more of her. Her voice reminds me of Aneesa and she's thick so she can replace that old disappointing hag if she learns how to turn up. Also Jen reminds me of Jenny.
LOL why Kim more screen time in the finale than all season? I wish we saw more of her. Her voice reminds me of Aneesa and she's thick so she can replace that old disappointing hag if she learns how to turn up. Also Jen reminds me of Jenny.
its all in the name.
Has any Jenns been disppointing to be honest? Going all the way back to Denver.
I liked the last half of this season a lot. It sucked at the start besides British girl being anti social which was a unique storyline and Kass vs Theo. I hated everyone else until the 3 left and I got adjusted.
Also I love how the sisters went to explore every episode, it seemed like the others didn't get out as much which is the point. They grew on me cause at first I couldn't stand them either. Katrina was ready to fight a hoe with that punch I'm so proud.
Jen is weird cause I had no thoughts about her at all but she slowly built up into the main character over time. I enjoyed her too but she's still stupid.
I liked the last half of this season a lot. It sucked at the start besides British girl being anti social which was a unique storyline and Kass vs Theo. I hated everyone else until the 3 left and I got adjusted. Also I love how the sisters went to explore every episode, it seemed like the others didn't get out as much which is the point. They grew on me cause at first I couldn't stand them either. Katrina was ready to fight a hoe with that punch I'm so proud. Jen is weird cause I had no thoughts about her at all but she slowly built up into the main character over time. I enjoyed her too but she's still stupid.
She was really only relevant because of Peter though.
Only people I liked were Katrina and Theo. Orlana Robbie and Anna are cool everyone else can stay home for good especially Peter Jenn Tya and Kass.
Tbone123 wrote:Omg that end was so sad to be honest :(
That ending wasn't shit. I cried more for Hotline Bling.
You peeped kassius crying when he read that note? Your role model :/ Rotate
"Play with it! Play with it! Play. With. It!"AND KASSIUS was a BAD ***** all season, please do your research, shawty! Ask these streets who they checking for?
Really dislike ***** Pete worse cast member ever and Jennifer want to feel bad for her. But can't stand girls like her, grow a back bone/stop making excuses for him/she is so stupid.
The last half of this season pick up and I enjoyed it.
When Lana ******* brought it & Will actually had more moments but they cut it all to show ******* Anna/Katrina/Peter/Jenn bullshit over & over......smmfh
When Lana ******* brought it & Will actually had more moments but they cut it all to show ******* Anna/Katrina/Peter/Jenn bullshit over & over......smmfh
Orlana was the voice reason, really like her. But she wasn't a main character in my opinion.
Will has the personality of his wall, nobody can't blame editing for that....Just look at the Facebook live he did for real world zzzz
When Lana ******* brought it & Will actually had more moments but they cut it all to show ******* Anna/Katrina/Peter/Jenn bullshit over & over......smmfh
Orlana was the voice reason, really like her. But she wasn't a main character in my opinion.Will has the personality of his wall, nobody can't blame editing for that....Just look at the Facebook live he did for real world zzzz
They didn't NEED main characters though, especially not with such a big cast. Everybody could've gotten their time to shine, just add on 2 more episodes & it would've worked out.
Seems like everybody has switched up lmao people who didn't like this season at first have now came around to it, meanwhile I was one of the bigger supporters of it and now I'm a little disappointed bc I feel like it could've been a lot better knowing the stuff they've cut out.
Thats right ************
1. Theo
2. Katrina
3. Mike
4. Tyara
5. Jennifer
6. Lana
7. Kassius
8. Robbie
9. Anika
10. Anna
11. Kim
12. Will
13. Jordan
14. Peter
no need for anymore rankings, we all know peter is going to be at the end...
mm.. Let me not
1. theo
2. robbie
3. lana
4. katrina
5. kim (last episode she moved up by default)
6. will
7. anna
8. anika
9. jordan
10. kassius
11. tyara
12. jenn (shed be top 5 if she dumped retard)
13. mike
14. peter
honestly after anna idgaf
LOL why Kim more screen time in the finale than all season? I wish we saw more of her. Her voice reminds me of Aneesa and she's thick so she can replace that old disappointing hag if she learns how to turn up. Also Jen reminds me of Jenny.
its all in the name.
Has any Jenns been disppointing to be honest? Going all the way back to Denver.
1. Theo
2. Orlana ************* Russell
3. Tyara
4. Robbie
5. Kassius
6. Jordan
7-10 (interchangeable) - Will, Kim, Anika, Jenn
11. Katrina
12. Anna
13 & 14 - the failed abortions masquerading as fully functional humans (also interchangeable) - Peter & Mike
I liked the last half of this season a lot. It sucked at the start besides British girl being anti social which was a unique storyline and Kass vs Theo. I hated everyone else until the 3 left and I got adjusted.
Also I love how the sisters went to explore every episode, it seemed like the others didn't get out as much which is the point. They grew on me cause at first I couldn't stand them either. Katrina was ready to fight a hoe with that punch I'm so proud.
Jen is weird cause I had no thoughts about her at all but she slowly built up into the main character over time. I enjoyed her too but she's still stupid.
Loving that Theo is #1 for a lot of people :')
I really only liked Theo and Robbie. The rest idc about really. I just don't like Peter, Kass, & Mike
She was really only relevant because of Peter though.
Only people I liked were Katrina and Theo. Orlana Robbie and Anna are cool everyone else can stay home for good especially Peter Jenn Tya and Kass.
I ******* love you
But for me.
Thts it.
Ayii IA after the years is still such a fireball, I hope she get ask for a 2nd challenge
I really like:
2. Theo
5. Like Anna every now and then.
Don't care for the other 7.
Really dislike ***** Pete worse cast member ever and Jennifer want to feel bad for her. But can't stand girls like her, grow a back bone/stop making excuses for him/she is so stupid.
The last half of this season pick up and I enjoyed it.
When Lana ******* brought it & Will actually had more moments but they cut it all to show ******* Anna/Katrina/Peter/Jenn bullshit over & over......smmfh
ayiiia > all the girls on bad blood
Orlana was the voice reason, really like her. But she wasn't a main character in my opinion.
Will has the personality of his wall, nobody can't blame editing for that....Just look at the Facebook live he did for real world zzzz
Mickey BEEN a thirsty fan on Twitter lmaooo I've noticed it plenty of times before but never spoke on it.
i mean the only thing to remember will by is when he failed so hard with those girls that came over.
Mikeyflow is our Kmart, kmacisco or Kathlyn w.e name she goes by lol
They didn't NEED main characters though, especially not with such a big cast. Everybody could've gotten their time to shine, just add on 2 more episodes & it would've worked out.
Seems like everybody has switched up lmao people who didn't like this season at first have now came around to it, meanwhile I was one of the bigger supporters of it and now I'm a little disappointed bc I feel like it could've been a lot better knowing the stuff they've cut out.
so me supproting someone is me being thirsty?
go******** of Kassius picture or something.
Oh since you sharing Mickey's tweets I'll share my tea that I showed Hardbitten.
Mickey tweeted my RW fan account about how Peter would dominate on a challenge. Yet in here he's saying he doesnt like Peter...