Real World Seattle: Bad Blood - Bad Blood No More

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Mikeyflow is our Kmart, kmacisco or Kathlyn w.e name she goes by lol

I got into a fight with her the other day lmao

I'm somewhat floored at the thought of you waiting to post that tweet with the team rocket photoshop on that episode when Katrina was close to ******* that girl up. Jenn was terrified. The stack sisters pulling a team rocket? I mean you was right about Anna tho.

Graphik wrote:

Mickey BEEN a thirsty fan on Twitter lmaooo I've noticed it plenty of times before but never spoke on it.

so me supproting someone is me being thirsty? go******** of K***ius picture or something. 

Stop projecting onto me what you do with pics of Peter/Zach/Layton. I've said before that it's unhealthy.

This isn't just with Peter though, I be seeing you on multiple Challenge pages & @'ing various castmembers on Twitter/Instagram, I've just never said anything about it until now. I mean no biggie, whatever floats your parched *** boat! :D

done with paint pics. shit you wanna use em, give me credit, not this i was gonna give you credit shit after you gettin caught...

mickeyflo24 wrote:

Graphik wrote:Mickey BEEN a thirsty fan on Twitter lmaooo I've noticed it plenty of times before but never spoke on it.

so me supproting someone is me being thirsty? go******** of K***ius picture or something. 

Stop projecting onto me what you do with pics of Peter/Zach/Layton. I've said before that it's unhealthy.This isn't just with Peter though, I be seeing you on multiple Challenge pages & @'ing various castmembers on Twitter/Instagram, I've just never said anything about it until now. I mean no biggie, whatever floats your parched *** boat! :D

so that makes me thirsty because im a fan of the show!!?? chill the **** out. 

I swear just like how Kmart is everywhere on twitter so is Mickey. Every since I made my fan account I've been seeing his tweets lmao

Oh since you sharing Mickey's tweets I'll share my tea that I showed Hardbitten.Mickey tweeted my RW fan account about how Peter would dominate on a challenge. Yet in here he's saying he doesnt like Peter... 

I thought he always liked Peter? If you support someone you support them because you like them. I ain't gonna support a ***** I despise. 

Ok ok ok even though we've all probably seen Mickey's twitter every week when hes tweeting Peter. Let's not share peoples personal accounts unless they dont care.

HonestTea101 wrote:

Oh since you sharing Mickey's tweets I'll share my tea that I showed Hardbitten.Mickey tweeted my RW fan account about how Peter would dominate on a challenge. Yet in here he's saying he doesnt like Peter... 

I thought he always liked Peter? If you support someone you support them because you like them. I ain't gonna support a ***** I despise. 

All last week he was saying how Peter wasnt his favorite but then stayed stanning him. 

omfg remember when kmart dissed everyone from VG superfans on twitter and someone posted it here that she was still mad then she came logging in and got pissy 

Now onto challenge related. I am almost 98% certain Theo is gonna be Leroy 2.0. I don't know I feel it. I feel overall these past 2 seasons are gonna have weak representatives in terms of actual chances of winning a season. 

Now onto challenge related. I am almost 98% certain Theo is gonna be Leroy 2.0. I don't know I feel it. I feel overall these past 2 seasons are gonna have weak representatives in terms of actual chances of winning a season. 

Theo has a little more......"swag" to him for lack of a better term. He has the height, just needs to put on a little bit more mass.

I also don't think Theo would be as shameless with the ass-kissing as Leroy.

Graphik wrote:

mickeyflo24 wrote:

Graphik wrote:Mickey BEEN a thirsty fan on Twitter lmaooo I've noticed it plenty of times before but never spoke on it.

so me supproting someone is me being thirsty? go******** of K***ius picture or something. 

Stop projecting onto me what you do with pics of Peter/Zach/Layton. I've said before that it's unhealthy.This isn't just with Peter though, I be seeing you on multiple Challenge pages & @'ing various castmembers on Twitter/Instagram, I've just never said anything about it until now. I mean no biggie, whatever floats your parched *** boat! :D

so that makes me thirsty because im a fan of the show!!?? chill the **** out. 

No it doesn't Mickey smh but nobody else that I know of is on here tweeting them all day, usually about nothing. I found it funny if anything & since one of your tweets was posted, I finally said what I said.

Ok ok ok even though we've all probably seen Mickey's twitter every week when hes tweeting Peter. Let's not share peoples personal accounts unless they dont care.

i just dont **** w people using something i did/made and tell em they can use it if they give me credit and they dont do it. my bad

not all day dude wtf!!! 

plus who else do i tweet to? 

not all day dude wtf!!! plus who else do i tweet to? 

my account ☕☕☕

like once or twice.

whatever I'm done....... 

i guess Anna reads vevmo.

I'm somewhat floored at the thought of you waiting to post that tweet with the team rocket photoshop on that episode when Katrina was close to ******* that girl up. Jenn was terrified. The stack sisters pulling a team rocket? I mean you was right about Anna tho.

wasn't Jenna ready to fight katrina tho?

Tbone123 wrote:

I'm somewhat floored at the thought of you waiting to post that tweet with the team rocket photoshop on that episode when Katrina was close to ******* that girl up. Jenn was terrified. The stack sisters pulling a team rocket? I mean you was right about Anna tho.

wasn't Jenna ready to fight katrina tho?

Them scream and cries trying to justify to Katrina that Anna pushed her first which I mean she in fact did say otherwise :/ if she was really about that life she'd have swung back.

Queen Ayiiia, *****! Yaaaaas.

Oh since you sharing Mickey's tweets I'll share my tea that I showed Hardbitten.Mickey tweeted my RW fan account about how Peter would dominate on a challenge. Yet in here he's saying he doesnt like Peter... 


***** tried lying and everything! I caaaan't


mickeyflo24 wrote:

Tbone123 wrote:I'm somewhat floored at the thought of you waiting to post that tweet with the team rocket photoshop on that episode when Katrina was close to ******* that girl up. Jenn was terrified. The stack sisters pulling a team rocket? I mean you was right about Anna tho.

wasn't Jenna ready to fight katrina tho?

Them scream and cries trying to justify to Katrina that Anna pushed her first which I mean she in fact did say otherwise :/ if she was really about that life she'd have swung back.

 her arms were pinned down tho...

i guess Anna reads vevmo.

AlL of them do! I know ***** Pete has an account on here lol He can denied , but I have seen proof

Why did Katrina step in when Jenn was clearly handling herself well?

Pause. Katrina really just tried to attack Jenn from the side and y'all are supporting this? Lmao

Okay dis man Peter needs serious help 

yo pete if you reading this you a ***** Smile

He's completely unstable and manipulative. Shout out to Anika, that blonde chick, Kass, and Robbie for speaking up for Jenn.
