Real World Seattle: Bad Blood - Bad Blood No More

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Orlana>>> Graphik you need to switch Kass with Orlana in your avi. 

I'm trying to wait until they release the Invasion pics & trailer lol but she's earned a spot. Might replace both Kass & Tyara lol

HonestTea101 wrote:

Orlana>>> Graphik you need to switch Kass with Orlana in your avi. 

I'm trying to wait until they release the Invasion pics & trailer lol but she's earned a spot. Might replace both Kass & Tyara lol

bless up

peter is the abusive one. if you cannot see that you are blind as ****

Calm your tits. 

In reference to Zach I only liked him because of his athletic ability. He was definitely a jerk to Jonna. 

I mean I was hoping Peter has changed for the better because the real world ended around 5 to 6 months ago. :( 

Now y'all know they not gonna bother with Orlana for The Challenges. Especially with the women they got now.

i fail to see how i was reaching. if you call someone trash, that is rude. 

i fail to see how i was reaching. if you call someone trash, that is rude. 

But that's not verbal abuse like what Peter does to Jenn. It's just talking shit. 

I'm nothing like Peter at all.

The challenge is not a place for Orlana

The challenge is not a place for Orlana

Or for half of the cast for that matter. Theo, Jordan, Robbie, maybe Peter, Katrina, Anna, and Kass are the only ones who should be getting a call.

jergatlin5 wrote:

The challenge is not a place for Orlana

Or for half of the cast for that matter. Theo, Jordan, Robbie, maybe Peter, Katrina, Anna, and Kass are the only ones who should be getting a call.

i hope i never see peter on tv again. im actually tired of reading about him too

Katrina Stack is that *****.

Peter has got to be one of the most egocentric and self obsessedpeople that I've seen on this show in a pretty long time. He acts like his girlfriend is an object that should change to suit his convenience. Really don't like this dude. He just reeks of control issues and insecurities. He acts like he's such a catch and that Jenn should be happy to be with him. Emotional and verbal abuse at its finest. 

I bet Peter would have never tried that with any of the men in the house. 

This season would have been better if it was just a cast of 8.  My main issue with it was that there's too many people for everyone to get decent airtime.   I think Theo, Kassius, Peter, Mike, Katrina, Tyara, Jenn, and Lana would have made for a solid season.

I agree with everything you said, especially the bit at the end!  

:oh, what could have been...:

I bet Peter would have never tried that with any of the men in the house. 

Of course ***** Peter would never dare step up to a man as quickly as he did to some of the women in the house.  You don't even need to be his psychologist/psychiatrist to know that he's got issues towards females & being in relationships...  Just watch the season and know a bit of his backstory, and you already know it.  I mean, even his ex-roommate said that he was always like that with all of his ex-girlfriends.  He clearly needs some help, as he obviously sees no wrong in his actions towards females and those whom he happens to be in a relationship with...  He has some serious deep-rooted issues when it comes to women (esp. those around his age, I assume for various reasons).  Jenn is so sad and pitiful to watch.  I feel bad for her, as she clearly appears (or appeared?  Are they still together?) to be too blinded to see the abuse that Peter directed towards her, be it verbally or mentally or whatever.


But besides all of that, I have to say that this was one of the weirdest final episodes in the history of TRW.  Robbie, and that ending??  LOL Robbie?  WTF.  lol and so much of it was spent on how vile Peter is, and when it came time for the cast to say goodbye and leave Seattle it was like, 'ok, well here's Robbie as the last rommate.  Here's Robbie showing up home to his family.  The end.'  Such a messy season/finale.

I really liked Will.  Wish we could have seen more of him.

I really liked Will.  Wish we could have seen more of him.

I did too actually.

No we saw too much of will imo. He was so bland. Just a generic cornball you'd find on any street 

Well apparently we could've seen a lot of Will (and Lana by default) but the producers decided watching Jenn be verbally abused & her being a complete naive doormat was better tv smh

Well apparently we could've seen a lot of Will (and Lana by default) but the producers decided watching Jenn be verbally abused & her being a complete naive doormat was better tv smh

Lana >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Graphik wrote:

Well apparently we could've seen a lot of Will (and Lana by default) but the producers decided watching Jenn be verbally abused & her being a complete naive doormat was better tv smh

Lana >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

We'll always wonder how Will pissed her off enough for her to throw an entire glass at him smmfh but let's look at Jenn be ******** & Katrina/Anna ***** and moan about existing around each other all day.


I think Will at the very least could've been comic relief. HIn bringing those girls home was halarious IMO.

No we saw too much of will imo. He was so bland. Just a generic cornball you'd find on any street 

if you rewatch the trailer we see Will tunring his head like he's annoyed and Anika trying to get him to look at her. 

we also see Anika crying with will sitting next to her.

we see Lana throwing a glass at him.

it's been said on here multiple times that Will and Lana got into it with each other.

so can't call him bland.

What's wills last name I need to google him because I swear I forgot what he looks like 

Am I the only one who thinks Jenn may have been heavier than Peter. 

Am I the only one who thinks Jenn may have been heavier than Peter. 


mickeyflo24 wrote:

Am I the only one who thinks Jenn may have been heavier than Peter. 


Am I the only one who thinks Jenn may have been heavier than Peter. 

what the **** is wrong with you
