Dumbest Moves in Challenge History

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Shauvon choosing Aneesa for the first duel lol 

hey now watch it 

Shauvon choosing Aneesa for the first duel lol 

hey now watch it 

Sorry I threw shade at your girl since you came after mine hahah

I actually love Shauvon though. 

Shauvon choosing Aneesa for the first duel lol 

Especially when there are girls like Brooke or Katie.

What about the smartest moves in challenge history?

Here are mine in no specific order:

1. Evan getting Mark and Brad to vote in Landon on The Duel 2.

2. Wes & Theresa sending in Bananas & Nany against Leroy & Nia on Battle of the Exes II. They obviously didn't know the Exiles twist, so it was still a good move for the information they had.

3. The Mob swining the vote to get rid of Rachel on The Island.

4. Jordan & Sarah voting in Bananas & Nany to go against Leroy & Nia on Battle of the Exes II.

5. Tina & Kenny voting in Darrell & Aviv and Derrick & Diem to go into Exile on Fresh Meat.


Those were 100% off the top of my head.

Moves should be judged based on the decision without knowing the aftermath

1.  Kina calling out Jillian instead of Ibis--Gauntlet 2

2.  The Challengers sending in Brianna over Casey--The Ruins

3.  Diem (and CT for being a *****) sending in Dunbar/Paula instead of Bananas/Camila--Exes

4.  Diem (and Derrick for being a *****) sending in Theo/Chanda--Fresh Meat

5.  Diem (and CT for being a *******) sending Mark/Robin on instead of Emily/Ty--Exes

Honorbale mention

Evan being duped by Wes to call out CT--The Duel, Svetlana calling on Beth--The Duel, Isaac calling out Landon-The Duel 2, Aneesa & Katie for not having the balls to vote in David over Timmy-G2 & everyone that saved someone on the Infernos

Big Easy being sent in over Bananas is questioned because of the result but there's no way you risk losing Evan against Big Easy--sorry


***** move on Kina's part & proves that Cara was right when she said Kina was a horrible captain.  Go in against one of the stronger girls & keep Ibis' dead-weight ***... Ridiculous.  That always made me dislike Kina even more.

***** move? Get real.

The point of these challenges is to win. Was Kina gonna call out Jodi? No, she was her best friend and the strongest girl there. Susie was also strong. Ibis also had size on Kina and was close to her. Jillian was only stronger than Ibis on that team.. Not one of the "stronger girls".

Jillian was basically the outcast on the Rookie team for the female side and with one elimination left, why wouldn't Kina want to keep her friend over a competitor who was accused of an alliance and was only a step above Ibis? That was at the point of the challenges where it was still about fun and not extreme politics and screwing people over. And Ibis helped her team a lot in the final by eating the roti.

Not a bad move at all from Kina. And she was a great captain.

kina was afraid of ibis in reverse tug of war and she knew she could beat jilian in all the elimination rounds. it was a smart move and she was right...even in the "unknown" elimination round, she was completely victorious. kina was an insufferable ***** on the duel and suffered an embarr***ing loss to svetlana which tarnished her image but the way she handled jill will always remain as one of the most kick *** female victories outside of cara maria vs emily and cara maria vs marie. jill has always been pretty overrated and her being man handled by kina really brings that fact to light.

also kina had issues with jillian that were not shown. she said jill was playing both sides during the alliance snitching and in general, just annoying with an awful voice so she was probably wanting to put the girl in the grave a long time ago...and she did

Kinda seemed like she would be loyal to her friends, so I doubt she would call out ibis. The veterans should have chosen Danny instead of bananas to go in against Evan. Another dumb move was the rookies thinking Adam was the most valuable member on the veterans. Evans dumb *** for wanting to go in against ct twice. Theresa/jasmine, nany/Jonna voting in Leroy/Ty 

Jordan picking to face bananas in a elimination that required two hands and punching was incredibly stupid.

Choosing/volunteering to go into any elimination is stupid af but I don't think they'd have known what elimination would have been next. They switched up the order of elimination rounds that season didn't they?

Jordan picking to face bananas in a elimination that required two hands and punching was incredibly stupid.

Choosing/volunteering to go into any elimination is stupid af but I don't think they'd have known what elimination would have been next. They switched up the order of elimination rounds that season didn't they?

Jordan saw the walls when they were picking the kill cards and still flipped them all over, they were standing in the elimination.

I completely disagree that it's always "stupid af" to volunteer to go to an elimination, but somebody like to earn their place in the game and have confidence in themselves. Does it back fire sometimes? Yeah. But not always.

When Tina hit Beth with that weak *** punch...if you were gonna go for it..go for it

When Adam hit Ty and went home..bloop! 

When the veterans kept Big Easy over Johnny Bananas 

Jordan trying to go against Bananas and getting sent straight home..bloop!


And there was one time..can't remember the exact show but I think Laurel ended up in the elimination round and they sent in Jasmine instead of another strong girl. 



Jordan picking to face bananas in a elimination that required two hands and punching was incredibly stupid.

Choosing/volunteering to go into any elimination is stupid af but I don't think they'd have known what elimination would have been next. They switched up the order of elimination rounds that season didn't they?

Jordan saw the wall he knew full and well what elimination it was.

Theresa rallying people to vote for Laurel and then switching her vote to Jasmine. 

Theresa rallying people to vote for Laurel and then switching her vote to Jasmine. 

Loved it lol

Theresa rallying people to vote for Laurel and then switching her vote to Jasmine. 

That's not stupid at all it takes the blood off her hands.

When Tina hit Beth with that weak *** punch...if you were gonna go for it..go for it

When Adam hit Ty and went home..bloop! 

When the veterans kept Big Easy over Johnny Bananas 

Jordan trying to go against Bananas and getting sent straight home..bloop!


And there was one time..can't remember the exact show but I think Laurel ended up in the elimination round and they sent in Jasmine instead of another strong girl. 



Jasmine picked the kill card, she wasn't sent in.

Theresa rallying people to vote for Laurel and then switching her vote to Jasmine. 

That's not stupid at all it takes the blood off her hands.

It would have been smart if no one would tell Laurel, but that was not happening. Doing that she pissed off not only Laurel but the people that voted for Laurel. 

Theresa rallying people to vote for Laurel and then switching her vote to Jasmine. 

Loved it lol

Would have been even better if Laurel would have gone home, but the chances of that happening are 0.1%. 

Road rules sending home veronica and yes on battle of the seasons

Leroy and Nia sending in Zach and Jonna against Sarah and Jordan instead of Wes and Theresa

Zach and Jonna would have NEVER been able to beat Leroy and Nia in the Exes 2 finale. They would never have been able to work together and I doubt Jonna could have done some of the things involved/who knows if Zach would have gassed out

Wheresa Wes/Theresa vs Jordan/Sarah in Hammer it Home would have been guaranteed to get out one out of two teams who could have definitely beaten Leroy and Nia in a final

All this is questionable. To this day I couldn't see Nia going up that mountain.

Theresa rallying people to vote for Laurel and then switching her vote to Jasmine. 

Loved it lol

kina was afraid of ibis in reverse tug of war and she knew she could beat jilian in all the elimination rounds. it was a smart move and she was right...even in the "unknown" elimination round, she was completely victorious. kina was an insufferable ***** on the duel and suffered an embarr***ing loss to svetlana which tarnished her image but the way she handled jill will always remain as one of the most kick *** female victories outside of cara maria vs emily and cara maria vs marie. jill has always been pretty overrated and her being man handled by kina really brings that fact to light.

also kina had issues with jillian that were not shown. she said jill was playing both sides during the alliance snitching and in general, just annoying with an awful voice so she was probably wanting to put the girl in the grave a long time ago...and she did

When did this happened?

kina was afraid of ibis in reverse tug of war and she knew she could beat jilian in all the elimination rounds. it was a smart move and she was right...even in the "unknown" elimination round, she was completely victorious. kina was an insufferable ***** on the duel and suffered an embarr***ing loss to svetlana which tarnished her image but the way she handled jill will always remain as one of the most kick *** female victories outside of cara maria vs emily and cara maria vs marie. jill has always been pretty overrated and her being man handled by kina really brings that fact to light.

also kina had issues with jillian that were not shown. she said jill was playing both sides during the alliance snitching and in general, just annoying with an awful voice so she was probably wanting to put the girl in the grave a long time ago...and she did

When did this happened?

Battle of the Seasons 2012. it was an oil wrestling match.

and no the most kick *** elimination was Brittany vs Nany.

another dumb move imo was Danny on BOTS2012 choosing to wrestle Trey instead of Robb who was skinny at the time. i can't remember everything but Trey and Danny wrestled to a standstill and the result was Danny and Melinda were last place.

if Danny would have chosen Robb he probably could have beaten him and then there still would have been a chance St Thomas could have gotten last place.

kina was afraid of ibis in reverse tug of war and she knew she could beat jilian in all the elimination rounds. it was a smart move and she was right...even in the "unknown" elimination round, she was completely victorious. kina was an insufferable ***** on the duel and suffered an embarr***ing loss to svetlana which tarnished her image but the way she handled jill will always remain as one of the most kick *** female victories outside of cara maria vs emily and cara maria vs marie. jill has always been pretty overrated and her being man handled by kina really brings that fact to light.

also kina had issues with jillian that were not shown. she said jill was playing both sides during the alliance snitching and in general, just annoying with an awful voice so she was probably wanting to put the girl in the grave a long time ago...and she did

When did this happened?

In the flawed oil wresting mission where nobody could get any footing

Another dumb move is when Jasmine/Theresa won the Frog Smash mission on Rivals II and started off the process by voting for Leroy/Ty then Theresa got super pissed off when Diem voted for Leroy/Ty which was stupid because Theresa was the one who said their name first. And Jonna/Nany voting for Leroy/Ty was dumb too. It was hilarious watching their "throw away vote" plan backfire. 

Another dumb move is when Jasmine/Theresa won the Frog Smash mission on Rivals II and started off the process by voting for Leroy/Ty then Theresa got super pissed off when Diem voted for Leroy/Ty which was stupid because Theresa was the one who said their name first. And Jonna/Nany voting for Leroy/Ty was dumb too. It was hilarious watching their "throw away vote" plan backfire. 

I don't think we'll ever know how that much ridiculousness took place that night.  Part of me believes Nany said his name on purpose.  What was really funny was CT's conversation with Wes and Johnny afterwards.  CT "I thought Leroy was their boy." "They voted their own boy in." lol

kina was afraid of ibis in reverse tug of war and she knew she could beat jilian in all the elimination rounds. it was a smart move and she was right...even in the "unknown" elimination round, she was completely victorious. kina was an insufferable ***** on the duel and suffered an embarr***ing loss to svetlana which tarnished her image but the way she handled jill will always remain as one of the most kick *** female victories outside of cara maria vs emily and cara maria vs marie. jill has always been pretty overrated and her being man handled by kina really brings that fact to light.

also kina had issues with jillian that were not shown. she said jill was playing both sides during the alliance snitching and in general, just annoying with an awful voice so she was probably wanting to put the girl in the grave a long time ago...and she did

Timmy was glad that Kina chose Jillian because he said Jillian was a great athlete.  When the opposite team is happy with your decision, there's a problem.  MJ also said it should have been Ibis, & that Kina shouls have to carry her *** in the final.  If that was a normal final as planned, Ibis woulda lost it for them.  She is only useful in ating missions (see BOTS 2).  A good captain would try to get rid of the dead weight, even if it means risking yourself.  Kina would have beat Ibis in any of them.  Ibis has zero endurance.




Theresa rallying people to vote for Laurel and then switching her vote to Jasmine. 

Loved it lol

Would have been even better if Laurel would have gone home, but the chances of that happening are 0.1%. 

The move wasn't bad at the time--I said it then and still say it now

It also didn't hurt her at all in the game

Theresa rallying people to vote for Laurel and then switching her vote to Jasmine. 

Loved it lol

Would have been even better if Laurel would have gone home, but the chances of that happening are 0.1%. 

The move wasn't bad at the time--I said it then and still say it now

It also didn't hurt her at all in the game

Didn't Theresa become enemy #1 because of it? It was a smart move but the backing out of voting her made her more enemies.

kina was afraid of ibis in reverse tug of war and she knew she could beat jilian in all the elimination rounds. it was a smart move and she was right...even in the "unknown" elimination round, she was completely victorious. kina was an insufferable ***** on the duel and suffered an embarr***ing loss to svetlana which tarnished her image but the way she handled jill will always remain as one of the most kick *** female victories outside of cara maria vs emily and cara maria vs marie. jill has always been pretty overrated and her being man handled by kina really brings that fact to light.

also kina had issues with jillian that were not shown. she said jill was playing both sides during the alliance snitching and in general, just annoying with an awful voice so she was probably wanting to put the girl in the grave a long time ago...and she did

When did this happened?

In the flawed oil wresting mission where nobody could get any footing

stop making excuses for her. She sucked.  The footing clearly wasn't an issue for  camila since she handled business
