aviv is out sadly. yall probably think im trolling but i said the laurel dq thing before it was posted. Aviv was my favorite so I just want everyone to be let down gently..
This was expected, sadly. Super proud of her good run though! What a way to comeback!
The 4 brolic girls actually want to run a final against each other? I guess its whatever strategy for jenny as she can probably beat them all but not the 3 others
i do actually like this format, however I think it would definitely work better with a sole champion. Why would the women want to take out strong men...
The 4 brolic girls actually want to run a final against each other? I guess its ok for jenny as she can probably beat them all but not the 3 others
Vicky and Michele aren't brolics.
anyone with a brain can see michele is not included in that shit... and vicky is a beefy roided girl so yes. I was speaking on cara, rachel, tori, and jenny.
aviv is out sadly. yall probably think im trolling but i said the laurel dq thing before it was posted. Aviv was my favorite so I just want everyone to be let down gently..
aviv is out sadly. yall probably think im trolling but i said the laurel dq thing before it was posted. Aviv was my favorite so I just want everyone to be let down gently..
ugh that's sad if true. well if Rachel took her out I can live with it because I want her to win just as much.
aviv is out sadly. yall probably think im trolling but i said the laurel dq thing before it was posted. Aviv was my favorite so I just want everyone to be let down gently..
This is actually interesting if Aviv is out because that would mean her, Amber, and Kiki (all who were Darrell's protégés) placed 6th at one point #FunFactsWithKilla
I would be so pissed if i had to do a million eliminations just to lose before the final... come on michele take out one of the brolic spots for the final
"Doesn't have any black phenotypes" is so ignorant but I can never be shocked when it's you.
But yet for someone to not be shocked your dumba*s Rubicon66 keeps responding to me. Ignorant is thinking that the only time someone can have melanin is if they are African or Arab decent.
Unlike you, I admitted I was wrong so you bringing that back up is not a gag. Judging people's blackness based on "phenotypes" is daft. I'll respond each time you expose another level of ignorance then go back ignoring your daft ***
Michele, Laurel, Olivia, Jenny, and Tori probably look better than 99% of the people calling them fat and ugly everyday.
I think you're thinking of Peyton Manning.
She got booed but she actually did a good job.
This was expected, sadly. Super proud of her good run though! What a way to comeback!
The 4 brolic girls actually want to run a final against each other? I guess its whatever strategy for jenny as she can probably beat them all but not the 3 others
Vicky and Michele aren't brolics.
i do actually like this format, however I think it would definitely work better with a sole champion. Why would the women want to take out strong men...
anyone with a brain can see michele is not included in that shit... and vicky is a beefy roided girl so yes. I was speaking on cara, rachel, tori, and jenny.
and vice versa
Not if they just put in Sebastian in his place or some crap.
ugh that's sad if true. well if Rachel took her out I can live with it because I want her to win just as much.
It's funny 'cause it's true.
I guess her good social game ran out
michele beat aviv and got her 4th elimination win... wow who would have every thought winchele would be an elimination beast
This is actually interesting if Aviv is out because that would mean her, Amber, and Kiki (all who were Darrell's protégés) placed 6th at one point #FunFactsWithKilla
I would be so pissed if i had to do a million eliminations just to lose before the final... come on michele take out one of the brolic spots for the final
They really said WHITES ONLY for the women omg--
If this is Michele's 4th elimination win I'm happy that she's setting a name for herself, but starting to feel sad that they keep throwing girl in.
That's what I've been thinking since the last elimination. I don't like that it's all whites though.
Kyland better represent!
I'm afraid Kyland/Cory/Derek's time is up....the girls want to run with their precious white boys. White supremacy has won! WHITE POWER
Unlike you, I admitted I was wrong so you bringing that back up is not a gag. Judging people's blackness based on "phenotypes" is daft. I'll respond each time you expose another level of ignorance then go back ignoring your daft ***
Those calling Michele & Laurel ugly have to be trolling
michele: 3-0, f5, queen
laurel: flop, old, purged
Everyone besides Michele is probably like "I want to run against the best!" ***** run again ppl who you think you can beat???! #JustMyOpinion
this ^^^
None of the girls are ugly. Some are just botched and it ages them or makes them look not-human.
I want Michele in the final only if she's going to give it 1000% effort. None of that Berna nonsense
Nany always eats.
FLOPNANAS what's that supposed to mean?