The Challenge: Battle of The Eras- Season 40 - Spoilers Discussion

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This isn't even me being a hater but I want it to be revealed that Michele took out Cara just to see twitter have a meltdown Smile

This isn't even me being a hater but I want it to be revealed that Michele took out Cara just to see twitter have a meltdown

I want to see her take out The Hog. I'd love to see it. I'd love to see anyone take out the hog.

Tori is not no HOG!


When Jordan & Tori win first place

I'd rather Jenny win 100 times in a row than that **** win.


But why? Why do you want a terminator with fake lips win? Jenny should not be there in the first place, having unfair advantage over regular people. 

Hey Jenna4Eva my man looks so good here, no? Smile

Tori is not no HOG!

Oh yes she is! She's a BIG FAT HOG!



When Jordan & Tori win first place

I'd rather Jenny win 100 times in a row than that **** win.


But why? Why do you want a terminator with fake lips win? Jenny should not be there in the first place, having unfair advantage over regular people. 

But The Hog is all fake too. Plus she spends her days eating chocolate cakes.

Hey Jenna4Eva my man looks so good here, no?

SpongeBob looks like he is about to go cook at the crusty crab! Smile he is also borderlining looking like a creep toucher with that disgusting goatee 


Hey Jenna4Eva my man looks so good here, no?

SpongeBob looks like he is about to go cook at the crusty crab! he is also borderlining looking like a creep toucher with that disgusting goatee 

Shut your mouth *****! His goatee is sexy. I bet if he asked you to drop your pants, you would do so and let him do whatever he wants with you! Smile



Hey Jenna4Eva my man looks so good here, no?

SpongeBob looks like he is about to go cook at the crusty crab! he is also borderlining looking like a creep toucher with that disgusting goatee 

Shut your mouth *****! His goatee is sexy. I bet if he asked you to drop your pants, you would do so and let him do whatever he wants with you!

I'd rather die. Smile he looks like his balls stink.




Hey Jenna4Eva my man looks so good here, no?

SpongeBob looks like he is about to go cook at the crusty crab! he is also borderlining looking like a creep toucher with that disgusting goatee 

Shut your mouth *****! His goatee is sexy. I bet if he asked you to drop your pants, you would do so and let him do whatever he wants with you!

I'd rather die. he looks like his balls stink.

stink with a natural manly scent? Well yes Smile





Hey Jenna4Eva my man looks so good here, no?

SpongeBob looks like he is about to go cook at the crusty crab! he is also borderlining looking like a creep toucher with that disgusting goatee 

Shut your mouth *****! His goatee is sexy. I bet if he asked you to drop your pants, you would do so and let him do whatever he wants with you!

I'd rather die. he looks like his balls stink.

stink with a natural manly scent? Well yes

No like dirt and gym socks that have been used everyday for a week. Sad

Nany beat Fessy in an elimination. Let that soak in. Smile

Queen Tori really coming for her second win. We love a  legend

Queen Tori really coming for her second win. We love a  legend

That Blueorca is gonna flop like she always does.

Nany beat Fessy in an elimination. Let that soak in.

And nany ate! What did you want me to do cry lmaooo? Smile

Not jenna4eva out of all people dragging you so easily ~wow~

Not jenna4eva out of all people dragging you so easily ~wow~

Just like Laurel did to Cara on Invasion? 


Not jenna4eva out of all people dragging you so easily ~wow~

Just like cara and 7 others beat laurel in a purge on 40?

Not laurel losing basically 7 times in a row... rip elimination record now it's 10 wins and 10 loses ~YIKES~

This is really hillarious how people comment about contestants being fat, are you kidding me, they are all in better shape than we are. 

Hope I wake up to Tori's picture gray out *giggles* 




ohhhh! They are meant to be ❤️


Hope I wake up to KKKara's picture gray out *giggles* 

Not laurel losing basically 7 times in a row... rip elimination record now it's 10 wins and 10 loses ~YIKES~

That's not how purges work *****! If it did that means Michele is 6-12 Smile

This is really hillarious how people comment about contestants being fat, are you kidding me, they are all in better shape than we are. 

speak on it 

I'm really the Kim Kardashian of vevmo when you think about it

Speaking of Kim, did anyone see her on the Tom Brady Roast last night. I became a fan <3

Am I experiencing the Mandala effect? Wasnt there a Tom brady roast years ago?  

Anyways I heard Kim got booed lol

"Doesn't have any black phenotypes" is so ignorant but I can never be shocked when it's you. 

But yet for someone to not be shocked your dumba*s Rubicon66 keeps responding to me. Ignorant is thinking that the only time someone can have melanin is if they are African or Arab decent. 

aviv is out sadly. yall probably think im trolling but i said the laurel dq thing before it was posted. Aviv was my favorite so I just want everyone to be let down gently..
