The Challenge: Battle of The Eras- Season 40 - Spoilers Discussion

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amber needs to be CANCELLED for that bullshit i just saw above.... ~SorryNOTSORRY~


~The majorities opinion~

Hopefully Amber isn't moved to alt status that would prove my point about the misogyny and racism that is running wild in production Sad

Hopefully Amber isn't moved to alt status that would prove my point about the misogyny and racism that is running wild in production

MTV was dead wrong for making the first black female winner in 15 years into an alternate the next season and then lying to her face saying she didnt fit the theme when she did for a monumental season such as 40. I better see her on allstars 5 its the least they can do even though she deserves to be on the main show.

Fr like **** around and find out

???????? she brought up her ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS you piece of shit. **** around and find out means that it was deserved, did Cara deserve to have her abusive relationships thrown in the face as a sacrifice in order for Laurel to acheive compensating for her insecurities? I didn't forget when the news dropped and you were kissing Cara's ***. Obviously I now know that wasn't sincere, but at least the message of what was coming out of your mouth rang true to reality. Get help dummy!!!!! 

Personally, I'm not gagging at someone using abuse as a punchline, but if the girls consider that "clever".

not you throwing shade towards your bipolar sister that's obsessed with me omg you gagged it 

...yet I only respond to when you bring up Cara, and I don't even respond to all of your mentions of Cara, so it's impossible for me to be "obsessed" with you without you being "obsessed" with Cara. Also, I wouldn't keep asking you your thoughts on your fraudulent behavior if you weren't so afraid of a stranger on the internet and would address it, so if you don't want me to be "obsessed" with you then maybe, for future reference, don't be such a performative fraud?????????? 

Laurel reciting a song Rihanna lyric is not on the same scale as Cara calling a black man a monkey lets be serious LMAOOOO 

...yet you were kissing Cara's *** constantly while knowing of that. Your thoughts? 

Nurys isn't black so Laurel wasn't lying IMO was it her place to speak on probably not but I agree with the overall message but I've been down this road with Nurys fans already and we'll never agree on #THAT

You're such an idiot with no self awareness because how is this a "Nurys fans" issue as opposed to a Laurel issue? You're so stupid I hate you. 

SeauxMtv is its own brand of delusional. I have never seen such a clueless ***** with so little self awareness that is so out of touch with reality. 


Ugly *** greasy *** extensions for a botched greasy *** hillbilly. It feels very right. 


Ugly *** greasy *** extensions for a botched greasy *** hillbilly. It feels very right. 

Mind you, Ashley looks so good in blonde. And it's funny you don't get the reference of this pic Wink

Mind you, Ashley looks so good in blonde. And it's funny you don't get the reference of this pic

Trailer Park Trashley inserting her self into a fight in which no one was addressing her, making it so that she had zero excuses to not come up with anything better than the insults she came up with?????? Or am I missing something. 


Mind you, Ashley looks so good in blonde. And it's funny you don't get the reference of this pic

Trailer Park Trashley inserting her self into a fight in which no one was addressing her, making it so that she had zero excuses to not come up with anything better than the insults she came up with?????? Or am I missing something. 

Cara was screaming at Amanda, disturbing the peace. Ofc Ashley would defend her best friend. Are you dumb or stupid? Smile

CML you need to bring it down to a level 6. You do too much and it's too repetitive. It was fun when half the time you loved Killahneesa. Now yall try too hard to be edgy.

Cara was screaming at Amanda, disturbing the peace. Ofc Ashley would defend her best friend. Are you dumb or stupid?

Cara gave Amanda what she deserved. So no, not "ofc" you little *****! Smile


Cara was screaming at Amanda, disturbing the peace. Ofc Ashley would defend her best friend. Are you dumb or stupid?

Cara gave Amanda what she deserved. So no, not "ofc" you little *****!

ykw let me not engage in this argument bc it will get uglier than Cara's sense of style Smile

CML you need to bring it down to a level 6. You do too much and it's too repetitive. It was fun when half the time you loved Killahneesa. Now yall try too hard to be edgy.

I'm not "trying" to do anything nor do I "need" to do anything, but thanks dad. Did KVM make you sleep in the basement tonight? 

I blame killaflop because ever since he realized that I would take the bait with his attention seeking, he's been nonstop with it. If you wanna blame someone for being "repetitive," blame him and his obsession with Cara. 



Cara was screaming at Amanda, disturbing the peace. Ofc Ashley would defend her best friend. Are you dumb or stupid?

Cara gave Amanda what she deserved. So no, not "ofc" you little *****!

ykw let me not engage in this argument bc it will get uglier than Cara's sense of style

or uglier than Paulie jockstrap pic tbh


CML you need to bring it down to a level 6. You do too much and it's too repetitive. It was fun when half the time you loved Killahneesa. Now yall try too hard to be edgy.

I am truly in DISBELIEF at this comment! I cannot believe you took it upon yourself to say this. Get over it and get over YOURSELF ************. You have no reason to judge so don't get in my face and I won't get in your face!!!!!! PS I'm not any different than I was before you maybe grandpa needs his reading glasses. Sad

SeauxMtv is its own brand of delusional. I have never seen such a clueless ***** with so little self awareness that is so out of touch with reality. 


This ^ and you were being nice 

CML you need to bring it down to a level 6. You do too much and it's too repetitive. It was fun when half the time you loved Killahneesa. Now yall try too hard to be edgy.

at least they aren't a flip flopper 



Ugly *** greasy *** extensions for a botched greasy *** hillbilly. It feels very right. 

Mind you, Ashley looks so good in blonde. And it's funny you don't get the reference of this pic

ashley acting like a fool before getting dragged by queen marie (still love ashley)




Ugly *** greasy *** extensions for a botched greasy *** hillbilly. It feels very right. 

Mind you, Ashley looks so good in blonde. And it's funny you don't get the reference of this pic

ashley acting like a fool before getting dragged by queen marie (still love ashley)

A mother-off if we're being honest. I would've done the same if I was ashley Smile

Like imagine me in a challenge house. I would act like a fool tbh. Ashley and Laurel are my blueprint Smile

at least they aren't a flip flopper 

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa way to tell that ************ what's up! 

A mother-off if we're being honest. I would've done the same if I was ashley

For it to be a "mother-off," there have to be two mothers, and I can only spot one mother in Marie. Who is the second mother? 

ashley acting like a fool before getting dragged by queen marie (still love ashley)

If Derrick is this injured I'm guessing no all stars 5 for him. So thank you cory
