The Challenge: Battle of The Eras- Season 40 - Spoilers Discussion

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I'm gonna storm the house if Aviv is eliminated.

Omg an avi change???

Amber recently said on a podcast that she'd pick Cara Maria for her 'Ride or Die' partner (and chose Darrell for the men).

This is really hillarious how people comment about contestants being fat, are you kidding me, they are all in better shape than we are. 

Nope. I have a 200 BMI like Tory.

Michele took out all of CosmicDiva's faves (Tina, Nia, and probably Aviv too) Oh that's not--

Amber recently said on a podcast that she'd pick Cara Maria for her 'Ride or Die' partner (and chose Darrell for the men).

How are her and Cara Ride or Dies??? And I'm not trying to be shady. Haven't they met just recently...


I'm gonna storm the house if Aviv is eliminated.

Omg an avi change???

The loss of Aviv has changed me forever.

Michele took out all of CosmicDiva's faves (Tina, Nia, and probably Aviv too) Oh that's not--

Don't worry, I'm preparing the biggest hex of all time for that ChatGPT shrew. She has an unfair advantage over all these höës.


Amber recently said on a podcast that she'd pick Cara Maria for her 'Ride or Die' partner (and chose Darrell for the men).

How are her and Cara Ride or Dies??? And I'm not trying to be shady. Haven't they met just recently...

amber has been close for awhile with paulie since she did big brother with his brother and therefore has been friends with cara too. Amber even visited them in the middle of nowhere in the mountainss in the last year 



"Doesn't have any black phenotypes" is so ignorant but I can never be shocked when it's you. 

But yet for someone to not be shocked your dumba*s Rubicon66 keeps responding to me. Ignorant is thinking that the only time someone can have melanin is if they are African or Arab decent. 

Unlike you, I admitted I was wrong so you bringing that back up is not a gag. Judging people's blackness based on "phenotypes" is daft. I'll respond each time you expose another level of ignorance then go back ignoring your daft *** 

I'm glad you recognized your ignorance. Black has a phenotype, maybe if you didn't have an elementary understanding of race you would know that. Only person that keeps exposing their ignorance is yourself. 

If that person is lying can they get banned? Thanks.


Amber recently said on a podcast that she'd pick Cara Maria for her 'Ride or Die' partner (and chose Darrell for the men).

How are her and Cara Ride or Dies??? And I'm not trying to be shady. Haven't they met just recently...

Ha I think she just took it more as who she would want as a partner than it being an actual ride or die. It's not like all of the ones on the first season were true ride or dies either.

Amber doesn't have a lot of friends so she chose the strongest person that she knows that doesn't hate her.

Amber doesn't have a lot of friends so she chose the strongest person that she knows that doesn't hate her.

This is such an odd thing to say... Sad


Amber doesn't have a lot of friends so she chose the strongest person that she knows that doesn't hate her.

This is such an odd thing to say...

It's such a true* thing to say.



Amber doesn't have a lot of friends so she chose the strongest person that she knows that doesn't hate her.

This is such an odd thing to say...

It's such a true* thing to say.

Oh you're weird! 




"Doesn't have any black phenotypes" is so ignorant but I can never be shocked when it's you. 

But yet for someone to not be shocked your dumba*s Rubicon66 keeps responding to me. Ignorant is thinking that the only time someone can have melanin is if they are African or Arab decent. 

Unlike you, I admitted I was wrong so you bringing that back up is not a gag. Judging people's blackness based on "phenotypes" is daft. I'll respond each time you expose another level of ignorance then go back ignoring your daft *** 

I'm glad you recognized your ignorance. Black has a phenotype, maybe if you didn't have an elementary understanding of race you would know that. Only person that keeps exposing their ignorance is yourself. 

There are phenotypes that are largely associated with black people but those phenotypes are not an exhaustive list. Using phenotype to argue race is so basic. You would know this if you had more than a rudimentary understanding of race and science. Anyway that's all the engagement I have to give you till your next daft talk 

"Amber doesn't have a lot of friends" Oh ok

Who do we think is gonna have an end-of-the-season blowup like Katie vs. Veronica on the Inferno I before the season ends? I hope it's Jenny cussing out Tori about not being able to beat her in a final. Or Aviv trying to attack Michele after the elimination. Maybe even Aviv vs. Tori (Israelis vs. ISIS terrorists). And I hope it's Rachel or Cara trying to break them up like Holly/Christena (I'd rather it be Cara to slip and bust her *** like Christena though).

Analyse should have gotten another chance 


I'm glad you recognized your ignorance. Black has a phenotype, maybe if you didn't have an elementary understanding of race you would know that. Only person that keeps exposing their ignorance is yourself. 

There are phenotypes that are largely associated with black people but those phenotypes are not an exhaustive list. Using phenotype to argue race is so basic. You would know this if you had more than a rudimentary understanding of race and science. Anyway that's all the engagement I have to give you till your next daft talk 

You agree that black has a phenotype right? So you do have an understanding of why people would question someone that doesn't have ANY black phenotypes? You are ignorant and want to lump everyone that has a little bit of color in their skin into being black. All you have to say is "that's basic". There's no substance at all to your rebuttal because you don't actually have an argument and never did. 

 angela rummans should have gotten another chance 

Both Amber and Cory need more friends in the house. Without Nelson and Chauncey, they are never anyone's number #1s so will keep being targeted.

Both Amber and Cory need more friends in the house. Without Nelson and Chauncey, they are never anyone's number #1s so will keep being targeted.

They can be each other's number 1s Smile


Both Amber and Cory need more friends in the house. Without Nelson and Chauncey, they are never anyone's number #1s so will keep being targeted.

They can be each other's number 1s

Would love that <3. 

to be fair anytime Cory has a potential new guy that you'd think he'd be friends with MTV stops casting them after 1 appearance lol

They need to just bring Hunter back 

But knowing my boy Cory he would f her over for Fessy and Kaycee. I hope I'm wrong

Nah Cory really don't **** with Fessy lowkey lol. You could tell that 1 v 1 wrestling daily was personal for him lol

Nah Cory really don't **** with Fessy lowkey lol. You could tell that 1 v 1 wrestling daily was personal for him lol

you could see it in his eyes. 

Can yall give me your percentage of the likelyhood or cory or kyland winning?
