The Challenge: Rivals 3 (SPOILERS DISCUSSION)

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re-watching all the physical stuff. Vince beating up Thomas is joyous. i alos beleive i'd probably get into it with thomas too if i was in the challenge house.

Hey Thomas

This season has changed my opinion on Sarah so much, she used to be one of my favourites. But the way she laughed along and stood by when they were talking to Chey says a lot about her. Wes said it best she has some sort of desire to be liked by the 'popular' kids. This may be one of the worst final line ups ever, when I'm rooting for Devin & Cheyenne lol

I agree on Sarah. I used to go back and forth on her but now I just plain don't like her. People pleasing *****.

Part of me feels bad for Sarah (regarding the way she's acting...I definitely feel bad for her about the money). I only watched Brooklyn here and there, so I don't know her backstory or her childhood. It must have been really shitty if she is so desperate for acceptance and has such a need to be liked. Obviously you have to grow up at some point and find who you are and stick to what you believe in but it really is unfortunate that she has that pathological need. I think at her core she's probably a nice girl. She's clearly pretty intelligent (or at least seems so in comparison to most people on the shows). She just has to grow a pair and fight for what she believes in the moment and not do this podcast armchair quarterbacking when she's with her security blanket Susie. 

Yup, she keeps showing how annoying she is. Then goes on her podcast and acts like brainy miss perfect. She never stands up for anything in the moment, just sits back yet says she "protected the victim" in private. How about she actually stands up to the bully, her saying she comforted Cheyanne in private is bullshit then she goes back to being buddy/buddy in love with Johnny, tell Johnny and that other retard to not act like idiots. Wes is right, she is a feareather friend and needs approval of the cool kids, she doesnt want to say something that offends them cause then they wont like her, like Johnny/Evelyn.  At least sarah kinda knows it now and stopped denying  it, on the first podcast she denied what Wes said was true then on the one with Kelly Anne she said hes kinda right. Guess it depends on who the audience is that shes talking to, Kelly Anne probably agreed with Wes and sarah probably knew that.

The only reason Johnny didnt like Evelyn was because she calls him out on his ****** bag behavior, which made the whole group not like her, the only worse follower than Sarah is Paula

Yeah I hate to have to agree with you here, but I do. When KW aired it was one of my favorite seasons& cast members. I used to really like Paula until the whole CM instance. She had no problem getting in CM's face for nothing than continued to play the victim when Laurel tore her a new one. I think Laurel can be harsh and talking about someone's prior eating disorder was low...but she kinda deserved it. Sarah and Paula are both followers that constantly play the victim and it's just annoying. I'm glad we hopefully won't see either one again. 

JL81790 wrote:

Part of me feels bad for Sarah (regarding the way she's acting...I definitely feel bad for her about the money). I only watched Brooklyn here and there, so I don't know her backstory or her childhood. It must have been really shitty if she is so desperate for acceptance and has such a need to be liked. Obviously you have to grow up at some point and find who you are and stick to what you believe in but it really is unfortunate that she has that pathological need. I think at her core she's probably a nice girl. She's clearly pretty intelligent (or at least seems so in comparison to most people on the shows). She just has to grow a pair and fight for what she believes in the moment and not do this podcast armchair quarterbacking when she's with her security blanket Susie. 

Yup, she keeps showing how annoying she is. Then goes on her podcast and acts like brainy miss perfect. She never stands up for anything in the moment, just sits back yet says she "protected the victim" in private. How about she actually stands up to the bully, her saying she comforted Cheyanne in private is bullshit then she goes back to being buddy/buddy in love with Johnny, tell Johnny and that other retard to not act like idiots. Wes is right, she is a feareather friend and needs approval of the cool kids, she doesnt want to say something that offends them cause then they wont like her, like Johnny/Evelyn.  At least sarah kinda knows it now and stopped denying  it, on the first podcast she denied what Wes said was true then on the one with Kelly Anne she said hes kinda right. Guess it depends on who the audience is that shes talking to, Kelly Anne probably agreed with Wes and sarah probably knew that.The only reason Johnny didnt like Evelyn was because she calls him out on his ****** bag behavior, which made the whole group not like her, the only worse follower than Sarah is Paula

Nop, Sarah is biggest follower in the show, the ruins showed all and now rivals 3.

Paula on the other hand is not the true follower coz she is actual friend with most of them. If you look at back, she was first person who screwed her alliance on duel 2 with voting for dummybear. That backfired her there and on the island, when kenny struck a deal with ev to save johnny *** and secure win which ment to remove paula. And again on rivals 1 she voted in her KW buddies over kenny and wes, where she showed again she has no problem to vote in her real friends. But she did use alliance power on rivals 1 to abuse CM, which showed that she is/was true member of that alliance (abuse and intimidate others to secure your place in the finals).

I just cannot believe how all these contestants continue to be sheep and allow Johnny to win the money time and time again......everyone knows this how he makes a living, he should be the first one targeted for this rate he will still be playing this game in his 50's as the paycheck is so good and the other competitors are idiots.


Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

Production def slips people a few extra bills to keep their golden boy in.

That would make sense.....

I just cannot believe how all these contestants continue to be sheep and allow Johnny to win the money time and time again......everyone knows this how he makes a living, he should be the first one targeted for this rate he will still be playing this game in his 50's as the paycheck is so good and the other competitors are idiots. 

They're all idiots. 

Ah. The days this season caused so much controversy. I remember folks got mad when people told them not to add input since they stated they wasn't watching the season.

Bumping for rememberance.

Yesss. I remember when my team dragged every last one of you!

Yesss. I remember when my team dragged every last one of you!

Yaaaassss <3.

I know y'all ain't talking about me cause I didn't care if y'all was staying tuned or not.



And to the ones y'all did drag. Y'all still watched! Except HB sand Graphik so 2 claps for you

Departure for this game was so painful. When we all thought Melinda was on>>>>

badladjj wrote:

So over Nany! That ***** can't win for shit and at this point, 


OMFG Well would you look at this......TBone admitting his girl is THE ultimate Flop. They don't call her Nana GonFlopez for nothing!

Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin

Tbone123 wrote:

badladjj wrote:So over Nany! That ***** can't win for shit and at this point, 


OMFG Well would you look at this......TBone admitting his girl is THE ultimate Flop. They don't call her Nana GonFlopez for nothing!:D Biggrin Biggrin :D


I remember this day. I was in class and spoilers of the next room were about to come out and I was SOOOOOO MAD seeing Nanys name. Like you ******* *****. Regardless her appearance check was atleast 2nd place coin like relatable.

As long as nia, nany, violetta, Sylvia, and Cory are on this season It'll be perfect. 

What was wrong with me wtf.

Tbone123 wrote:

As long as nia, nany, violetta, Sylvia, and Cory are on this season It'll be perfect. 

What was wrong with me wtf.

sometimes it takes awhile to grow up Blum 3
