Cedric on BB had that whole "little brother/son" thing going for him that's how everyone saw him and I'm sure that's helped him here too since most vets are 35+ lol he's prob decent at the challenges
for once there's more women that i want gone than men. CT is really the only one I want out. I'd prefer a new male winner but it doesn't really matter much.
Ask OS Kajun Rose. He has all the spoiler tea and info
I feel like nobody has mentioned Leonardo in this thread since he got announced. What's his deal?
Aviv does
He's messy! Rosita, is he providing any mess so far?
i hope it's ct out
yes they need even guys and girls and rn girls down 1
I don't have any faith in these men to get CT out...his big a^ss is going to be in that final.
who do yall think will have the biggest karma of the people left this season?
Cedric on BB had that whole "little brother/son" thing going for him that's how everyone saw him and I'm sure that's helped him here too since most vets are 35+ lol he's prob decent at the challenges
I won't even be greedy I'll take a Derrick or Leroy
Michaela, Yeremi and Jonna winning this season sounds good to me.
for once there's more women that i want gone than men. CT is really the only one I want out. I'd prefer a new male winner but it doesn't really matter much.
I really think leroy is going to win this season
Ideal boot order of the male vets
I won't allow myself to think this until he wins a season he gets no more benefit of the doubt.
how? I literally want the white boys to go first?
I don't want Derrick out but I'll take a CT or Leroy being eliminated
I wouldn't mind turbo getting his 2nd win while nany still sits at 0 *giggles*
both make more than you do pooks
Why does Reddit think Derek and America are still in?
boy u work at target dont make me LAUGH!
Dee hooked up with Will & Turbo. You heard it first from Killa
yep and i can't complain! Helps me pay my bills and school