Yes you did. I'll never go low unless my character is attacked first.
Stop playing the victim, it's annoying. "My character was attacked" what 30 year old man talks like that... Anyways, I see you've already broken the truce.
Yes you did. I'll never go low unless my character is attacked first.
Stop playing the victim, it's annoying. "My character was attacked" what 30 year old man talks like that... Anyways, I see you've already broken the truce.
What 30 year old man says he's 19 and plays a 19 year old character?
Honestly caramarialover you need to get a ******* life. You're a liar and I don't believe anything you say. I tried to give you advice and you don't take it EVER. Who the hell do you think you are?! You are a keyboard warrior and you dont run anything except your talentless mouth. Maybe find some club to join in your area so we won't have to deal with you, the grammer police, the obsession with oldschooler and ur annoying *** transracial count. ***** **** your whole family line, now what *****. You want to be an adult then act like ONE.
Sorry to the non-regulars who are going to login tomorrow and see 200 new post thinking there was something big revealed only to discover absolutely no news.
Honestly caramarialover you need to get a ******* life. You're a liar and I don't believe anything you say. I tried to give you advice and you don't take it EVER. Who the hell do you think you are?! You are a keyboard warrior and you dont run anything except your talentless mouth. Maybe find some club to join in your area so we won't have to deal with you, the grammer police, the obsession with oldschooler and ur annoying *** transracial count. ***** **** your whole family line, now what *****. You want to be an adult then act like ONE.
Honestly caramarialover you need to get a ******* life. You're a liar and I don't believe anything you say. I tried to give you advice and you don't take it EVER. Who the hell do you think you are?! You are a keyboard warrior and you dont run anything except your talentless mouth. Maybe find some club to join in your area so we won't have to deal with you, the grammer police, the obsession with oldschooler and ur annoying *** transracial count. ***** **** your whole family line, now what *****. You want to be an adult then act like ONE.
What did I lie about
I was just letting out my last ounce of troll before bed. *giggles*
Stop playing the victim, it's annoying. "My character was attacked" what 30 year old man talks like that... Anyways, I see you've already broken the truce.
What 30 year old man says he's 19 and plays a 19 year old character?
I thought you wanted a truce? This is the first time you have ever lied about anything.
I said deal. Whenever you are ready to quit addressing me and mentioning me, I'm ready and excited to do the same.
Okay, then do it loser.
Yall said done deal just to start it again 2 posts later lol
Say one nice thing about each other nOWWWWW
So are we sure tomorrow is a guy's elimination? I only need to pray for TYC?
Honestly caramarialover you need to get a ******* life. You're a liar and I don't believe anything you say. I tried to give you advice and you don't take it EVER. Who the hell do you think you are?! You are a keyboard warrior and you dont run anything except your talentless mouth. Maybe find some club to join in your area so we won't have to deal with you, the grammer police, the obsession with oldschooler and ur annoying *** transracial count. ***** **** your whole family line, now what *****. You want to be an adult then act like ONE.
Sorry to the non-regulars who are going to login tomorrow and see 200 new post thinking there was something big revealed only to discover absolutely no news.
What did I lie about
I was just letting out my last ounce of troll before bed. *giggles*
night you two... hope I wake up to someone being OUT and not 200 more posts of yall's bullshit!
we don't find out who is out until Wednesday/saturday dumba^ss
You should make a couple's therapy DM with the three of us. You're the therapist.
I wonder if Jonna took out leka honestly, they typically send replacements into whatever elimination is next after they arrive.
i had a dream about pinkrose last night and i woke up SPOOKED!
I could see that, maybe Jonna got a puzzle again finally
finally rigging for the people I like
if jonna wins this season is it time to put her in the mount rushmore, what about ashley? Both would have 3 wins and lots of impact!
Mount Rushmore doesn't change and it's Coral, Veronica, Katie, and Tina forever and always.
if Michaela can't win I rather it be Jonna so freaks can stop discrediting her all stars win
girl this is 2025 NOT 2005!
If jonna wins Tina is getting BOOTED from OS' Mount Rushmore, no?'s 2025 and the last president on Mount Rushmore was from 1905.
^oh he ate