I hear his social game is good so he should be available to avoid eliminations for a bit but if he gets anything physical based in an elimination, he will be in trouble. My source has described him as the male version of Aviv without the foot fetish.
Is there an elimination today? NT CALM DAY stay strong!
As of now I have no reason to believe Cedric has been eliminated but as always things can change.
cedric is going to WIN
I hear his social game is good so he should be available to avoid eliminations for a bit but if he gets anything physical based in an elimination, he will be in trouble. My source has described him as the male version of Aviv without the foot fetish.
An update has been made
This is probably an unpopular opinion but I think Analyse deserved a spot on this season.
and ameerah
How the hell did cam not get a spot on the amazing race or the challenge same goes for makensy lol
Both don't have TV personalities
Yall just hate beautiful ppl
and rubina and aviv do? LOL
Cedric is adorable and likeable. He will make a cute little deep run, probably eliminated right before the final.
you're describing aneesa not cedric here boo
a lot of these women weigh more than cedric... as long as he avoids any hall brawls and pole wrestle he will make that final
We're not talking about the legend, soon-to-be winner of 41 today. Give it a rest.
Michaela Bradshaw? Yep!
we've heard no tea on cedric seems like a boring flop like amber!
I just gave you a little Cedtea.
If Michaela went the no career path like Aneesa & Tori, she would have the most wins of any female Challenger ever and I truly believe that.
I hope he isn't playing the victim somewhere like cara dudria
Is "Cedtea" what he calls his...nvm
Do you guys think cedric was able to shower in peace without a particular stalker?
he already has his dack out for the world to see on video
Did a guy for sure leave yesterday?