Castaway it's been a while. Give us an update on what's been going on in your life.
The usual: Nothing and from now on, I stopped watching Survivor because it's too woke and I blame Ricard for making Probst omit the guys word in the sentence.
La Casa de los Famosos is the show I usually watch. When Maripily won, all of us Boricuas were cheering in happiness. Lupillo is the villain of the ones he appears in and Aleska was arrested by one time on the way out for some crime she was involved with.
La Casa de los Famosos is the show I usually watch. When Maripily won, all of us Boricuas were cheering in happiness. Lupillo is the villain of the ones he appears in and Aleska was arrested by one time on the way out for some crime she was involved with.
The usual: Nothing and from now on, I stopped watching Survivor because it's too woke and I blame Ricard for making Probst omit the guys word in the sentence.
Who the fhuk took out leka. They need to be dealt with unless it was Michaela, Ash, Jonna, or Sydney
I wouldn't shock if mother Adrienne wins make the challenge great again jk
Is this season still boring or has their been a kick in the entertainment department
Don't you dare cheat on Mother Sydney like that...
as long as it's not Olivia
All the ppl that production would rig for needs to get eliminated
The game's gonna switch soon to "Who do I definitely don't want to run a final with?" Which will be Aneesa's demise.
La Casa de los Famosos is the show I usually watch. When Maripily won, all of us Boricuas were cheering in happiness. Lupillo is the villain of the ones he appears in and Aleska was arrested by one time on the way out for some crime she was involved with.
what is the relevance?
You and Killa are so annoying. Y'all honestly wouldn't be happy if Aneesa won after all these years? Maybe she'll actually retire.
Anyone but the MAGA triplets can win.
Olivia Dee and ?
What proof do you guys have that America actually is out though? I'm not seeing any signs..
please just cope with it gracefully like us blue stans <3
Just an assumption. And a long aftermath of using comedy jokes from movies lol.
the same proof they had when they announced Rogan Blue Nia Johnny Ben Ayoleka Izzy Derek as eliminated
oh I didn't take that lookalike lesbian as a MAGA
me when Amber B got added to the eliminated thread during AS5 filming
Why would I want aneesa to win over Michaela, Jonna, or ashley lmaoo
You don't need signs, the spoiler team knows their stuff.
America is OUT. End of discussion.
Here come the America fans that are obsessed with her, smh. Ban these*******, Miss Rose.