The Challenge: Dirty 30 (Spoilers discussion)

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Morris1721 wrote:

shboogies wrote:

kvm1977 wrote:
shboogies wrote:
Challenge fan 95 wrote:If either Jenna/Camila/Cara Maria are out then I really hope it's Jenna first please. 

Nah homewrecker thotmila can exit stage left.

Camila getting shit for ******* Tony is so stupid.  It's probably mostly women.  Camila is single.  She made no commitment to anyone, including Alyssa.  If Tony cheated that's on him.  Not Camila.  If Camila wouldn't have ****** him he would have found someone else.  Blame the person that cheats not the person they cheated on with

I wrote a whole essay on this when it first was found out. I am not **** shaming Camila. Thot is a funny word though. But she continuously goes after men with commitments, which exposes a deep insecurity. Probably to do with feeling special because a taken man will risk their relationship for her. We see it all the time. She's not a ho for it, but she's a ****** up person and for that she can be discussed when it comes to Tony. Tony is a piece of shit and no one is defending that guy or saying it's more her fault then his. That being said, you sure love to quote people to point out them being "stupid, to you pretty frequently. You're starving for attention, but the bad kind. The kind you hope gets you in arguments. 

Just to piggyback on your first point:We don't know how things went down in the house, yet. But if Camila actively pursued Tony, or did anything to draw him in to a hook up, she has some fault on her. I don't care if she didn't make a promise or commitment to anybody, she deserves part blame if she encouraged Tony's behavior. Tony is obviously most at fault, no doubt. But saying Camila is completely innocent is bullshit. Tempting someone, playing with their personal/emotional strength, putting them in a position to fail? That's not right.Again, maybe Tony pursued the hell out of her and she just gave up and caved. But I doubt it.

Agreed, but I understand single women are all too often blamed for sleeping with taken men and thus he's right that she can do what she wants. But when people develop a pattern of ******* taken men is when everyone can take a step back and realize -  yeah, she needs to take some blame. There's definitely a few screws loose in that head of hers.Or ****************!*

Very true. And unless I'm forgetting, I don't Camila has ever had a serious boyfriend outside of the show? Now that I'm thinking of it, I feel like she might've at some point. But either way, she's nevertheless really been in the position to be cheating on someone, but she's now been with numerous guys who have been in committed relationships. After a certain number, I think it's safe to assume they're enjoying being the "side piece".

Debut Album wrote:

challengeopinions wrote:

kvm1977 wrote:
shboogies wrote:
Challenge fan 95 wrote:If either Jenna/Camila/Cara Maria are out then I really hope it's Jenna first please. 

Nah homewrecker thotmila can exit stage left.

Camila getting shit for ******* Tony is so stupid.  It's probably mostly women.  Camila is single.  She made no commitment to anyone, including Alyssa.  If Tony cheated that's on him.  Not Camila.  If Camila wouldn't have ****** him he would have found someone else.  Blame the person that cheats not the person they cheated on with

exactly! tony's the one in the relationship, so he should've stayed faithful. do y'all think christina is a "home wrecker" & "thot" too? or just camila because y'all don't like her lol. they're both at fault, but tony is the main one to blame.

Christina wasn't shit either honestly..

Christina was wasted and would have ****** the door handle if it had come on to her.

camila might've been wasted too lol. i do think she is wrong for hooking up with a guy in a relationship, but tony should be the one to blame since he's the one in he relationship. do y'all think tom is ****** up for hooking up with cara or do y'all mainly blame cara since she was in the relationship?

Camila is a hoe lol. Wes, Bananas, Vince, Cory, and Tony lol

shboogies wrote:

Debut Album wrote:

challengeopinions wrote:
kvm1977 wrote:
shboogies wrote:
Challenge fan 95 wrote:If either Jenna/Camila/Cara Maria are out then I really hope it's Jenna first please. 

Nah homewrecker thotmila can exit stage left.

Camila getting shit for ******* Tony is so stupid.  It's probably mostly women.  Camila is single.  She made no commitment to anyone, including Alyssa.  If Tony cheated that's on him.  Not Camila.  If Camila wouldn't have ****** him he would have found someone else.  Blame the person that cheats not the person they cheated on with

exactly! tony's the one in the relationship, so he should've stayed faithful. do y'all think christina is a "home wrecker" & "thot" too? or just camila because y'all don't like her lol. they're both at fault, but tony is the main one to blame.

Christina wasn't shit either honestly..

Christina was wasted and would have ****** the door handle if it had come on to her.

camila might've been wasted too lol. i do think she is wrong for hooking up with a guy in a relationship, but tony should be the one to blame since he's the one in he relationship. do y'all think tom is ****** up for hooking up with cara or do y'all mainly blame cara since she was in the relationship?

Camila can chase after any guy she wants.  Married/single/widowed/divorced.  Camila is free to do what and who she wants.  Tony's a *******.  Tony's a loser.  We can bash Camila for wanting to sleep with a piece of shit but we can't blame her for Tony cheating.  The single woman isn't to blame when the man in a relationships cheats.  This is why dumb******* like Jenna stay with dudes like Zach.  They blame the girl instead of the problem.  Alysssa, if she's smart, will blame Tony and only Tony.   There's always temption in life.  If you are strong enough to resist it then stay single.  And learn to pull out

Ridiculous mindset, I'm sorry.

Theres a personal and social level of respect you have for other people. I wouldn't want my relationship ruined by cheating, and I would hope others outside of said relationship would respect that. Sure, if it was an issue and whoever I was dating made the ultimate decision to cheat or not, it mainly falls over them. But whoever the third person is, if they know that the person is in a relationship, they're disrespecting all parties involved and they're to blame as well. Because if you're willing to do that to someone else, you should be fine with it happening to you. And in that case, you either have no self respect or you're a hypocrite.

i understand not liking that camila hooked up with a guy in a relationship, but the hypocrisy is a little annoying. A lot of people like alicia on here & she prides herself in being a side chick lol. i'm not a camila fan, but i'm not gonna hate her for something i don't hate other people for.

Camila still trash either way tho sooo

Camila gets blame simply b/c it's yet another thing on the long list of why she's so awful. How these people can stand to be around her is a feat in itself.

You're a sore loser & a brat, you never take ownership/responsibility of anything, head gassed up beyond belief, down to do anything for attention AND you have a pattern of ******* dudes already in relationships?

Camila is a hoe lol. Wes, Bananas, Vince, Cory, and Tony lol

Rumor has it she tried ******* some of the pros lol they turned her down though. 

kvm1977 wrote:

Camila can chase after any guy she wants.  Married/single/widowed/divorced.  Camila is free to do what and who she wants.  Tony's a *******.  Tony's a loser.  We can bash Camila for wanting to sleep with a piece of shit but we can't blame her for Tony cheating.  The single woman isn't to blame when the man in a relationships cheats.  This is why dumb******* like Jenna stay with dudes like Zach.  They blame the girl instead of the problem.  Alysssa, if she's smart, will blame Tony and only Tony.   There's always temption in life.  If you are strong enough to resist it then stay single.  And learn to pull out

Ridiculous mindset, I'm sorry.Theres a personal and social level of respect you have for other people. I wouldn't want my relationship ruined by cheating, and I would hope others outside of said relationship would respect that. Sure, if it was an issue and whoever I was dating made the ultimate decision to cheat or not, it mainly falls over them. But whoever the third person is, if they know that the person is in a relationship, they're disrespecting all parties involved and they're to blame as well. Because if you're willing to do that to someone else, you should be fine with it happening to you. And in that case, you either have no self respect or you're a hypocrite.

Why should anyone respect someone's relationshp when someone in it is willing to cheat?  If the relationship was worth rspecting we wouldn't be having this discussion, would we?  Respect is earned not simply created from nothing.  There's lots of relationship that I don't respect because they're bullshit .

Camila is a hoe lol. Wes, Bananas, Vince, Cory, and Tony lol


Morris1721 wrote:

kvm1977 wrote:Camila can chase after any guy she wants.  Married/single/widowed/divorced.  Camila is free to do what and who she wants.  Tony's a *******.  Tony's a loser.  We can bash Camila for wanting to sleep with a piece of shit but we can't blame her for Tony cheating.  The single woman isn't to blame when the man in a relationships cheats.  This is why dumb******* like Jenna stay with dudes like Zach.  They blame the girl instead of the problem.  Alysssa, if she's smart, will blame Tony and only Tony.   There's always temption in life.  If you are strong enough to resist it then stay single.  And learn to pull out

Ridiculous mindset, I'm sorry.Theres a personal and social level of respect you have for other people. I wouldn't want my relationship ruined by cheating, and I would hope others outside of said relationship would respect that. Sure, if it was an issue and whoever I was dating made the ultimate decision to cheat or not, it mainly falls over them. But whoever the third person is, if they know that the person is in a relationship, they're disrespecting all parties involved and they're to blame as well. Because if you're willing to do that to someone else, you should be fine with it happening to you. And in that case, you either have no self respect or you're a hypocrite.

Why should anyone respect someone's relationshp when someone in it is willing to cheat?  If the relationship was worth rspecting we wouldn't be having this discussion, would we?  Respect is earned not simply created from nothing.  There's lots of relationship that I don't respect because they're bullshit .

FACTS. Camilla gave Tony's relationship the same level of respect, Tony gave the relationship. 

Camila gets blame simply b/c it's yet another thing on the long list of why she's so awful. How these people can stand to be around her is a feat in itself.You're a sore loser & a brat, you never take ownership/responsibility of anything, head gassed up beyond belief, down to do anything for attention AND you have a pattern of ******* dudes already in relationships?

This post is so beautiful it almost makes me cry.

Ceej3 wrote:

Camila is a hoe lol. Wes, Bananas, Vince, Cory, and Tony lol


Oh yeah! Lol

Graphik wrote:

Camila gets blame simply b/c it's yet another thing on the long list of why she's so awful. How these people can stand to be around her is a feat in itself.You're a sore loser & a brat, you never take ownership/responsibility of anything, head gassed up beyond belief, down to do anything for attention AND you have a pattern of ******* dudes already in relationships?

This post is so beautiful it almost makes me cry.

Ceej3 wrote:

Camila is a hoe lol. Wes, Bananas, Vince, Cory, and Tony lol


is she not allowed to hookup with people lol? i understand not hooking up with guys in a relationship, but some of those guys listed were single & if that makes her a hoe for having sex with multiple people than nany, alicia, ashley, cory, ct, leroy... basically EVERYONE  is a hoe too lol. 

Ceej3 wrote:

Camila is a hoe lol. Wes, Bananas, Vince, Cory, and Tony lol


is she not allowed to hookup with people lol? i understand not hooking up with guys in a relationship, but some of those guys listed were single & if that makes her a hoe for having sex with multiple people than nany, alicia, ashley, cory, ct, leroy... basically EVERYONE  is a hoe too lol. 

Alicia only ****** guys who were single though to my understanding? I mean yeah they were talking/messing with other girls but they weren't no boyfriend girlfriend 

While we're on the subject of Camilla..

I gotta say its so refreshing for everyone to finally see and know what I've been seeing/saying for years now about Camilla...She is trash. ***** ain't never been shit and she never will be. 

Throwback to when I use to argue with people who liked and defended her lmao.

Ceej3 wrote:

Camila is a hoe lol. Wes, Bananas, Vince, Cory, and Tony lol


Let us not speak of that...

wutzrenzi wrote:

Ceej3 wrote:Camila is a hoe lol. Wes, Bananas, Vince, Cory, and Tony lol


is she not allowed to hookup with people lol? i understand not hooking up with guys in a relationship, but some of those guys listed were single & if that makes her a hoe for having sex with multiple people than nany, alicia, ashley, cory, ct, leroy... basically EVERYONE  is a hoe too lol. 

Oh no she IS lol and all those ppl you mentioned are I was just saying but she has a habit of hooking up with folks in relationships tho. They don't. 

wutzrenzi wrote:

Ceej3 wrote:Camila is a hoe lol. Wes, Bananas, Vince, Cory, and Tony lol


Let us not speak of that...

I'm all for ppl hooking up though BE A HOE you only live once that's why Cory, Leroy, Alicia, Nany, etc never bothered me. Just don't do it when you're in a relationship. 

Alicia only ****** guys who were single though to my understanding? I mean yeah they were talking/messing with other girls but they weren't no boyfriend girlfriend 

she told kam that she's used to being the side chick lol.. i'm assuming that mean she hooks up with taken guys. 

Ceej3 wrote:

Alicia only ****** guys who were single though to my understanding? I mean yeah they were talking/messing with other girls but they weren't no boyfriend girlfriend 

she told kam that she's used to being the side chick lol.. i'm assuming that mean she hooks up with taken guys. 

See I don't watch AYTO lolololol that's hilarious 

Camila is a hoe lol. Wes, Bananas, Vince, Cory, and Tony lol

Don't forget devin

@Graphik @Lurker

Speaking of Derrick Henry...

*Nicki Minaj plays*

*Derrick Henry to self*

Dont do it. Don't ******* do i- 


I just don't get for the life of me why the cast on Invasion found that Camilanator shit entertaining. Makes sense for someone just as childish like John but I would have been eye rolling the whole time. There's nothing entertaining about seeing a grown woman act like a child.

I just don't get for the life of me why the cast on Invasion found that Camilanator shit entertaining. Makes sense for someone just as childish like John but I would have been eye rolling the whole time. There's nothing entertaining about seeing a grown woman act like a child.

Hate when the unpublish filter is so big because we have to delete peoples comments so in order to read new posts mods have to manually type in the url lol.


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