The Challenge: All stars- You’re The Best Around

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Kellyanne is 1000% right and it's my one gripe with this season. The overall winner could've been one person for all I care. It's not like Yes and even Darrell didn't deserve it. But Kellyanne and Jonna deserved to get paid a significant amount for their feat. Like at least 50k split between them

Should've been 1st place: 500k, 2nd place 100k, 3rd: 50k.

Stop being stingy ******, Mtv and Paramount. Reward your talent, you literally have no other shows.

Idk why they think they are survivor or big brother with one winner 

Inch resting how we only started getting one-season winners after they introduce Big Brother players....


Kelly Anne spitten the same facts Coral did about Battle of the Sexes. It was very unfair for them to have these women foot race against men up a mountain. It would be one thing if maybe most of these women were like Rachel or Cara. Then MAYBE they would have stood a chance. But that's not every woman and the producers should have given them an equal share of the money. Sidenote: Imagine how much more Jonna would have slayed  if she were in shape. 

I already miss the cursing. I remember my brain exploded when someone dropped the first F bomb on episode 1.

I actually agree. This one winner thing is bullshit because most of the time it's gonna be a guy and also that guy is more than likely gonna be a piece of crap that I hate so I'd rather we get a man and woman winners, and while we're at it throw 2nd and 3rd some money their way too. There's no incentive to try if only the 1st place gets the cast. Epsecially when it's people that know they have no shot.

Now as far as this season.

Honestly I enjoyed it. Did it have it's flaws? Yep, and I'd hope they address them next season but in spite of that I was engaged and I cared about the game and what happened in it and that more than I can say for these last couple of challenges.

Also can we take solace in the fact that we have a good outcome? Like Yes winning just reminds me that this show can have a happy ending once in a while.

I already miss the cursing. I remember my brain exploded when someone dropped the first F bomb on episode 1.

Now as far as this season.

Honestly I enjoyed it. Did it have it's flaws? Yep, and I'd hope they address them next season but in spite of that I was engaged and I cared about the game and what happened in it and that more than I can say for these last couple of challenges.

Also can we take solace in the fact that we have a good outcome? Like Yes winning just reminds me that this show can have a happy ending once in a while.

lol, Aneesa coming into this thinking she'd win and then she walked the entire final. Boo, stay home and get yourself one of those elipticals. Bowflex got them too now boo.

Yes winning is perfect, he's very wholesome & appreciate him such a different casting from what we see on the actual show. A little bummed Darrell didn't win because I always root for Darrell but not upset that Yes beat him. Jonna was amazing, honestly the highlight of that final. Seeing her push herself and not really being in shape shows that heart goes a long way, and she actually has it unlike Aneesa who claims she has it and then never performs. It was very inspiring to watch and I hope she does another All-Stars.


HAUSERMAN IS BACK!!! We campaigned so hard for this.

lol, thank you guys. I saw screenshots sent to me of what of ya'll talking about me. I hope ya'll are well.

I decided to binge watch this and this is the first season I was able to start and finish since invasion.  

this was everything I wanted the main show to be. I love the casting, the pacing and editing was sound, and overall this was very enjoyable to watch. I would never give the main show a chance ... but all stars I will give a chance continuously I think. I'll wait til all stars 2 to finish and give it a shot. Oh and the music selection was the best I've seen from this show.  

i was really shocked to see Alton return... and THATS MY CAPTAIN!! Derrick is awful to watch. I was shocked overall to see these old folks DELIVER.  

id rate this season a solid like 9/10. It was everything I ever wanted.

I decided to binge watch this and this is the first season I was able to start and finish since invasion.  

this was everything I wanted the main show to be. I love the casting, the pacing and editing was sound, and overall this was very enjoyable to watch. I would never give the main show a chance ... but all stars I will give a chance continuously I think. I'll wait til all stars 2 to finish and give it a shot. Oh and the music selection was the best I've seen from this show.  

i was really shocked to see Alton return... and THATS MY CAPTAIN!! Derrick is awful to watch. I was shocked overall to see these old folks DELIVER.  

id rate this season a solid like 9/10. It was everything I ever wanted.

Did you enjoy Miss Legendmmye on this? I know she's your girl too.

I've noticed quite a few people are finally watching season 1 due to the holiday break and love it. I'm glad people are finally hearing about it (obv not people here, but other forums.) better late than never! 

Jemmeye is still very annoying. Kendall is a weirdo but felt she should've been in the final over jemmeye or Jisela. Good job nehemiah you SUCK

I decided to binge watch this and this is the first season I was able to start and finish since invasion.  

this was everything I wanted the main show to be. I love the casting, the pacing and editing was sound, and overall this was very enjoyable to watch. I would never give the main show a chance ... but all stars I will give a chance continuously I think. I'll wait til all stars 2 to finish and give it a shot. Oh and the music selection was the best I've seen from this show.  

i was really shocked to see Alton return... and THATS MY CAPTAIN!! Derrick is awful to watch. I was shocked overall to see these old folks DELIVER.  

id rate this season a solid like 9/10. It was everything I ever wanted.

you're welcome for telling you to watch this 
