The Challenge: All stars- You’re The Best Around

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We already saw some of it, but Darrell said that big easy was trying to get Jemmye quit the whole time during the eating, and when it was the sleeping portion, Jemmye purposely ignored Big Easy when he wanted to switch because she didnt want to get up lol.   

While Jonna isn't the most entertaining or dramatic, I will always have a soft spot for her and her story arc. We have seen her on different stages of her life including some of her ups and lows. We saw her going from being the 11/12 years old that won endurance that grew up in foster care to the party girl when she was 20/21 in Real World Cancun to her cheating scandal/boy crazy on the challenge in her early-mid 20s while dealing with being homeless and a abusive disgusting misogynistic pig of an ex on her last challenge to the confident strong happy mother that gave it her all 7 months after giving birth and finishing 3rd out of of 10 on a final ❤️Those type of story arcs are the ones we don't get with the current challenge because we haven't watch their original shows and we don't see them grow up throughout the seasons.

Love me some Jonna

wish there was a Male & Female winner, it there was KellyAnne or Jonna would've been champs

sounds like she would have been perfect for the concept of champs vs stars. Whoever said they should reboot it with the OG champs, I like that idea. Although IDK how many want to play for charity now that they can be cast in a show where they can win the money lol

While Jonna isn't the most entertaining or dramatic, I will always have a soft spot for her and her story arc. We have seen her on different stages of her life including some of her ups and lows. We saw her going from being the 11/12 years old that won endurance that grew up in foster care to the party girl when she was 20/21 in Real World Cancun to her cheating scandal/boy crazy on the challenge in her early-mid 20s while dealing with being homeless and a abusive disgusting misogynistic pig of an ex on her last challenge to the confident strong happy mother that gave it her all 7 months after giving birth and finishing 3rd out of of 10 on a final ❤️Those type of story arcs are the ones we don't get with the current challenge because we haven't watch their original shows and we don't see them grow up throughout the seasons.

Yes!!!!! Her story arc to finally being happy and having a cute little family


While Jonna isn't the most entertaining or dramatic, I will always have a soft spot for her and her story arc. We have seen her on different stages of her life including some of her ups and lows. We saw her going from being the 11/12 years old that won endurance that grew up in foster care to the party girl when she was 20/21 in Real World Cancun to her cheating scandal/boy crazy on the challenge in her early-mid 20s while dealing with being homeless and a abusive disgusting misogynistic pig of an ex on her last challenge to the confident strong happy mother that gave it her all 7 months after giving birth and finishing 3rd out of of 10 on a final ❤️Those type of story arcs are the ones we don't get with the current challenge because we haven't watch their original shows and we don't see them grow up throughout the seasons.

Yes!!!!! Her story arc to finally being happy and having a cute little family

This was one of my favorite finals to watch. I can't remember the last time when I actually rooted for so many players to win. Yes, Darrell, Jonna and KellyAnne are some of my favs and to see them all do well really made me so happy. Such a great season. 

Yes shouting "Bay Area!" when Darrell was about to finish really made me smile since I also grew up in the Bay Area lol

if they do a battle of the seasons type for All Stars with duo's I'll be here for it 

they need to never do a solo winner for this again tho. It def was the only bad part of the final... especially when 95% of the final was pairs.


Fun season! Yes was boring and was not even on the show, but he ran a great final. 

MVP of the season is Darrell. Wish it was longer. 

Season 2 time. I'm definitely fine with bringing half this cast back if that's the plan. 

Darrell is my favorite cast member on this season...... but I'm curious what you think made him MVP?     Or are you just being crazy about him again?

Other than Jisela, no one else gave interesting and funny confessionals this season besides Darrell. So many of them just seemed out of their element or camera shy again. It was nice to see most of them, but they carried the season. If they weren't there, who is getting the confessionals explaining things going on? Big Easy? Ruthie?

Season Pairs guy-girl would be amazing 

Darrell is so hilarious. This season made him prob my all-time fav male. Glad he was properly edited into this season unlike DA. It's weird how they want to make a clear differentiation that this is the happy challenge where people have fun and the main show is the one where it's dry and miserable. Jonna was amazing, so hapy for her and her story arch. Yes is a fine winner, a good guy. Seeing Aneesa, Jimmy, and Eric flopping was great. They still lack awareness that they just suck. Great season overall, so happy we got it.

Oldschooler's story arch this season >

Oldschooler's story arch this season >

Y'all/Jonna turned me into a full-on Jonna stan lol. I hate Zach even more now for destroying her beautiful spirit.

Season Pairs guy-girl would be amazing 

I don't like this. So if a legend like Coral or Tina agrees but they can't find anyone from their season they don't make it? Nah, just give me the 24 best available.

While Jonna isn't the most entertaining or dramatic, I will always have a soft spot for her and her story arc. We have seen her on different stages of her life including some of her ups and lows. We saw her going from being the 11/12 years old that won endurance that grew up in foster care to the party girl when she was 20/21 in Real World Cancun to her cheating scandal/boy crazy on the challenge in her early-mid 20s while dealing with being homeless and a abusive disgusting misogynistic pig of an ex on her last challenge to the confident strong happy mother that gave it her all 7 months after giving birth and finishing 3rd out of of 10 on a final ❤️ Those type of story arcs are the ones we don't get with the current challenge because we haven't watch their original shows and we don't see them grow up throughout the seasons.

This! With the regular challenge, they bring on a huge cast of new rookies each season, many of whom don't get any screentime or confessionals, and then are never seen again... or at most, on like one other challenge. You never get the character development, story arc, or attached to them and want to root for them. A lot of the fan fave competitors are people who you get to see change and evolve, who take their relationships from one challenge to the next, who change their game based on how they grow, etc. That's one of the things I loved about seeing Jonna back and these OG's, in this All Stars season

I loved this final. It was the most entertaining final I'd seen in years, so much more compelling, interesting, funny and fun than Double Agents final. A few of my thoughts:

  • Was so fun seeing KA shine and her literally pulling Darrell and motiviating him for them to keep their lead in the first paired up section of Part 2 of the final
  • The editing in the eating portion had me CRYING. It was so funny seeing KA gagging, Alton with the classical music eating the meal like it was at a Michelin restaurant, all the zoom in's on Jemmye's face as she watched Easy throwing up, the slow mo on Easy shaking his head.... so good
  • So cute seeing how Alton was so wholesome and pulling through for Jonna! Also loved seeing his spicy side getting fed up with Yes and KA
  • KA and Jonna KILLED it! I really wish that they paid up to 3rd, they both deserved to leave with something. They 100% should have had a female winner (I guess in that case with points, they both would have tied for 1st?). I loved the point system equalizing the genders earlier in the final, but having double points for the solo section that was straight endurance 100% set up a guy to win, and production had to know that. Given they were doing winner takes all, that made having only one winner even more unfair to the women who went through all that and ran a great final and had a great season to basically have no chance at the money. But so great seeing them beat greats like Mark and Alton
  • Darrell's commentary was SO FUNNY as always. The editing really had him shine this whole final, vs in Double Agents 
  • Yes was so smart removing layers to prevent overheating! Him catching up to Darrell and creating that gap between him and Mark was amazing, he's so smart and such a great competitor. For such a nice guy, it was funny seeing him talking smack, too
  • Loved seeing the different flashbacks, and also hearing about why everyone wanted to win and getting a glimpse into what they were fighting for

    Reunion: eh seems boring maybe? But they did drop a bomb that Alton is possibly married...

    the thing is I dont see Alton there. So they asked Jisela, who already said its not true.(she implied he might not like the term baby mama so alton was calling her wife instead). I would love it if Alton was asked, since everyone else has been speaking for him on something that only he knows.

    I found that interview of him saying he wants to bring his family together to be interesting. Could be reading it wrong, but sounds like theyre seperated but he doesn't want to be?

    On Jisela's podcast on Challenge Mania (obviously take it w/ a grain of salt, going to be a bias perspective), both Jisela and Derrick said that Alton was never married and hasn't been living with his ex-girlfriend/baby mama despite rumors/what Syrus said. They both said for the past few years Alton has been trying to work things out with his baby mama and get in her good graces but she doesn't want to be with him, which is hard for him since he wants that perfect family unit. Jisela said they grew close before starting a romantic connection as friends, and she was asking him if he wanted to get back together with her because he wanted to be with her, or if he wanted to have that ideal family unit and feel like he was a good father in that way, and Alton revealed that he wanted to be a good dad and felt that part of that was having that perfect family w/ the parents together, but that his baby mama I guess didn't want to give it another go

    She also implied on the podcast that her and Alton still speak all the time but he's living in CA and she is in FL which is what makes it tough, but he is visiting FL for work or something else idek soon so they will meet up then

    I believe shes seeing him because there is going to be a challenge party for marks 50th next week

    Seasons worries me. I mean Coral has no options. Mark has no one. Eric Nies probably has no one. Younger teams could dominate like CJ-Jonna, KellyAnne-Cohutta/Dunbar or Cooke-Leroy. 

    Don't get me wrong I'd love to see the interaction plus pairings like Elka-Syrus, Mallory-Ace, Darrell-Kendal, Timmy-Emily and countless others would be awesome but I see if being a disaster in reality. 

    Darrell is so hilarious. This season made him prob my all-time fav male. Glad he was properly edited into this season unlike DA. It's weird how they want to make a clear differentiation that this is the happy challenge where people have fun and the main show is the one where it's dry and miserable. Jonna was amazing, so hapy for her and her story arch. Yes is a fine winner, a good guy. Seeing Aneesa, Jimmy, and Eric flopping was great. They still lack awareness that they just suck. Great season overall, so happy we got it.


    Yes is fine but they did not edit him well this season. 

    Do we know if the reunion is coming out with the finale tomorrow or are they seperate.

    The Reunion Show will be available on June 3rd, which is the day after Mark Long's birthday.  There will be a birthday/watch party for him on the 3rd at a private home in Beverly Hills.  There should be live video (Instagram, youtube, etc from the party. If you have any burning questions for cast members that won't get me punched in the nose, PM me with the questions before June 1, and I'll do my best to put your question to the cast member if he/she is there (nearly all apparently will be). 

    I believe shes seeing him because there is going to be a challenge party for marks 50th next week

      Nailed it!  LOL



    Season Pairs guy-girl would be amazing 

    I don't like this. So if a legend like Coral or Tina agrees but they can't find anyone from their season they don't make it? Nah, just give me the 24 best available.

    Julie also finds a potential Tina/Beth team interesting, particularly if there were an assured winner for both men and women. 

    Jamie Chung would be surprising and fun to see!  I'm shocked she's open to it but it makes me happy.  Let's throw her Shavonda because I loved their friendship!

    Also if it's a guy/girl seasons and Syrus is back we better get Queen Elka on on screens <3

    My final thoughts:

    -King Yes!   A Road Rules winner - and after being away so long - very happy he took home the prize.

    -I hate that 2nd and 3rd didn't get a prize, I hate it on the main seasons and I hated it here too.

    -Jonna impressed the heck out oe me this entire season and I think I'm in love with her now <3 what an amazing human being.

    -Overall great final - still with we could have seen Kendal in this final.

    -The preview for the reunion looks - eh.  I still don't get why Kendal wasn't invited, a lot of this season revolved around her.

    Can't wait for cast speculation of Season 2!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Season Pairs guy-girl would be amazing 

    I don't like this. So if a legend like Coral or Tina agrees but they can't find anyone from their season they don't make it? Nah, just give me the 24 best available.

    I agree...that would be the one down fall of this type of cast. We could lose some amazing people.  Let's just do a Sexes format and call it a day lol open casting. 
