While this season was better than the last two seasons of the main show i gotta say that i dont know if its cause of recency bias but all-stars is being very overrated by way too many people. The final was great but the overall season was very middle of the pack not this "top-tier" season a lot of people are trying to make it out to be
Y'all probably don't wanna admit it but all-stars had a lot of bad things that the main show has which is bad format, weird editing, and people volunteering for elimination but with this season there wasn't even a skull twist. I hate to get that off my chest still a good season but it's being very overrated right now
I just don't think Alton cares anymore like he used to. lol. Didn't he say in the overnight mission to Aneesa that at that point he was just doing that for Jonna, otherwise, he wouldn't care? If you watched Alton on Battle of the Seasons 2, he was considered by everyone there to be odd. And he threw it when he could have easily won.
I think they are just saying Yes is fake because nice people get that accusation all the time. He kept saying things to encourage Ruthie because he wants to encourage his partners. That's also important. To me, he actually comes across as just a NORMAL nice guy and family man. We're just used to seeing jerks who think they are superstars on the shows.
Y'all probably don't wanna admit it but all-stars had a lot of bad things that the main show has which is bad format, weird editing, and people volunteering for elimination but with this season there wasn't even a skull twist. I hate to get that off my chest still a good season but it's being very overrated right now
I think we were all upset with the format from the beginning, no one has denied that. The editing cut out a lot, it was ridiculous and insulting that it was 45 minutes on a streaming platform. I'm sure the plan is to play it on MTV which is actually even more infuriating. If I'm paying monthly, I should get longer and extended content. Overall the show needs to keep the drama, it's not too toxic if you keep the rest of the show light and fun. The volunteering was lame but I think a better format and multiple prize money would have fixed that. We lost most of the greats early and all the trash survived till the end that sucked. But overall, it was great especially since we are comparing it to the garbage we get now. The current show is unrecognizable to what we fell in love with, this spinoff is the epitome of the show we fell in love with so even with it's flaws I loved it.
I never had an issue with volunteering in fact I loved it. Just wish they used the extras tab for good use like showing us more scenes from the 90s party so we could see how Arissa really gets down lol
Can't lie I haven't watched a final since free agents.... They are just so boring to me... THIS FINAL HAD ME HOOKED!!!..... I really hope mtv continues with the all star aesthetic... I enjoyed this season way more than double agents.
Y'all probably don't wanna admit it but all-stars had a lot of bad things that the main show has which is bad format, weird editing, and people volunteering for elimination but with this season there wasn't even a skull twist. I hate to get that off my chest still a good season but it's being very overrated right now
I don't think it was an elite season. We're not talking about Inferno Inferno 2 or Gauntlet level but it was better than recent seasons even if format was flawed. Personally I loved the editing but I'm not looking for as much drama as others. I thought it had the old school feel where they focused on the people that would or could go into elimination.
The cast itself was refreshing. It wasn't nonsense like Josh provides. The drama seemed real even if limited. And it's nice to see people like we haven't seen in years. We'll see what happens with S2 and future seasons but I think this was a good start that they can build on. Longer episodes or more episodes would have been great but I'm sure the Panademic impacted things a bit. Maybe we'll get some extra footage episodes randomly...
Y'all probably don't wanna admit it but all-stars had a lot of bad things that the main show has which is bad format, weird editing, and people volunteering for elimination but with this season there wasn't even a skull twist. I hate to get that off my chest still a good season but it's being very overrated right now
I dont agree tbh.
I'm with flyguy - I don't agree either, but to each their own
I don't understand why they couldn't have had a big solo puzzle at the end for double points as well as an equalizer for the sexes. A mountain run was pretty sexist and unfair.
I don't understand why they couldn't have had a big solo puzzle at the end for double points as well as an equalizer for the sexes. A mountain run was pretty sexist and unfair.
Y'all probably don't wanna admit it but all-stars had a lot of bad things that the main show has which is bad format, weird editing, and people volunteering for elimination but with this season there wasn't even a skull twist. I hate to get that off my chest still a good season but it's being very overrated right now
I dont agree tbh.
I'm with flyguy - I don't agree either, but to each their own
I think it would have been interesting if you won money at the check points for finishing first along the way. Imagine each guy/girl wins 5k for winning each check point then the overall winner gets another 400k prize pot. Would have encouraged everyone to try harder at each round if they thought they had a shot for money and made things more interesting.
I think it would have been interesting if you won money at the check points for finishing first along the way. Imagine each guy/girl wins 5k for winning each check point then the overall winner gets another 400k prize pot. Would have encouraged everyone to try harder at each round if they thought they had a shot for money and made things more interesting.
I don't understand why they couldn't have had a big solo puzzle at the end for double points as well as an equalizer for the sexes. A mountain run was pretty sexist and unfair.
I think it would have been interesting if you won money at the check points for finishing first along the way. Imagine each guy/girl wins 5k for winning each check point then the overall winner gets another 400k prize pot. Would have encouraged everyone to try harder at each round if they thought they had a shot for money and made things more interesting.
I think it would have been interesting if you won money at the check points for finishing first along the way. Imagine each guy/girl wins 5k for winning each check point then the overall winner gets another 400k prize pot. Would have encouraged everyone to try harder at each round if they thought they had a shot for money and made things more interesting.
TJ *** so damn annoying coming in and talking about Jemmye quitting. Legit, he's getting on my nerves. And I just know production sent him there just to tear into Jemmye. As much as I can't stand her, production tossing TJ into the ring to give his robotic opinions on quitters is getting old.
I hope they throw a check her and J's way out of guilt. Not like they can't afford it. Then again I've always imagined they give a bonus to people that delivered but didn't do well enough to get a prize. Someone like CT on Rivals 1. "Here's a 10k bonus we would like to see you come back next season. You did a great job" stuff like that.
I agree with most of what KellyAnne said aside from the soccer comparison. Pay there is based on revenue generated. See tennis being equal pay because both sports bring in crowds and advertisers. Williams and Osaka are comparable to Nadal and Roger. On The Challenge the women bring equal if not greater interest. Their app fees should reflect that and they should have prize money for both male and female winners. They should have prize money for finishing the final but definitely the winner for both genders.
Idk why they think they are survivor or big brother with one winner
They need to understand that those shows are determined by a jury not a sprint up a mountain. The higher ups at The Challenge have made it clear they have cognitive functioning issues.
Better not be seasons. Evelyn coming back just to be paired with easy would be tragic
Yikes her only options are Easy and Ryan since Kenny and Evan are likely to never be back.
Maybe they can fudge and give her Pete Connelly lol
Give her Luke again hahaha
While this season was better than the last two seasons of the main show i gotta say that i dont know if its cause of recency bias but all-stars is being very overrated by way too many people. The final was great but the overall season was very middle of the pack not this "top-tier" season a lot of people are trying to make it out to be
Y'all probably don't wanna admit it but all-stars had a lot of bad things that the main show has which is bad format, weird editing, and people volunteering for elimination but with this season there wasn't even a skull twist. I hate to get that off my chest still a good season but it's being very overrated right now
they could easily do a "Fresh Meat' team and have any guy from FM2 too
I just don't think Alton cares anymore like he used to. lol. Didn't he say in the overnight mission to Aneesa that at that point he was just doing that for Jonna, otherwise, he wouldn't care? If you watched Alton on Battle of the Seasons 2, he was considered by everyone there to be odd. And he threw it when he could have easily won.
I think they are just saying Yes is fake because nice people get that accusation all the time. He kept saying things to encourage Ruthie because he wants to encourage his partners. That's also important. To me, he actually comes across as just a NORMAL nice guy and family man. We're just used to seeing jerks who think they are superstars on the shows.
I think we were all upset with the format from the beginning, no one has denied that. The editing cut out a lot, it was ridiculous and insulting that it was 45 minutes on a streaming platform. I'm sure the plan is to play it on MTV which is actually even more infuriating. If I'm paying monthly, I should get longer and extended content. Overall the show needs to keep the drama, it's not too toxic if you keep the rest of the show light and fun. The volunteering was lame but I think a better format and multiple prize money would have fixed that. We lost most of the greats early and all the trash survived till the end that sucked. But overall, it was great especially since we are comparing it to the garbage we get now. The current show is unrecognizable to what we fell in love with, this spinoff is the epitome of the show we fell in love with so even with it's flaws I loved it.
I never had an issue with volunteering in fact I loved it. Just wish they used the extras tab for good use like showing us more scenes from the 90s party so we could see how Arissa really gets down lol
Can't lie I haven't watched a final since free agents.... They are just so boring to me... THIS FINAL HAD ME HOOKED!!!..... I really hope mtv continues with the all star aesthetic... I enjoyed this season way more than double agents.
I dont agree tbh.
I don't think it was an elite season. We're not talking about Inferno Inferno 2 or Gauntlet level but it was better than recent seasons even if format was flawed. Personally I loved the editing but I'm not looking for as much drama as others. I thought it had the old school feel where they focused on the people that would or could go into elimination.
The cast itself was refreshing. It wasn't nonsense like Josh provides. The drama seemed real even if limited. And it's nice to see people like we haven't seen in years. We'll see what happens with S2 and future seasons but I think this was a good start that they can build on. Longer episodes or more episodes would have been great but I'm sure the Panademic impacted things a bit. Maybe we'll get some extra footage episodes randomly...
I'm with flyguy - I don't agree either, but to each their own
evelyn and ryan would be a great duo if they want a fresh meat team
I don't understand why they couldn't have had a big solo puzzle at the end for double points as well as an equalizer for the sexes. A mountain run was pretty sexist and unfair.
I think it would have been interesting if you won money at the check points for finishing first along the way. Imagine each guy/girl wins 5k for winning each check point then the overall winner gets another 400k prize pot. Would have encouraged everyone to try harder at each round if they thought they had a shot for money and made things more interesting.
I like that a lot
I like that idea.
i love that idea
TJ *** so damn annoying coming in and talking about Jemmye quitting. Legit, he's getting on my nerves. And I just know production sent him there just to tear into Jemmye. As much as I can't stand her, production tossing TJ into the ring to give his robotic opinions on quitters is getting old.
T.J is a misogynist whats new
He rips men as well. Ask Jay
I hope they throw a check her and J's way out of guilt. Not like they can't afford it. Then again I've always imagined they give a bonus to people that delivered but didn't do well enough to get a prize. Someone like CT on Rivals 1. "Here's a 10k bonus we would like to see you come back next season. You did a great job" stuff like that.
I agree with most of what KellyAnne said aside from the soccer comparison. Pay there is based on revenue generated. See tennis being equal pay because both sports bring in crowds and advertisers. Williams and Osaka are comparable to Nadal and Roger. On The Challenge the women bring equal if not greater interest. Their app fees should reflect that and they should have prize money for both male and female winners. They should have prize money for finishing the final but definitely the winner for both genders.
Idk why they think they are survivor or big brother with one winner
They need to understand that those shows are determined by a jury not a sprint up a mountain. The higher ups at The Challenge have made it clear they have cognitive functioning issues.