Survivor: Generic Thread (No Spoilers)

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I scrolled through Max's twitter, looks like Joe literally posted a quote on his IG story by **** Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels..and credited him with the quote. Don't know how anyone could think that's a good idea

Also, it looks like Anna Khait from KR was at the capitol last week

Hope she enjoys prison!


Angie from Pualu passed away Sad

Penner's wife past away as well. :/ I hate this much death. Especially with this Pandemic. Just wish it can go back to "normal". 

I am currently watching Survivor: China for the first time. I am in love with this cast so far Smile

I am currently watching Survivor: China for the first time. I am in love with this cast so far

Definitely one of the best newbie seasons and casts for sure

I am currently watching Survivor: China for the first time. I am in love with this cast so far

Queen Sherea robbed.

Has there been any news of when they'll start filming again? 

Has there been any news of when they'll start filming again? 

They worked out a deal with Fiji to resume their regular filming schedule in April and June, I believe.


Has there been any news of when they'll start filming again? 

They worked out a deal with Fiji to resume their regular filming schedule in April and June, I believe.

I was hoping for a new location but I'm ready for Survivor to be back. I'm over The Challenge and Big Brother. Lol

I don't know why they couldn't just film here in the USA or even down in South America like why Fiji again, give Fiji a break at this point they will ran out of spaces/beaches over there to film. 

I don't know why they couldn't just film here in the USA or even down in South America like why Fiji again, give Fiji a break at this point they will ran out of spaces/beaches over there to film. 

To save money i guess.

I don't know why they couldn't just film here in the USA or even down in South America like why Fiji again, give Fiji a break at this point they will ran out of spaces/beaches over there to film. 

They use the exact same beaches every season, we saw last season Ben was telling his tribemates where Devens and other people had found idols. It's cheaper and unfortunately casuals don't really care that much. I miss when the new locations used to be a big part of the season, China, Tocantins, Gabon & Australian Outback were some of my favourites

Someone saying Queen Abi Maria isn't a good player at Survivor lol. 


Someone saying Queen Abi Maria isn't a good player at Survivor lol. 

I mean come on now lol. Great character sure but she had one of the all time worst social games, the biggest goat ever yet she still never made the end because people didn't want her around that badly

So people on twitter are dragging Ozzy for creating an onlyfans account and promoting his content. I saw a preview of it and it does not dissapoint. Also Michael Yerger from Survivor people were dragging him on Reddit for charging a lot of money for his pics, I'm like people his nudes are everywhere why are you paying to see him nude/semi nude when you can see him on his IG. SMH

So people on twitter are dragging Ozzy for creating an onlyfans account and promoting his content. I saw a preview of it and it does not dissapoint. Also Michael Yerger from Survivor people were dragging him on Reddit for charging a lot of money for his pics, I'm like people his nudes are everywhere why are you paying to see him nude/semi nude when you can see him on his IG. SMH

Wow just went to Ozzy's IG and his frist pick is of him and two **** stars lmao I guess that brings in the customers. Pretty sure Michael's probably doing what every semi-famous IG girl does, have a free membership on his onlyfans but charge a ton of money to show close to nothing in the DMs, it ****** people off but they make a ton of money off it so there's no reason to stop

I've been binging old school survivor (the seasons i haven't seen) and Pearl Islands has to be in everyone's Top 5.. just all across the board, fantastic season! Definitely the best all newbie season I've seen so far. Still haven't made it to Parvaty and Cirie's first seasons yet, which I am looking forward to.

I've been binging old school survivor (the seasons i haven't seen) and Pearl Islands has to be in everyone's Top 5.. just all across the board, fantastic season! Definitely the best all newbie season I've seen so far. Still haven't made it to Parvaty and Cirie's first seasons yet, which I am looking forward to.

Panama is one of my favorite seasons. Pearl Island was a good season I loved Lill for some reason and was lowkey rooting for her dispite knowing spoilers lol. 

What old school seasons do you still need to see?  

Who would y'all wanna play Survivor with if you can choose from any past players? 

I'd want to play with Abi Maria, Stephen, Natalie A, Crystal, Ethan, Spencer B, Brenda, Eliza, Ken (Gabon), Adam, Yul, Cirie, Earl, Christina Cha, J'Tia, and/or Jon/Jaclyn.

I've been binging old school survivor (the seasons i haven't seen) and Pearl Islands has to be in everyone's Top 5.. just all across the board, fantastic season! Definitely the best all newbie season I've seen so far. Still haven't made it to Parvaty and Cirie's first seasons yet, which I am looking forward to.

Panama is one of my favorite seasons. Pearl Island was a good season I loved Lill for some reason and was lowkey rooting for her dispite knowing spoilers lol. 

What old school seasons do you still need to see?  

Yes I just finished Panama.. so good! As I was watching the episodes I kept wondering how Cirie lost that season because she positioned herself so well and I knew Aras won but down to final 5 episode I was just like "how in the world does she lose" lol

I'm going in order so I'm not sure what's next.. I know I haven't seen Cook Islands, Fiji, and JT's winning season (forgot the name).

Who would y'all wanna play Survivor with if you can choose from any past players? 

I'd want to play with Abi Maria, Stephen, Natalie A, Crystal, Ethan, Spencer B, Brenda, Eliza, Ken (Gabon), Adam, Yul, Cirie, Earl, Christina Cha, J'Tia, and/or Jon/Jaclyn.

In no way shape or form do I want to play with Abi Maria.. she's great as a viewer but I just know she'd get on my nerves lol


Someone saying Queen Abi Maria isn't a good player at Survivor lol. 

I mean come on now lol. Great character sure but she had one of the all time worst social games, the biggest goat ever yet she still never made the end because people didn't want her around that badly

Filming for next season is finally starting Smile

If you could play with any survivor player/players who would you chose?

I'd choose Abi Maria for the drama and she seems loyal to some extent, Fishbach (nerd power), Spencer he seems like a cool person talk and hang out with, Michele the underestimated Queen, Yul since he also seems cool to talk with in general, Vecepia down to earth person even though I am not religious I'd pray with her and be friends because she seems like an Amazing person. 

There's a bunch more I wanna play with but I got lazy lol

Your dream island is Zzzz...

I ******* hate Fishbach lmao i would vote him out the first chance i could. he just irks me for some reason 

Who would y'all wanna play Survivor with if you can choose from any past players? 

I'd want to play with Abi Maria, Stephen, Natalie A, Crystal, Ethan, Spencer B, Brenda, Eliza, Ken (Gabon), Adam, Yul, Cirie, Earl, Christina Cha, J'Tia, and/or Jon/Jaclyn.

In no way shape or form do I want to play with Abi Maria.. she's great as a viewer but I just know she'd get on my nerves lol

i would've punched her for not shutting up about that ******* necklace all damn day lol

I don't know why they couldn't just film here in the USA or even down in South America like why Fiji again, give Fiji a break at this point they will ran out of spaces/beaches over there to film. 

I remember reading that after Caleb collapsed they wanted to film in a familiar area to lower the potential health risks due to heat etc. That and I think they signed a contract with with whoever owns the beach in Fiji. I'm sure there are some environmentalists who are concerned about disturbing natural habitats in potential filming locations too


Who would y'all wanna play Survivor with if you can choose from any past players? 

I'd want to play with Abi Maria, Stephen, Natalie A, Crystal, Ethan, Spencer B, Brenda, Eliza, Ken (Gabon), Adam, Yul, Cirie, Earl, Christina Cha, J'Tia, and/or Jon/Jaclyn.

In no way shape or form do I want to play with Abi Maria.. she's great as a viewer but I just know she'd get on my nerves lol

i would've punched her for not shutting up about that ******* necklace all damn day lol

Lmao. No chill
