Survivor: Generic Thread (No Spoilers)

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Ugh why Sandra I can't stand her she shouldn't have 2 wins
Parvati yay!
I'm watching Heroes vs. Villains now and already love Parvarti so I'm happy. Excited about a female villain for next season, I just hope she's not seen as a villain for the same reasons Colton is. Anything else you got for season 28?
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;388360]I'm watching Heroes vs. Villains now and already love Parvarti so I'm happy. Excited about a female villain for next season, I just hope she's not seen as a villain for the same reasons Colton is. Anything else you got for season 28?[/QUOTE] If Heroes vs Villains is the first time seeing Parvati, then you definitely need to watch Fans vs Favorite: Micronesia. That's the season that made Parvati the great player that she is.
I heard Cagayan is a pretty good season. It has potential to be Top 10. It will probably be on everyone's Top 15 as long as they don't screw up the editing. In newbie seasons when they edit the episodes, Probst will sometimes just say "screw it" and won't really give a crap about the edit because he isn't a fan of all newbies. That's what he did for OW and I hope he doesn't do it here. I also feel really bad for the cast cause there was some interesting characters and complex castaways but only like 2-3 of them will be called for Legends, and only 1 of them will probably get on, which sucks when you have an all newbie season near a big milestone in the series called Legends.
[QUOTE=TippyTipTip;388357][B]Looks like they're doing Returnees + Loved Ones again for S29[/B]. Expect these people to be on it or be alternates: Troyzan/Brother Terry/Wife RC/Father (This one is confirmed since Jeff promised RC another chance after what happened Pre-S27) Natalie B/Sister Stephanie V/Sister *Malcolm/Brother (Malcolm will either be on S29 or Legends) *Tyson/? (Tyson will either be on S29 or Legends) They want Tyson back cause he is the winner of the original BvW and they think it will add an extra twist. If things don't fall through with this, Tyson will FOR SURE be on Legends. As for Malcolm, they're still deciding on whether they want him for 29 or 30. [/QUOTE] That's extremely disappointing, I was really looking forward to all newbies for BvW II. If returnees ends up happening Cindy/Mindy and Jamie/Ramie need to be contacted, twins would be a great addition to the twist IMO. Troy and Stephanie V would be nice to see, Natalie would be good as well. No Tyson or Malcolm though. I really hope they bring back Abi Maria, I think she was the most memorable from Philippines!
I love survivor sumo, my favorite match up was Candace vs Parvati that was so intense.
I thought Parvati stated after Heroes vs. Villains that she was done with Survivor? Hopefully she is indeed coming back.
[QUOTE=MF41590;388447]I thought Parvati stated after Heroes vs. Villains that she was done with Survivor? Hopefully she is indeed coming back.[/QUOTE] She said the same exact thing after Micronesia, so there's no reason to believe her.
[QUOTE=TippyTipTip;388482]She said the same exact thing after Micronesia, so there's no reason to believe her.[/QUOTE] I could say that some of your spoilers for BvW were incorrect, so there is no reason to believe you for the upcoming seasons.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;388501]I could say that some of your spoilers for BvW were incorrect, so there is no reason to believe you for the upcoming seasons.[/QUOTE] Very incorrect he said Marissa and Rachel made the merge
Also the last spoiler for blood vs water he posted was that Monica was voted out pre merge and Brad took her place
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;388504]Very incorrect he said Marissa and Rachel made the merge[/QUOTE] For quite some time (right up until the episode she was eliminated aired), it was believed Marissa made the merge as the RI returnee. Aras was even believed to be a pre-merge boot. Survivor spoilers have always been hit or miss.
Ah, S27, where literally every spoiler came from a past Survivor at a reality event who heard it through the grapevine. I knew some of my spoilers would be wrong (This particular Survivor like to stir up the pot) but I knew a lot of them would be right aswell. The Survivor told a bunch of other Survivor Alumni about the spoilers at the event and minutes later that place became a RL version of Gossip Girl, people saying things that could've been true or untrue. Like I said before the season aired, there was a lot of fake spoilers getting mixed up with real ones and it was hard to tell which ones were true, so I just posted them all. People like Cronix and Survivorsunite at Sucks also got their spoilers from the same Survivor and they got the same stuff wrong. This year I have a source who I can 100% trust, cause I've known them even before they got a connection with Survivor.
Rob C will probably be back for Legends. Ozzy will probably be back for Legends. Looks like Malcolm is returning for S29 with his goofy brother Miles. I'm starting to get sick of Malcolm, but I'm sure his brother will be very entertaining. Hell, Malcolm might even do back to back again. Probst: "Malcolm is a legend, and he should be on legends, but we NEED Miles on the show. That guy is entertainment gold."
[QUOTE=TippyTipTip;389797]Rob C will probably be back for Legends. Ozzy will probably be back for Legends. Looks like Malcolm is returning for S29 with his goofy brother Miles. I'm starting to get sick of Malcolm, but I'm sure his brother will be very entertaining. Hell, Malcolm might even do back to back again. Probst: "Malcolm is a legend, and he should be on legends, but we NEED Miles on the show. That guy is entertainment gold."[/QUOTE] Ughh. Malcolm is overrated. Rob Cesternino? That's more like it!
[QUOTE=LurkerNoMore;389798]Ughh. Malcolm is overrated. Rob Cesternino? That's more like it![/QUOTE] Malcom played a spectacular game on his first season. His 2nd season was a solid game, but nothing spectacular, but you have to remember he played the game for 38 days, had about 2 weeks off, then had to play again with a bunch of people who had pregame alliances and had no idea who he was. His performance on the Philippines alone though is enough to make him one of the 30 legends of the game.
What's everyone's favorite challenge? Mine would probably be the first reward challenge of heroes vs villains where two members of each tribe had to dig up a bag and get it back to the mat. It was really physical and a great way to start a great season. I also like the challenge where the castaways are in the ocean under a metal grate and as the tide rises the amount of breathing room diminishes. It forced the castaways to possibly face that fear of not being able to breathe. I've only seen that challenge done twice in Palau and Caramoan but Caramoan was a lot better to watch because there was much fiercer competitors.
[QUOTE=melm3;389968]What's everyone's favorite challenge? Mine would probably be the first reward challenge of heroes vs villains where two members of each tribe had to dig up a bag and get it back to the mat. It was really physical and a great way to start a great season. I also like the challenge where the castaways are in the ocean under a metal grate and as the tide rises the amount of breathing room diminishes. It forced the castaways to possibly face that fear of not being able to breathe. I've only seen that challenge done twice in Palau and Caramoan but Caramoan was a lot better to watch because there was much fiercer competitors.[/QUOTE] The challenge from HvV was originally from Panama. During HvV, they recycled some of the best challenges from previous seasons. Caramoan also had a similar challenge to the one HvV challenge. My favorite is always the one that is around the Final 4 and you have to go through various obstacles to retrieve bags of puzzle pieces and then solve a puzzle.
[QUOTE=melm3;389968]What's everyone's favorite challenge? Mine would probably be the first reward challenge of heroes vs villains where two members of each tribe had to dig up a bag and get it back to the mat. It was really physical and a great way to start a great season. I also like the challenge where the castaways are in the ocean under a metal grate and as the tide rises the amount of breathing room diminishes. It forced the castaways to possibly face that fear of not being able to breathe. I've only seen that challenge done twice in Palau and Caramoan but Caramoan was a lot better to watch because there was much fiercer competitors.[/QUOTE] Vertical maze from Vanuatu, and pretty much every other obstacle course. I also like the puppeteer table maze they used in the duels on South Pacific and BvW.
I liked survivor sumo pretty much any physical challenge. And hands on a hot idol I think that would make a cool duel
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;389999]I liked survivor sumo pretty much any physical challenge. And hands on a hot idol I think that would make a cool duel[/QUOTE] Agreed! Definitely a final duel worthy challenge. Another challenge I really liked was the one from Philippines where they had to knock the idol out of their opponent's hand.
We have the premier date for Survivor Cagayan! [url][/url]
[COLOR="#00cc99"][B]Luzon Tribe (Brains):[/B][/COLOR] Back row from left: J'Tia David Kassandra Tasha Front from left: Spencer Garrett [ATTACH]3738[/ATTACH] [COLOR="#ff6600"][B]Aparri Tribe (Brawn):[/B][/COLOR] Back from left: Sarah Woo Tony Lindsey Front from left: Cliff Trish [ATTACH]3739[/ATTACH] [COLOR="#800080"][B]Solana Tribe (Beauty):[/B][/COLOR] Back from left: Brice Jefra Morgan Front from left: Alexis Jeremiah LJ [ATTACH]3740[/ATTACH] [URL=",,20354695_20778564,00.html"]Via[/URL] This cast looks really diverse, I like it! I'm hoping for a great season so that we can get more all new player seasons. My preseasons favorites are Trish, J'Tia, Sarah, Lindsey (she's like Survivor's version of Cara Maria, well, before CM chopped her dreads off!), Spencer, and Woo.
I'm excited for this season! My preseason favs are J'Tia, David, Sarah, and Woo.
[QUOTE=melm3;391388]I'm excited for this season! My preseason favs are J'Tia, David, Sarah, and Woo.[/QUOTE] My pre-season favorites are spencer and kassandra. I have a tendency to root for smart people.
J'Tia and Jermiah are both definitely my preseason favorites.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;391398]J'Tia and Jermiah are both definitely my preseason favorites.[/QUOTE] J'Tia seems to be the universal preseason favorite, I will be so disappointed if she's an early boot.
I don't understand the hype on JTia? I find Morgan to be much more attractive and interesting. I find this cast to be extremely lame. I think this season will be super dull, I'm thinking about passing this one up.
[QUOTE=Lola88;392065]I don't understand the hype on JTia? I find Morgan to be much more attractive and interesting. I find this cast to be extremely lame. I think this season will be super dull, I'm thinking about passing this one up.[/QUOTE] I don't put any stock into preseason interviews. You can talk all you want about the type of game you want to play, but once you get out there and have to deal with the elements and the people, your strategy changes. I do want Morgan to make it far into the game though, not because of anything she said, but because she is nice to look at.
