Well, she and Julie obviously has a beef with each other and Julie did it for revenge. Tonya - apparently she pees in the bed when she's drunk or something. I remember reading she peed in a bed on BOTS2 as well. I don't remember whose bed it was, though. I don't think it was Coral's. But I don't think Tonya does it on purpose like Julie did.
I don't remember what thread it was in, but I remember reading on this board that John has hooked up with a number of girls and keeps some kind of list of it and gloats about it.
I was wondering if he ever hooked up with Janelle? They seem quite close. I know they were joking on Inferno 3 about the pregnancy thing. But during their season's reunion, when they were talking about whether Janelle with with her ex boyfriend Kasib or not, John rubbed her knee and said she moved on to "greener pastures." And she pushed his hand away. I was just wondering if something ever went on between them, because their interaction at that time, as well as the fact that they were both listed as in a relationship then seemed interesting.
[quote=BoSoxMole;35105]The ONLY challenge that I can't seem to download via Bittorrent is BOS2, which was my favorite challenge.
They need to put them out on DVD![/quote]
Yes I know! I found it on one of the Bitsites but it had no seeds. I really got my hopes up that day. Lol
[quote=BoSoxMole;35105]The ONLY challenge that I can't seem to download via Bittorrent is BOS2, which was my favorite challenge.
They need to put them out on DVD![/quote]
are these videos free???
[quote=lionheart;36672]How come they don't put past seasons on the MTV website? All they have is from Fresh Meat till now.[/quote]
They took down Gauntlet III, and I can't find it anywhere else =( MTV Canada's website doesn't let the videos play outside of Canada, I can't find a torrent for the season, and yeah...my life is so miserable I don't know if I'll survive. Poor me.
[quote=Moonpaw;36712]They took down Gauntlet III, and I can't find it anywhere else =( MTV Canada's website doesn't let the videos play outside of Canada, I can't find a torrent for the season, and yeah...my life is so miserable I don't know if I'll survive. Poor me.[/quote]
Actually, they seemed to fix the page because I am watching it right now :)
[quote=lionheart;36737]Actually, they seemed to fix the page because I am watching it right now :)[/quote]
I'm not sure if I should thank you or curse you...I have an exam on Friday I have to study for, and I'm such a procrastinator that these things are perfect for wasting time.
(but thanks for letting me know it's working again!)
[quote=RW561015;34640]Same here, at least since the second half of the Gauntlet. I think she is underestimated in terms of what she's achieved in missions.
The thing with Coral is, I think people tend to think of her mouth and how outspoken she is, and I think that overshadows how well she is able to do on challenges. She may not be muscular or have great physical strength as a couple of the girls do, but she has done quite well in many missions. It doesn't always take a lot of muscle to do well - look at little Ruthie, and look at Ellen - they were amazing in BOTS and those were some of the best performances on challenges ever, I feel.
Yes, I completely agree. I think Coral is a really good competitor. People seem to forget that because she is known more for her outspoken personality and loud mouth, but as for performance, if you watch her compete she does well. I watched the past seasons recently and she always performed pretty well, even during battle of the sexes with the miz. But i think over time her competition improved.
[quote=Insider;37952]IMO... Kenny and Evan are much worse than Kenny and Johnny...
Can you imagine what The Island would have been like with Evan?? ugh.[/quote]
Sorry, going back a few comments... i would love to see Evan, Johnny and Kenny in a challenge together... i would watch any challenge with Kenny in it. but them three together... i would pay to see that. i know i can watch it for free on tv or online... but i would definitely pay to see them together!!!
[QUOTE=cyncar07;38812]Sorry, going back a few comments... i would love to see Evan, Johnny and Kenny in a challenge together... i would watch any challenge with Kenny in it. but them three together... i would pay to see that. i know i can watch it for free on tv or online... but i would definitely pay to see them together!!![/QUOTE]
May we assume for argument's sake that your also endorse their behavior with and toward women?
[quote=cyncar07;38812]Sorry, going back a few comments... i would love to see Evan, Johnny and Kenny in a challenge together... i would watch any challenge with Kenny in it. but them three together... i would pay to see that. i know i can watch it for free on tv or online... but i would definitely pay to see them together!!![/quote]
Perhaps BMP can do a spin-off of the challenges entitled "RW/RR Challenge: Sexist School."
[quote=cyncar07;38812]Sorry, going back a few comments... i would love to see Evan, Johnny and Kenny in a challenge together... i would watch any challenge with Kenny in it. but them three together... i would pay to see that. i know i can watch it for free on tv or online... but i would definitely pay to see them together!!![/quote]
You must be new here.
[quote=Jonlu08;38873]Hey cyncar07 they have done a challange together actually they've done two The Gaunlet 3 as well as The Duel...[/quote]
They also did the Inferno 3 as well, however they were on diffrent teams... They both made it to the end with kenny and the bad ***** pulling off the win.
[quote=ejborys22;38892]They also did the Inferno 3 as well, however they were on diffrent teams... They both made it to the end with kenny and the bad ***** pulling off the win.[/quote]
Evan wasn't on the Inferno 3 haha.
[quote=RW561015;39226]I mentioned in The Duel II challenge spoiler thread that only Inferno 2 and Inferno 3 had the same elimination method.[/quote]
Sorry about that. As I was typing my question, you were in the midst of commenting to another. I was beginning to think you were psychic.
I've been watching episodes here and there of Battle of the Sexes 2 and Inferno 2 lately here and there.
One of the funniest challenge moments to me remains Ayanna's elimination speech during BOTS2. "I slept in my uniform last night because I wanted to win today!" I felt bad for her that she was going home and was crying, and I think she's a nice enough person who is just passionate about what she's doing and her beliefs (instead of thinking she's crazy like most people do). But it was really funny when she started sprouting off stuff like, "All I needed was eight of y'all to have. my. back. All I needed was eight." And Coral's talking to Mike in the background mouthing to him exactly what I was thinking/wondering - "What is she talking about?" I can't exactly remember how many people were left, but I remember thinking at the time that the eight people thing was off based on the number of people left. I think she was saying she needed eight people to not vote for her, but I think that was too many. And in the extended version, she was talking about standing up for Tonya when people blamed her for clogging the toilets and such. I really wish they would have shown more of her elimination speech and the reactions of people, because it sounds like it was even more funny than what was shown.
Also, during Inferno 2, when they were doing one of the eliminations, someone - I think it was CT - shouted out, "hello!" in a weird voice that sounded like Mrs. Doubtfire. I thought that was funny. And the Inferno 2 wrap up show was really cracking me up. CT and Abram especially.
I think the "eight of ya'll to have my back" was an exaggeration because she just wanted someone, anyone to have her back. Nothing beats Aneesa's reaction to their fight:
"You're talking to air, da-da-da-da" or "My *** is getting stronger would you like to kiss it."
Let's not forget Ayanna tossing her cardboard cutout on Anessa's bed! Just hilarious all around. A great episode. I miss Ayanna. I felt bad for her, but I felt she took it too far when she told them all (at least in her interview) not to call her. I heard she has a kid now.
[quote=RW561015;39460]I've been watching episodes here and there of Battle of the Sexes 2 and Inferno 2 lately here and there.
One of the funniest challenge moments to me remains Ayanna's elimination speech during BOTS2. "I slept in my uniform last night because I wanted to win today!" I felt bad for her that she was going home and was crying, and I think she's a nice enough person who is just passionate about what she's doing and her beliefs (instead of thinking she's crazy like most people do). But it was really funny when she started sprouting off stuff like, "All I needed was eight of y'all to have. my. back. All I needed was eight." And Coral's talking to Mike in the background mouthing to him exactly what I was thinking/wondering - "What is she talking about?" I can't exactly remember how many people were left, but I remember thinking at the time that the eight people thing was off based on the number of people left. I think she was saying she needed eight people to not vote for her, but I think that was too many. And in the extended version, she was talking about standing up for Tonya when people blamed her for clogging the toilets and such. I really wish they would have shown more of her elimination speech and the reactions of people, because it sounds like it was even more funny than what was shown.
Also, during Inferno 2, when they were doing one of the eliminations, someone - I think it was CT - shouted out, "hello!" in a weird voice that sounded like Mrs. Doubtfire. I thought that was funny. And the Inferno 2 wrap up show was really cracking me up. CT and Abram especially.[/quote]
Where did you find BOTS 2
[quote=Zachary;39477]I think the "eight of ya'll to have my back" was an exaggeration because she just wanted someone, anyone to have her back. Nothing beats Aneesa's reaction to their fight:
"You're talking to air, da-da-da-da" or "My *** is getting stronger would you like to kiss it."[/quote]
Aneesa throws out some great one liners... doesnt she? :laugh2:
[quote=ejborys22;39519]Where did you find BOTS 2[/quote]
I recorded it when it first aired on TV.
Ayanna was the one who said the thing about her :censored2: getting stronger (Anessa did say the thing about talking to air, though). Ayanna threw the cardboard cutout of herself on to Anessa's bed, and Anessa was asking if she was trying to make her feel bad. And Ayanna was saying thank you to Anessa for making her feel "this big." And Ayanna said (complete with butt grab and her back to Anessa) "my :censored2: is getting stronger, would you like to kick it some more?" I felt bad for Anessa to have to take the brunt of that decision, but she said she would take the responsibility of it. It seemed she was the first to throw out Ayanna's name and make an argument for her being voted off, but the other girls decided to vote for her as well. And then on Ayanna's side, I felt bad because she'd said earlier that she would take a hit by a train for Anessa, if she ever saw one "coming down the street." According to Lori's postsabout BOTS on her website, Ayanna got into it with Anessa during that challenge - I remember Lori saying something about Ayanna being upset about something and saying how there are things way more important in the world (than a hurt hand or the challenges as well or whatever else happened), but Anessa was annoyed and was telling her that she just wanted to fix her (Ayanna's) hand (which was cut or something).