[QUOTE=fabulous788;195686]I think so too, but I really did love Brooklyn :D[/QUOTE]
Nah, I would say that Brooklyn was far better - it was very similar to the original season, which was a classic.
Personally, I think everything since San Diego has been average at best or just plain awful (ie. Cancun)
They did a good job timing this coming week's episode so that the cops come and the pee etc. happens the week after Jersey Shore premieres. 5.5 million people saw 3 commercials for this week's RW during the initial airing of Jersey Shore, and millions more I'm sure have seen ads for it since. Literally I bet three times as many people say commercials for RWNO this week than saw commercials for, say, week 2.
If they don't hit 2 million viewers this week, I'm not sure the show ever will again. I do think we'll see nice bumps. Here's hoping the episode pays it off so that the viewers stick around. A look at the Twitter Trending Topics Wednesday night will probably give us a clue.
Too bad they aren't using RWNO as the lead in to JS on Thursday (Teen Mom instead).
I think if they would do the challenges and The Real World before Jersey Shore the ratings would boost.
Hopefully with all these commercials next weeks big episode will get a lot of viewers!
the number of episodes also have a lot to do. How many episodes is this season going to have?
Because recent previous seasons varied.
Brooklyn- 13 episodes
Cancun- 12 episodes
DC- 14 episodes
from [URL="http://tvbythenumbers.com/2010/08/05/mtvs-real-world-new-orleans-delivers-season-high-ratings/59274"]TVBN[/URL]:
[B][I]"MTV’s Real World New Orleans[/I][/B][B] Delivers Season High Ratings[/B]
[*][I]MTV’s Real World New Orleans[/I] delivers season highs, including a 2.08 P12-34 rating and over 2 million total viewers.
[*][I]Real World New Orleans[/I] delivers the franchises best ratings since last summer’s[I]Real World Cancun[/I] finale.
[*][I]Real World New Orleans[/I] P12-34 rating is up 24% week to week and up 61% from its season premiere.
[*][I]Real World New Orleans[/I] was the #1 original cable program of the day with MTV’s key P12-34 audience.
[*][I]Real World New Orleans[/I] was #1 in its time period versus all TV with P12-34.
Source: Nielsen. 8/4/10. Live+SD [B]coverage ratings[/B]. Rank based on P12-34 Live+SD 000s."
Its the [I]Jersey Shore[/I] effect.
This is the first season in at least three years to set a new high in viewers every one of its first 6 weeks.
That A18-49 is gonna be borderline top ten for cable shows for the week, and I think that the episode will almost certainly be #3 for A18-34 (and P12-34) for all of cable the week (after Teen Mom and JS).
I expect a sizable drop in ratings next week for a variety of reasons; don't worry, MTV is expecting it too. If they can stay at a 1.2 in the demo that would******* away.
[QUOTE=CastAStone;197936]This is the first season in at least three years to set a new high in viewers every one of its first 6 weeks.
That A18-49 is gonna be borderline top ten for cable shows for the week, and I think that the episode will almost certainly be #3 for A18-34 (and P12-34) for all of cable the week (after Teen Mom and JS).
I expect a sizable drop in ratings next week for a variety of reasons; don't worry, MTV is expecting it too. If they can stay at a 1.2 in the demo that would******* away.[/QUOTE]
Just curious, why do you expect a sizable drop? I only ask because I don't really know anything about the ratings system/process and I'm pretty interested in how all that works haha. I've been enjoying your insights.
I'd say this is the best season since Key West but I loved Cancun as well.
They are doing a marathon right now which is good, and advertisement during Jersey Shore was definitely smart because it boosted the ratings and got people interested.
[QUOTE=mph922;197947]Just curious, why do you expect a sizable drop? I only ask because I don't really know anything about the ratings system/process and I'm pretty interested in how all that works haha. I've been enjoying your insights.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE]I think because the whole hoopla is over. The whole toothbrush thing is over, next episode is just about Knight and McKenzie.[/QUOTE]
What SPK said, also because I think most of the Jersey Shore bump is a one week thing, also I didn't think any of the last three episodes were particularly strong, also looking at long-term trends of RW seasons, also I expect MTV is advertising the episode less this week (I haven't been watching, but just a guess)
1.7-1.8 million and a 0.9-1.0 in the demo seems fair. Again, another 2.0 and 1.2 would be amazing.
What is important is that MTV was proud enough of this weeks ratings to send out a press release. The show did really well. Top 10s come out tomorrow, it will be interesting to see how B2NO did versus Tosh.0, Kourtney and Khloe, Family Guy, Teen Mom, and JS in the 18-34 ratings, which is where the show usually shines. If it can take third in that group, wow. (Last weeks episode got beat by a [I]Rerun[/I] of Jersey Shore, so its a climb).
Episode 7 (from travis yanan's twitter)
Real World: Back to New Orleans
- 2.202 million viewers
- 1.4/2 HH
- 1.2/4 A18-49
- 2.4/8 W18-34
Wow, I really did not expect an increase from last week. Real World is doing great this season! I wonder how next week will do.
[QUOTE=GraysGreat;199531]Anyone know how many episodes are supposed to air this season?[/QUOTE]
It's been stated multiple times that there are 12 episodes.
Season highs set or tied in every category. Shows how smart I am.
Episode 6 (last week) was 5th on the A18-34 top 10, behind Jersey Shore, Teen Mom, Kourtney and Khloe, and one rerun of Family Guy.
That's really impressive. I hope the rating continue to grow next week. To be honest, I was kind of bored with last night's episode (every season has boring ones though) so hopefully that doesn't stop the growing audience from watching next week's.
Wow great ratings. Hard to believe we gained 1 million viewers since the premiere (usually at this point it's the opposite lol). Also weird that every episode this season has increased in viewers.
Hopefully it keeps going up from here!
And hopefully BMP will continue the path that they are on.
They don't need to screw it up by never advertising the upcoming challenge.