Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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Skipping tonight's episode bc who wants to watch Quinn scream like an albino chimpanzee in the DR for 40 minutes besides UkLover :/

Clearly you do because you talk about it all the time.

Skipping tonight's episode bc who wants to watch Quinn scream like an albino chimpanzee in the DR for 40 minutes besides UkLover :/

OMG! Don't insult Chimpanzees like that, they are my 2nd favorite animal. Speaking of, is anyone watching Chimp Crazy?

Cam is cooking lemon pepper wings 

Cam is cooking lemon pepper wings 

The update I didn't know I needed <3

Cam is cooking lemon pepper wings 

the perfect househusband <3

Skipping tonight's episode bc who wants to watch Quinn scream like an albino chimpanzee in the DR for 40 minutes besides UkLover :/

i'm dead af

Yeah, this group can't carry a show. It's about to be a long post-season.

Angela's fate determines if Thursday will be the season finale or not

We did so good without the scripted DRs to start off with but Grodner could no longer resist nor trust this group to deliver on their own.

So I'm not missing anything?

So I'm not missing anything?

Not at all. Before the HoH was interesting then Creepuinn bragged about taking out Tucker while wearing Rubina's skirt and literally almost passed out from screaming in the DR and then it went downhill. The football game on is wayyyy more entertaining.


So I'm not missing anything?

Not at all. Before the HoH was interesting then Creepuinn bragged about taking out Tucker while wearing Rubina's skirt and literally almost passed out from screaming in the DR and then it went downhill. The football game on is wayyyy more entertaining.

lmaooo not it bragging as if taking tucker out was the hermaphrodite's move. All credit goes to Chelsie. Not that cringe try hard 

The fate of the season is currently in Leah's hand. All we can do is pray she gets it right.

it's honestly just worth to watch the eviction episodes on thursday at this point until the finale

it's honestly just worth to watch the eviction episodes on thursday at this point until the finale

You aren't wrong. The 3 recaps they do on Thursdays before the episode even begins shows all the highlights.

Today's episode was going to be insufferable anyway. I'll tune into Wednesday's episode for Queen Leah's win.

The girl who claimed she doesn't know how a man ever won BB because they are so easily manipulated just got manipulated by the creepiest, ugliest, and most unfunny man on the planet. Leah is a disappointment and a loser. 

The girl who claimed she doesn't know how a man ever won BB because they are so easily manipulated just got manipulated by the creepiest, ugliest, and most unfunny man on the planet. Leah is a disappointment and a loser. 

what happened?

Leah isn't going to use the veto and Angela is likely going home.

I hope production punishes TF out of the houseguests and rigs them OUT one by one Smile


The girl who claimed she doesn't know how a man ever won BB because they are so easily manipulated just got manipulated by the creepiest, ugliest, and most unfunny man on the planet. Leah is a disappointment and a loser. 

what happened?

Leah went to Quinn to get permission to use it on Angela and he convinced her not to because it doesn't benefit HIS game. It benefits hers, he can't win HoH to retaliate next week, and he's proven to be a snake but she still is letting him control her moves. This girl has sat back and done nothing but tell 7 hour long stories without taking a breath. She's not been a part of any named alliances, but is to dumb to see that as a red flag. Now she finally has the chance to make a move and position herself well and she let some rodent looking freak convince her not to. 

Superfans always ruin the show. He isn't playing to win, he's just there to be on RHAP, invited to the reality charity events, and be part of the reality community so he feels accepted for once in his life. So why as a fan, would you target everyone entertaining and purposely make your season a lame áşś flop. If you don't care about winning at least make the show fun and entertaining. Last nights episode was a huge indicator we are in for a terrible finish. This cast had so much potential but the bores took over and now it's about to be as unwatchable as BB25. I guess I'll be tuning out for a 2nd year in a row.

I just drove past a girl wearing a crotchet Santa like hat except the tip went all the way to her butt and it was like bright yellow and green. It was so ugly and stupid. I wonder if she bought it from T'kor.

Grodner is gonna make sure chelsie wins HoH next week so she can out the hernaphrodite and it's temu version Luigi sidekick otb Smile

Grodner is gonna make sure chelsie wins HoH next week so she can out the hernaphrodite and it's temu version Luigi sidekick otb

Honestly it's too late at that point. Once Angie is gone there is no show. I love Chelsie but she can't carry the show on her back. No one else has an once of personality except Creepuinn and his personality is unwatchable. 

Maybe they'll rig for Angela? Once ang leaves there's no show...

It would be though is the funny part.

it's going to such a boring jury and dreadful last 6 weeks... who knew this shit could get any worse than bb25
