Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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i should have known oldschooler was socially awkward in REAL life YIKES!!!!!  Can you say EMERGENCY

lol I don't think I was awkward, I just kept the interaction brief. There were thousands of people trying to get out of downtown Atlanta at once, and we both paid for good parking to get out easily so I didn't want either of us getting stuck in the traffic. That's more socially aware than most people would be.

bb twitter is canceling Brooklyn bc she doesn't believe we landed on the moon ijbol 

Good if people are going to be losing their jobs from this show it should be dumb ***** like her. Beleiving in the mooon landing should be the first question they ask in interviews to determine It one is simply too ******** to work in any sort of office like she clearly is

We NEED Rubina to be evicted Thursday. 1) She's boring. 2) It'll activate Tucker even more, imagine the wall comp Thurs with him píssèd over her eviction. 3) Maybe it'll activate Yarn & Yawn to do more than whisper in a room together.

These guys need to just make an alliance to Tucker and work with him till the arena is over and then backdoor him.

yarn and yawn LMAOOOOOOOOOO

Beleiving in the mooon landing should be the first question they ask in interviews to determine It one is simply too ******** to work in any sort of office like she clearly is

It's like someone being a flat earther. I have a visceral hate for anyone who believes in outlandish conspiracy theories. I knew I didn't Brooklyn.

People that care what other arbitrary beliefs people have are the always the most miserable people. Not even being mean or trying to troll. It's just a fact.

People that care what other arbitrary beliefs people have are the always the most miserable people. Not even being mean or trying to troll. It's just a fact.

Says the most miserable person on this forum that throws a hissy fit whenever someone says something they don't agree with. Your comment is an opinion, not a fact. But I get you're too stupid to know the difference.

I have to agree with my temporary triplet, OS. Brooklyn not believing in the moon landing is some of the most mundane and ridiculous reasons to try and "cancel" her. There are worse things to be mad about. #JustMyOpinion

My rants are satirical which is why I always put a bunch of lol's. In my 2 decades on Challenge threads, I've legit been mad 2 times. While your meltdowns are truly rooted in anger and misery. But I guess you are too stupid and lack too much self-awareness to realize any of that.

My rants are satirical which is why I always put a bunch of lol's. In my 2 decades on Challenge threads, I've legit been mad 2 times. While your meltdowns are truly rooted in anger and misery. But I guess you are too stupid and lack too much self-awareness to realize any of that.

You always claim that your meltdowns are satirical. They're not. You're a joke. And a loser that has none of the self-awarensss you claim others lack. What's truly miserable is getting off on picking at people all day, everyday on this board. 

Ppl comparing Tucker to Jag are so delulu. Tucker is winning comps over Cam, Cedric, and Quinn (I guess?) while Jag didn't start winning until Hisam & Cam were gone. Basically his only competition were against grannies lmaooo

Lol. Sorry I didn't realize you were back into your emotional can't handle joke phase. I guess I hit a nerve calling you out on your misery. I'll refrain from continuing. Hope you find some peace and humor one day <3

Lol. Sorry I didn't realize you were back into your emotional can't handle joke phase. I guess I hit a nerve calling you out on your misery. I'll refrain from continuing. Hope you find some peace and humor one day <3

But didn't you say it wasn't a joke? And why does my "arbitrary belief" bother you? You could have scrolled past my comment like you did for FromTheNorth, but you always to start shit with me and it's annoying, lol. Your humor is not everyone else's humor and that's a concept you keep forgetting. 

I was starting shit with anyone who cares lol. You just engaged.

that's why i'm for them cancelling live feeds all together bc yall FREAKS are itching to cancel anyone over anything. It's a ******* cheesy reality tv show where they do carnival games it's not that serious lol

that's why i'm for them cancelling live feeds all together bc yall FREAKS are itching to cancel anyone over anything. It's a ******* cheesy reality tv show where they do carnival games it's not that serious lol

I never said anything about canceling anyone. I purposely left that part out in my requote because I don't even believe in canceling people over every stupid comment they make (unless it's something really egregious). 

Im honestly surprised people care enough a out the moon and any of that to cancel Brooklyn over it, omg. Its not even related to anything with

yarn and yawn LMAOOOOOOOOOO

OS ate with that. I still stand with T'Queen tho. "Mmhmm."

Im honestly surprised people care enough a out the moon and any of that to cancel Brooklyn over it, omg. Its not even related to anything with

She's not being canceled lol. A few mean tweets about a reality tv star from Twitter accounts with barely any engagement is not "canceling" people. The anti- cancel culture people are the dramatic ones now.


Im honestly surprised people care enough a out the moon and any of that to cancel Brooklyn over it, omg. Its not even related to anything with

She's not being canceled lol. A few mean tweets about a reality tv star from Twitter accounts with barely any engagement is not "canceling" people. The anti- cancel culture people are the dramatic ones now.

I saw tweets with comments about canceling so naturally knowing bb twitter I thought everyone was mad about it.


Im honestly surprised people care enough a out the moon and any of that to cancel Brooklyn over it, omg. Its not even related to anything with

She's not being canceled lol. A few mean tweets about a reality tv star from Twitter accounts with barely any engagement is not "canceling" people. The anti- cancel culture people are the dramatic ones now.

Ive seen more people call the "cancelling" stupid than I've seen people try to cancel her.

Twitter is not real life and yall let them teenagers raise your blood pressure too much.

Ive seen more people call the "cancelling" stupid than I've seen people try to cancel her.

Twitter is not real life and yall let them teenagers raise your blood pressure too much.

Last week it was fun but now I'm just annoyed. I love chaos and mess but he has zero strategic ability or effort. He's bored, which I get it, the cast is SUPER boring and I'd be restless too but at least put a little effort into being there and in the game.

Kimo and T'Kor should get cameo appearances on The Bold and the Beautiful.

Kimo and T'Kor should get cameo appearances on The Bold and the Beautiful.

PK. Shut-up.

Last week it was fun but now I'm just annoyed. I love chaos and mess but he has zero strategic ability or effort. He's bored, which I get it, the cast is SUPER boring and I'd be restless too but at least put a little effort into being there and in the game.

can he stop....

He does realize that if he wins AI against Cedric and rubina, he'll be sending his showmance home he needs to chill lol

He does realize that if he wins AI against Cedric and rubina, he'll be sending his showmance home he needs to chill lol

Tucker doesn't realize anything. I bet he couldn't even tell you the name of the show he's competing on.

IDIOTS. FOOLS. He's saying that to **** with people. He told Angela(?) earlier that he wanted to spread a rumor that he wouldn't save himself to see how people would react. He's using it on himself. 
