Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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Jag is taking out Matt!!!   

fellciia leaves to see another day omg!!!  She truly has 9 lives 

Woah, really....?



@CD stop mispreading information you slow bunny.

If Jag actually did it, it would kind of be iconic cutting the person who literally saved you from eviction in a twist. If Jag had charisma, he would be an amazing villain.

Jag was discussing cutting Matt at f3 not f4 lol. I think Felicia is done for. They are gonna stay true to the f3 they made. Matt needs to win that f3 hoh or he won't be sitting in those f2 chairs. He really set himself up so bad in this endgame. 

Jag get Matt out this week

@CD stop mispreading information you slow bunny.

do you ever bother to look up anything yourself?  

Jag will take out Matt final 3. He considered final 4 yesterday 

What's the difference between jag taking him out final 4 vs final 3 lol.... you have the veto to vote out anyone you want now. Like you really don't feel confident going against Felicia and Bowie in final hoh you puss lol.

if he does that then I hope Matt wins final hoh and evicts him for being so stupid but I doubt Matt has the balls either lmao

He needs to learn how this game works. He can't guarantee he'll win at final 3. Take the shot now and quit being a bǐtċh

The rumor is winter edition of BB is all winners of people from Amazing race survivor BB.. not worst idea!

Rumored cast: yam yam, Natalie Anderson, Michelle 

rachel Reilly, Claire, Taylor

james Derek X Chris underwood 

Josh Xavier kaycee


Not the worst idea or cast! 

That cast sounds TERRIBLE.

Also yes jag is still considering evicting Matt

That cast sounds TERRIBLE.

you'd rather have Derek F and Hannah Chadda on big brother "legends" then? 


That cast sounds TERRIBLE.

you'd rather have Derek F and Hannah Chadda on big brother "legends" then? 

Was that my only 2 options? I don't hate the idea, I hate the cast. If that's the best you can put together SCRAP IT.

Janelle said she's under contract with Peacock, so I imagine that excludes Dan.

The rumor is winter edition of BB is all winners of people from Amazing race survivor BB.. not worst idea!

Rumored cast: yam yam, Natalie Anderson, Michelle 

rachel Reilly, Claire, Taylor

james Derek X Chris underwood 

Josh Xavier kaycee


Not the worst idea or cast! 

I feel like that was made up.

But neither Derek nor Claire are that interesting to be on this cast.

Natalie, Rachel, Michele and maybe Josh will give something.

Chris strategically is a bum and he's not much of a personality. And, I didn't watch Yam Yam's season to comment.



That cast sounds TERRIBLE.

you'd rather have Derek F and Hannah Chadda on big brother "legends" then? 

Was that my only 2 options? I don't hate the idea, I hate the cast. If that's the best you can put together SCRAP IT.

they are going to call it legends and absolutely not get people like Derrick and Vanessa for it, we all know it 


accept Claire and yam yam 

The rumor is winter edition of BB is all winners of people from Amazing race survivor BB.. not worst idea!

Rumored cast: yam yam, Natalie Anderson, Michelle 

rachel Reilly, Claire, Taylor

james Derek X Chris underwood 

Josh Xavier kaycee


Not the worst idea or cast! 

I think this was made up

Bowie Jane winner of BB25, The Challenge USA 3, The Challenge Australia, The Challenge World Championship and The Challenge 40. Bet

they stay ignoring maryanne smh :/

I told y'all!! Felicia is safe jag is evicting Matt tomorrow!! 

I told y'all!! Felicia is safe jag is evicting Matt tomorrow!! 

I'll believe it when it happens.

He's definitely not doing it lol.

I think Jag knows the smart thing to do, but he's worried about his reputation for burning Matt. I think it's gonna come down to how production sways him. I truly think production is racist and misogynistic, they've had two black winners so they are ready for a white male winner again especially since he's attractive with a disability. Grodner is oozing at the headlines already. I'll pray for the miracle but not getting my hopes up.

He's definitely not doing it lol.

Actually think he will he already plans to go F2 with Bowie and has already said he's gonna burn him at F3 why not do it now when it's right in front of him. Gonna die if Felicia is in F2 lol

If he wants to take Boring Jan to the end then it makes zero sense to not take the shot now. He's almost guaranteed a spot in the final 2 with one of the worst players of all-time if he takes it now...or he has a 50/50 shot against a golden boy with a disability.

He may lose against bowie at this point 

He may lose against bowie at this point 

Queen Bowie Jane breathes and then wins. Iconic

Feel like Jag only wins against Bowie but he'll see her 3 HOHs and think he has a better chance with Felicia when really it's the opposite lol 

He's definitely not doing it lol.


he literally has said it like 5x already today, y'all need to step it up 
