Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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I just want keeping Matt to backfire on him. I'm disappointed Felicia didn't put up more of a fight.

They really let a guy who's deaf in the final 3 so easily.... even if I hated the guy once i heard him speak in the finale I would give him my vote immediately

That wouldn't sway me. I think Matt has better connections and that would sway me. Comp wins do nothing for me, especially when your competing against 3 elderly women and a bunch of dingbats. Jag's comp record is so unimpressive.

Jag had to beat Matt in said comps too.

He's played the better game, and I can certainly think of a reason people are still handing Matt the victory, and it's not just Jag's betrayals.

But, he did fumble not getting rid of Matt tonight, he can't say for sure if he's going to get the chance to take him out at f3.

Matt didn't need comp wins to last this long. Jag needed comps wins and a twist to still be there. Matt is the better player.

Matt didn't need comp wins to last this long. Jag needed comps wins and a twist to still be there. Matt is the better player.

Bowie might make it to f2 without ever touching the block.

Should we give her the win then?

Jag is only there because Matt saved him with a twist and that's literally all Matt would have to say in his speech. Jag is a moron.

Matt has sat and done nothing but follow Jag's lead since the jury started.

Whatever game he had has been gone. Letting Cirie walk out on his HOH was a move for Jag, not himself. He threw all his social bonds out the door.

Idc if Jag got evicted, very rarely does an HG come back into game and actually take control.

Mother Bowie Jane

Well it appears the jury agrees with me so trashbag Jag isn't winning if he goes against him.

Mother Bowie Jane

Ew. I can't believe you like that maga freak. She's basically Camilla minus the personality and athleticism.

Well it appears the jury agrees with me so trashbag Jag isn't winning if he goes against him.

Those jury segments rarely ever tell the truth.

Jag solely controlled the second half of the season with Matt and Bowie following his orders when they won HOH. Only problem is Jag was already evicted and he's ***** made and a coward with the way he betrayed so many people that they're bitter. I'd rather Jag win but I don't see it happening. Matt was the "nice one and all American boy" like Felicia said which is annoying because he'll win based off being the pretty and deaf white boy. 

Jag could smash the speech saying he controlled the game but I don't see him hitting the right points and all Matt has to do is say a couple nice things and win. 

I've watched very little of the show in the past couple months as it's a terrible season and 99 days is WAYYYYYY too long to keep my interest, especially with a no personality cast. This show can't fill 1 hour a week much less 3. So most of my updates are from here and Twitter, which might be biased...but it doesn't sound like Jag owned his moves. It sounds like he played victim and always tried to make it seem like the people deserved to go based on some action he created in his head. If he can't own his moves he doesn't deserve it.

Also, Jag is only there because he won against weak competitors. Had he any competition he would be out just like he was before they got rid of Alpha's. Boring Jan is only there because she is so worthless no one cared about her. She's the anti-woman chick he rides for the dudes and doesn't nothing. Matt is there because he played the best social game. He was at a disadvantage due to his disability and still overcame it and made the best relationships. He's not a great winner but the most deserving out of this garbage lot.

Nothing about Matt barely speaking to anyone but Bowie and Jag these past few weeks is a good social game. He was in a winner's position for a minute and let Jag dictate his every move.

And the luxury of not having a target this latter half is mainly due to Jag's gameplay.

Not to be the one to say it, but Matt is just benefitting from being white.

Because he had me in the first half, but the lack of agency since the jury isn't deserving of a winner's game to me. Idgaf if Jag was evicted, every BB winner doesn't play the same game, and Matt hasn't done anything of his own volition since he saved Jag and even then he had to ask Cirie permission for that.

I remember when Jameka said Daniele was "the ****" and **** was "the ho(e)."

That's how I feel about Jag and Matt. People are remembering where Matt and Jag were four weeks ago, but Jag is a lot more active than Matt was at his best.

But if Matt gets to the final two because Jag chickened out, then I think his loss is deserved. I just can't make an argument for anything Matt has done and his social upkeep has been trash. Barely spoke to America, Cirie or Felicia when they were on the block and he could've easily made Jag be the villain. Even Josh had enough sense to make Paul look worse in front of the people he betrayed.

But, that's my rant for the week.


Personally would vote for Matt over Jag if I had to make the choice. It's the cleaner game, better social game, and I think more well rounded.

didnt matt go along with the plan of isolating/ignoring cirie and felicia? idk whats clean or social about thay. jag deserves this and i hope he drags matt down with him and makes everyone see that he followed everything he said.

didnt matt go along with the plan of isolating/ignoring cirie and felicia? idk whats clean or social about thay. jag deserves this and i hope he drags matt down with him and makes everyone see that he followed everything he said.

felicia and cirie still love him and will cast their vote for him to win if he's sitting in a f2 chair lol. Also Felicia said in her exit interview that Matt played the better social game. 

Matt just didn't do anything or made anything happen or had his own idea besides saving Jag. Jag or Bowie could call him out on that in their speech to expose him but they won't. 

Felicia's brother passed while she was in the house. So sad!!! Sending condolences her way. 

Week 9 she said 

What and it was never mentioned? And she still managed to be such a fun light?

What and it was never mentioned? And she still managed to be such a fun light?

probably wanted to keep it private. but so true. she still kept her joy. would have never known anything was wrong. 

Feels like the prejurors were evicted a year ago at this point.

How do you vote in each scenario?

  • Matt vs Jag? Matt
  • Jag vs Boring J? Jag
  • Matt vs Boring J? Matt

    Jag should win against anyone he by far played the hardest, lied the most, won the most and played Big Brother the most but I see people being bitter and him being evicted before doesn't help. 

    This is a situation where speeches can sway me between Jag and Matt. If Jag owns his game and leans to playing cutthroat I'll root for him. If he goes the holier than thou route, zero chance. Also, can convince him he played to win but then cut Felicia over Matt at final 3. I want that to haunt him for the rest of his life so praying Matt cuts him at 3.

    I'd vote matt, jag, & then bowie Jane in that order. 
