Big Brother 11: Rumors & Spoilers

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Yeah it's on the edge and can fall either way at the moment. If the season is good and does solid in the ratings then we won't have to worry but if it does bad then the future of Big Brother could be in question.
Yeah GW. I feel that teams does not fit the whole theme of Big Brother.
I just hope its not a flop. If so the past 3 seasons are not too good, there goes BB.
[quote=RMD1;91420]I just hope its not a flop. If so the past 3 seasons are not too good, there goes BB.[/quote] BB10 wasn't that bad honestly but I think BB is still recovering and it can't take that many hits. Teams aren't the regular BB style but hey we'll see how it goes. It could end up working out in the end.
I'm so sad that I won't be able to watch some of the season! I'm going to Europe mid-July and I won't be back till September =(
Yeah if this season isn't a step up, Big Brother is in danger.
Well I don't see how it is in danger when every past few summers in forums where I've been part of people buy feeds and basically have no life watching them 24/7. BB does get a lot of $$$$ from people watching feeds. And people might not see on tv but episodes are online so a lot of people are used to watching episodes online and not on television. I don't usually watch the episodes when they come on so I look them up online pretty much all the time since I don't have the time to see them when they come on unfortunately.
Big brother is baaacckk!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When does it strt!
[QUOTE=V2Men;92108]Big brother is baaacckk!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When does it strt![/quote] The house guests enter the house on July 5th. The season premiere of Big Brother 11 is on July 9th.
Anyone get their feeds yet? I thought I read that it is $29.00 for the season if you get them now, but it goes up to $39.00 after the season starts. If I do the feeds, I'll probably just do a month at a time anyway.
The only way I'll get the feeds this year is if Ivette is the mystery house guest. Idk.. the cast this season just seems really dull. I'm not excited for the premiere at all. On top of that, I think the twist sucks..
[QUOTE=ryan01;92116]The only way I'll get the feeds this year is if Ivette is the mystery house guest. Idk.. the cast this season just seems really dull. I'm not excited for the premiere at all. On top of that, I think the twist sucks..[/QUOTE] I always seem to feel that way (about the cast) but when the show comes on, I end up watching. :D
The feeds will be watch by me no matter if the season busts or not...I'm too drawn in to stop now. Right now I don't have a general opinion of the cast, it looks like it could be a solid cast as I said but we won't know until they are actually inside the house.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;92117]I always seem to feel that way (about the cast) but when the show comes on, I end up watching. :D[/QUOTE] Last season when the cast was released I thought it sucked. It ended up being one of my favs.
Yeah I agree with B. Big Brother is just a great show to watch, even though you go into it hating everyone, etc.
This is from bb I think that the website is fairly reliable. I just learned from a very reliable source that 4 houseguests will compete to get back into the bb house.. The house guests I was told are Brian BB1O, Sheila BB9, Jessica BB 8, and ... and Eric BB8...
Thanks salt&vinegar! :D Out of those four choices, I would want Jessica back. [B]Also, the house guests were supposed to have entered the house today at 4:30 pm PST. [/B] [URL=""]source[/URL]
I wouldn't want Brian to come back. I didn't like him last season.
I just don't want Sheila back!
I would like to see Eric.
I'm not a huge fan of Eric, but I wouldn't mind seeing him play the game on his own and not as America's Player. Out of those four, I'd most like to see Jessica return.
[QUOTE] The HG entered the house at 6:30.* Those of you who follow the feeds know that Big Brother hardly ever runs on time. The first in the house were Russell, Ronnie, Laura, and Kevin The Cliques: Populars Braden, Jordan, Laura Athletes Russell, Jeff, Natalie Brains Ronnie, Chima, Michele Offbeats Lydia, Kevin, Casey The first HOH will be a former HG. Each clique is assigned one. The HG don’t know who they’re getting. Who are they? One of them had a showmance. Another was almost an All Star. [/QUOTE] [via [URL=""][/URL]]
I'm rooting for the popular clique. I like them.
Almost an All-Star!? PLEASEEEE be Ivette.
CornerOffice has indicated that Jessie of BB10 won the first HOH competition. Or could be Brian, but either way a male from BB10 won HOH. I can't copy & paste the post because Reality BBQ frigged up my work computer last time I was on it. Seems to me like the 4 previous HG's competed for HOH, the winner stays and continues to play. So Sheila, Jessica, Monica/Lisa/Dana/Ivette/Cowboy/Bunky are out of the picture, or so it seems?
I hope people still remember Jessica and Eric from BB8. Jess was awesome! very down to earth and cool. Sheila made it far, so I am sure a lot of people remember her, and Brian seemed like a cool guy, but he wasnt in it long enough for people to really get to know him. If its a vote based decision, I would think sheila would get in.
is Rooting for JESSIE ..........HOH BABY WOOHOOO From Michelle(BB10) facebook
NOOO! Not Jessie! I really don't want him back in the Big Brother House... Maybe he won't be as annoying as he was on BB10...
I'd rather Jessie over Brian. Jessie was considered a threat on his season.
[quote=dplayer18;93338]I'd rather Jessie over Brian. Jessie was considered a threat on his season.[/quote] I wouldn't mind either of these guys... but I'm kind of interested to see Brian actually play.... hopefully he's learned from making alliances with everyone in the house in the first hour! haha
