Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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Cedric is working his way to one of my top 5 favorite male players ever.

what did he do

He just seems like a genuine and good dude. I like his energy in the DRs. For being young and having little knowledge of the game I think he is playing well.

all the men suck this season except for joseph 

girl what? Joseph hasn't been providing much of anything.

Taylor is sooooo annoying #JustMyOpinion

Loved Taylor in the house but I think her fans created a monster on social media. She was great on Winter Games too and I hope we see her on The Challenge or The Traitors one day. Like many reality stars she's likable on tv but terrible on social media.


all the men suck this season except for joseph 

girl what? Joseph hasn't been providing much of anything.

Tucker > Cedric >>>>>>> Cam > Joseph > Kenney > Kimo > Quinn

I have a genuine question. For arguements sake lets say that Angela genuinely meant CCC & T'kor are the 4 she trusts most and wanted to work with. Does she still need to own it and apologize? What would she be apologizing her if 1) it had zero to do with race 2) she was saying she wants to align with those 4. It was a WHITE man who perceived it to be offensive without clarifying what she meant and he twisted her words. So what is she committing to do better for? I'm confused by Taylor's comments. 

She said that because when T'Kor tried to explain how what Angela said could be perceived, Angela started crying and saying "don't bring that into this". And, went to Cedric crying about being perceived as racist.

So even though the HGs who were being discussed would rightfully be upset, Angela makes it about her. All she had to do was clarify what she said, and that's what T'Kor was trying to give her the space to do. Yet, Angela kept crying, which made the situation worse.

Both T'kor and Angela were right. QUINN is causing all of this discord so he can fly under the radar like the rat he is! GET HIM OUT.

I have a genuine question. For arguements sake lets say that Angela genuinely meant CCC & T'kor are the 4 she trusts most and wanted to work with. Does she still need to own it and apologize? What would she be apologizing her if 1) it had zero to do with race 2) she was saying she wants to align with those 4. It was a WHITE man who perceived it to be offensive without clarifying what she meant and he twisted her words. So what is she committing to do better for? I'm confused by Taylor's comments. 

I genuinely don't care to argue about this because I don't think Angela was being racist (nor did any of the black houseguests as we saw), nor do I think Quinn intentionally went to T'kor with the mindset of exposing Angela as a racist. He was trying to be messy sure.

But I'll answer this. The only thing I took issue with was when T'kor calmly went up to Angela to explain how her comment could be "perceived", Angela immediately started hollering and crying over T'kor. That's why T'kor walked away. To Angela's credit, later in the episode she did go back up to her.

I don't think Angela needs to "apologize" for anything. But I think she can acknowledge T'kor's point instead of immediately jumping to defense mode. 

She said that because when T'Kor tried to explain how what Angela said could be perceived, Angela started crying and saying "don't bring that into this". And, went to Cedric crying about being perceived as racist. So even though the HGs who were being discussed would rightfully be upset, Angela makes it about her. All she had to do was clarify what she said, and that's what T'Kor was trying to give her the space to do. Yet, Angela kept crying, which made the situation worse.

Ok. I went back and watched cause I was multi-watching BB and the Olypmics, this makes sense. I think she panicked about the ramifications as soon as race was brought up. But you are right, she should have giving T'kor the opportunity to finish and explain THEN apologized if Quinnaren presented it that way, and explained she saw those 4 as trustworthy and wanted to make them as a solid group of 6 with her and Quinnaren.

I also think Cedric she feels a genuine connection to Cedric and that he's one of the few who hasn't alienated her so she freaked out she was gonna lose that and that he was going to view her as racist.

Taylor is sooooo annoying #JustMyOpinion

It's so funny that I've never seen Taylor's BB season but I know who she is because she's always being talked about on Challenge Twitter. 

Doesn't Kyland live with her?

I genuinely don't care to argue about this 

Not everything is intended as an arguement. I genuinely was trying to understand the other side. I am a firm believer that open discussions is how people learn and grow. And GoldenRing and you in the second paragraph gave me a different way to view it and I appreciate that. I still don't fully agree with Taylor's entire tweet but now I understand it better.


I genuinely don't care to argue about this 

Not everything is intended as an arguement. I genuinely was trying to understand the other side. I am a firm believer that open discussions is how people learn and grow. And GoldenRing and you in the second paragraph gave me a different way to view it and I appreciate that. I still don't fully agree with Taylor's entire tweet but now I understand it better.

No, no. I didn't mean an argument with you. I meant in general discussing it because it's a non-issue for me and people are making things a bigger deal than it needs be. Your question was fine.


...I think Quinn just told his closest ally what someone said word for word and it turned into that 

he added words to it. She said "that's the group" not "that's the group to watch out for"

Wasnt that Cedric and then Chelsie that added that part? Pretty sure Quinn just said word for word what Angela said.  

Now let's say Quinn never says anything, would he get jumped like Kyle did weeks later? 

Quinn added words.

In laymen terms this is what happened.

  • Quinn: We need to target the black group of houseguests, but it's not racist cause I'm aligned with T'kor. I just need to make sure I don't end up like Alyssa, Sarah, or Claire from BB23.
  • Angela: Quinn we need to work with the 4 black hg cause they are the most trustworthy.
  • Quinn to the house: Angela wants out the black hg cause she thinks they are a Cookout 2.0
  • T'kor to Angela: That puts a target on us  when you call us a Cookout 2.0 and this game is hard enough on black people due to the racists showrunners.
  • Angela: What lies did Quinn tell where my reputation and character is ruined? Lies were made up that can create lasting impacts.
  • Quinn: LOL not only did I ruin her life but I created chaos in the game. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  • Good morning Smile

    Today is a Big Brother holiday: Keesha's Birthday! Let's send Angela all the good vibes we can so that she can win a competition for the second consecutive week on this Big Brother holiday! 

    * Angela will win the AI Arena comp. Angela will win the AI Arena comp. Angela will win the AI Arena comp. Angela will win the AI Arena comp. Angela will win the AI Arena comp. Angela will win the AI Arena comp. Angela will win the AI Arena comp. Angela will win the AI Arena comp. Angela will win the AI Arena comp. Angela will win the AI Arena comp. * 

    The AI Arena is honestly a really good twist. It adds so many stakes up until the last second, and it gives the same intrigue that Survivor has in between episodes because there are no spoilers. I was so invested going into last week's eviction because I was rooting for Matt so hard. Now that Matt has been evicted, this week has so much potential to be a disaster because Matt/Angela or Matt/Tucker as the first two boots would be HORRIBLE, so it keeps me invested up until the last second. Lisa please don't win! 

    I like the AI arena too. Even though they figure out the eviction scenarios for all possibilities. It's still exciting for us not knowing what will happen till right before eviction. Matt and Kenny were lame and not pulling people into rooms to scramble but hopefully we get the double eviction type scramble from here out. Really we need the live scramble and no speeches. I'm sick of hearing family shoutouts and "do what is best for your game". Speeches have become so horrible. That could never be me.

    My only issue with AI arena is it stops people from gaming as much or last minute flips. Why would people go around trying to flip the vote on Tucker when a lot of them think he's going to with the Arena? Cute twist but to me it lowers the chaos of the last minute voting flips. 

    My only issue with AI arena is it stops people from gaming as much or last minute flips. Why would people go around trying to flip the vote on Tucker when a lot of them think he's going to with the Arena? Cute twist but to me it lowers the chaos of the last minute voting flips. 

    I agree 100%. My thing is that it's just 10x better than the alternative, which is: 2 nominees, one of which is the obvious target and therefore gets ostracized because these grown adults are so weird that they get mad when someone talks to someone just because they're gonna get evicted from the house... 

    I like the AI arena too. Even though they figure out the eviction scenarios for all possibilities. It's still exciting for us not knowing what will happen till right before eviction. Matt and Kenny were lame and not pulling people into rooms to scramble but hopefully we get the double eviction type scramble from here out. Really we need the live scramble and no speeches. I'm sick of hearing family shoutouts and "do what is best for your game". Speeches have become so horrible. That could never be me.

    Yup, I wish Kenney used his time to tell everyone to vote him out 

    My only issue with AI arena is it stops people from gaming as much or last minute flips. Why would people go around trying to flip the vote on Tucker when a lot of them think he's going to with the Arena? Cute twist but to me it lowers the chaos of the last minute voting flips. 

    We don't get last minute flips in the new era so ill take arena where the obvious boot at least has a chance.

    Lisa has GOT TO GO! Kimo & T'Kor want to work with her if she stays. We need that snooze alliance gone ASAP!

    Good morning

    Ugh if only I'm next to him Sad

    Lisa has GOT TO GO! Kimo & T'Kor want to work with her if she stays. We need that snooze alliance gone ASAP!

    honestly Angela or Tucker leaving will bring the season down 

    big fan of tuckers hatred towards lisa 

    Angela HAS to win the arena bc I don't trust the house to evict Lisa over Angela...

    Matt, I've been a bad, bad boy Smile


    Lisa has GOT TO GO! Kimo & T'Kor want to work with her if she stays. We need that snooze alliance gone ASAP!

    honestly Angela or Tucker leaving will bring the season down 
