Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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Angela would be an iconic runner-up to Cedric

I don't want to predict too soon but I have a feeling after this eviction that queengela is going to make it to finale night because they know she stands no chance to win so she's a perfect person to take.


Angela would be an iconic runner-up to Cedric

with Chelsie being the last person evicted YUP

I have a feeling that T'kor or Kimo will win HOH. Prepare yourselves for a boring week...

Cedric won HOH!

Cedric won HOH!

ok... things getting interesting.

OMG! Not my acronym ACC winning the first 3 HoHs. I love Ced and I'm excited to see him in power but I don't expect anything exciting: Angela, Kenney, and a pawn.

I like how all the votes will be blindsides cause they aren't telling the target their going home when they can win the arena last minute.

Havent followed in a week or so because it's just too much for me to keep up with but watched Angela's meltdown and I cannot imagine having to deal with that, the way she throws herself at people is so uncomfortable. And if this her putting on a show then kudos to her. 

EVERYONE ATTENTION: Cedric is planning on nominating mak to flush out her power. When it's time to vote for the renom, VOTE QUINN! Please and thank you Smile

Cedric as HOH could get messy. He's young and is going to go by what people tell him and people are telling him different things. People are pushing Rubina, Leah or Joseph as the third and I think either of those noms could cause some issues. 

I feel like we'll get a random nom from America's veto. Bbtwitter wants to vote Chelsie or Tucker, fb/insta casuals want to vote Angela (which she'll likely be ineligible.) Why can't we all agree to just nominate Quinn, he has a power! 

I feel like we'll get a random nom from America's veto. Bbtwitter wants to vote Chelsie or Tucker, fb/insta casuals want to vote Angela (which she'll likely be ineligible.) Why can't we all agree to just nominate Quinn, he has a power! 

honestly I think Quinn using his power would bring some drama.... he might use it this week...

Kenney is still saying he wants to go home and said he if wins veto he won't use it. What a bum. Production should have pulled him aside before the last 2 evictions and asked point blank do you want to leave or not. Imagine Matt or Lisa staying another week? Chaossss. Kenney might be worst casting choice of all time and I'm glad it's their fave little cop archetype. 

Kenney is still saying he wants to go home and said he if wins veto he won't use it. What a bum. Production should have pulled him aside before the last 2 evictions and asked point blank do you want to leave or not. Imagine Matt or Lisa staying another week? Chaossss. Kenney might be worst casting choice of all time and I'm glad it's their fave little cop archetype. 

literally all the older men from the new era have been disappointments

  • Kenney: CHOP
  • Red: CHOP
  • Terrance: CHOP
  • Cliff: CHOP
  • Steve: CHOP
  • I feel like Kenney is using it as strategy atp.

    I need them to just pull the trigger because that shit would get on my nerves 

    King Jerry will never be duplicated 

    King Jerry will never be duplicated 

    I do feel like Kenney is pulling a Dr. Will BB7 stunt. If he wanted to leave he would have for his boyfriend or thrown the veto. It wasn't a hard one to throw.

    i didn't wanna SAY this would be a boring *** week with cedric as the HOH but he literally nominated angela, kenney, and tucker. all this talk about flushing powers and they still aren't doing anything. why is leah not nominated? why is is mj not nominated? why is quinn not nominated?

    keep angela around because she's always going to be a target, just make her a number for you in the meantime while she IS still there. let kenney self evict, and put up other people who aren't playing with you. and flush the powers. 

    Angela should've been safe. Cedric sucks.

    She (same person that wished death on ravyn's dad) making up lies to get rubina canceled why am I not surprised lmaooo

    Did that really happen, lmao.

    Did that really happen, lmao.

    ofc not lol

    The edgy side of bb twitter even tried to cancel T'kor by saying that she said a slur towards rubina, which never happen 

    i didn't wanna SAY this would be a boring *** week with cedric as the HOH but he literally nominated angela, kenney, and tucker. all this talk about flushing powers and they still aren't doing anything. why is leah not nominated? why is is mj not nominated? why is quinn not nominated?

    lol this house is so boring and predictable, we literally only have ang keeping this show alive. No wonder she is losing it, carrying an entire season on your back has to be draining and exhausting.

    How did Ang react to her son nominating her?

    Why were they so obsessed with Lisa & MJ having the power but no one cares Quinidiot has it.
