Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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Well Angela did make fun of Asian people, called a group of black people just existing a "cookout", and apparently doesn't like Kimo so she's homophobic too. Oh, cancel that b•itch and her grandkids! I'm calling her job tomorrow. 

Well Angela did make fun of Asian people, called a group of black people just existing a "cookout", and apparently doesn't like Kimo so she's homophobic too. Oh, cancel that b•itch and her grandkids! I'm calling her job tomorrow. 

I have not heard about Angela disliking Kimo. I guess it might have been overshadowed by her argument with Tucker in the bathroom and making fun of Lisa's walk/calling her a twit.

I have not heard about Angela disliking Kimo. I guess it might have been overshadowed by her argument with Tucker in the bathroom and making fun of Lisa's walk/calling her a twit.

I just made that up to troll OldSchooler. I'm joking, and I actually like Angela. I missed her making fun of Lisa though. She's on a roll, lol.

Praying Kenny self-evicts on Thursday. 

Praying Kenny self-evicts on Thursday. 

an eviction might still happen tho

BB24 only canceled Taylor's inevitable, unanimous eviction bc Paloma was one of the backstage girls who would've been at risk to compete against Taylor anyways

I hope The Challenge casts Matt.

I hope The Challenge casts Matt.

and kirsten!

If Makensy was cast would she be better than Laurel? I think she's taller, more fit, and younger. Her and Matt should come together. 

Borekensy isn't needed. Give us D1 athlete Chelsea. I'll take Leah, Cedric, Angela, Tucker, and maybe Cam too for The Challenge.

Borekensy isn't needed.

Makensy is tall and fit. That's all she needs to be to get a challenge call Smile

Chelsie and Cam, yes. Leah, no. Cedric is too short. Angela, lol. Idk if Tucker's personality is right for the Challenge. 

Cedric would get destroyed on the challenge Sad

Height isn't necessary to be a beast.

that's why I don't care if her antics from today causes her to get evicted bc apparently any drama that she's in won't air or be shown on feeds

Ummmmmmm no. The ****. I'd go without feeds for the entire season if it meant Angela staying in the house. Just like when George agreed to go on slop for the rest of the Summer to win the veto in BB7. 

I hope The Challenge casts Matt.

OH GOD NO. He is such a beautiful, kind, pure, and genuine human being. He doesn't deserve to be exposed to production's horrible shenanigans. Or Devin's funk. 

Borekensy isn't needed. Give us D1 athlete Chelsea. I'll take Leah, Cedric, Angela, Tucker, and maybe Cam too for The Challenge.


CML is the most annoying kid in class you can't stand but you always ask him to be in the group project knowing he'll do 90% of the work.

Hopefully Tucker or Angela win the AI arena

CML is the most annoying kid in class you can't stand but you always ask him to be in the group project knowing he'll do 90% of the work.

OldSchooler is old and plus-sized 


CML is the most annoying kid in class you can't stand but you always ask him to be in the group project knowing he'll do 90% of the work.

OldSchooler is old and plus-sized 

Clearly your alt account came after I was doxxed lol.

Bb Twitter Stans crying about Tucker talking about the women of the house lmaooo the stuff he's saying is pretty tame compared to past male houseguests

CML is the most annoying kid in class you can't stand but you always ask him to be in the group project knowing he'll do 90% of the work.

UKLover1 is the one you pray the teacher doesn't put in your group cause no matter what she is going to cry to the teacher that she did 90% of the work while everyone else joked around just so she can get the highest grade.

CML is the most annoying kid in class you can't stand but you always ask him to be in the group project knowing he'll do 90% of the work.

Killah is the one who does nothing but films TikTok dances the entire class work time for the project but ChatGPT's his part the night before.

Could yall imagine Angela playing with Dícķ in BB8?

Could yall imagine Angela playing with Dícķ in BB8?

she would've sent Cøčk home


Also kenney/kenny/kenni or however tf you spell his name isn't quitting. It's all a farce and a ruse to gain a sympathy edit. Ugh I wish OS took his spot instead Sad

(UKLover would be happy that you're on big brother and not on here terrorizing her lmaooo Smile )
