Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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Quinn is who worries me. He's going after all the hot, attractive men! 

Probably Lisa. She was the only one besides Leah and Makensy to vote for Kenny. Or they may be getting tired of Angela's paranoia. I think Tucker is safe. 

I would rather kenney leave. He adds nothing of substance or value besides an annoying Boston accent and a shiny head to see your reflection out of.

Why can't Angela ruin Quinn's game Sad she has all the ammo.

Why can't Angela ruin Quinn's game she has all the ammo.

I told yall earlier her old äșš probably forgot about his power 

Does she understand that she could be going HOME. Spill the beans granny! Sad

Wait, I may have to like Tucker if he doesn't like Lisa. 

Why aren't they showing Cam?

Wait, I may have to like Tucker if he doesn't like Lisa. 

Your first mistake was not liking him in the first place Smile

Why aren't they showing Cam?

bc there's nothing to show lol

Wait, I may have to like Tucker if he doesn't like Lisa. 

Your first mistake wasn't liking him in the first place

The first few episodes he was over-the-top annoying.

Oh wow, I actually saw a Challenge 40 promo. They're finally doing ads. 

Quinn is who worries me. He's going after all the hot, attractive men! 

Superfans should always be taken out first. Who was the last superfan that was good on any show?


Quinn is who worries me. He's going after all the hot, attractive men! 

Superfans should always be taken out first. Who was the last superfan that was good on any show?

and matt said in his interview he would go after superfans Sad

Cam's boring äșš gets a pass from me since he's hot

Tucker has a fun personality.... he can be my second favorite....

Killa who is your pfp? 

Tkor has a southern accent, British accent, and talks like her tongue is always getting in the way. Still like her

Can't stand tkor she did good got lucky guessing the answers 

Cam should've slept with Chelsie to secure his safety... in fact he should do that with every (female) hoh

Killa who is your pfp? 

Frank Sweeney

And we are back to boring BB with 2 segments of boring questions and videos. I miss the quick Julie asks a question and they hold up paddles. This should have been 2 min and we got a flashback to the Angela & Lisa fight.

I forgot bb is on. Sundays aren't that interesting anyway

I forgot bb is on. Sundays aren't that interesting anyway

It could have been with proper editing.

They shouldn't be allowed to wear glasses in the DR the light reflection is so annoying?

I'll tune in during my lunch break. Episodes drop 12 am ET?

Usually I'm an SEC guy but this year I am an ACC fan (Angela, Chelsea, Cedric)!!!!! *This is a college football reference for those who don't get it.

I'm tired of cam wearing a bonnet

I'm tired of cam wearing a bonnet

That's Cedric. You been rooting for the wrong guy this whole time lol?

I'm tired of cam wearing a bonnet

girl I don't think--
