The Challenge: All Stars 4 - Spoilers Discussion

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Does Apple TV have reality tv? Is it good?

Does Apple TV have reality tv? Is it good?

i dont think so... their catalogue seems very different from paramounts as well. 



King of Kennesaw.



King of Kennesaw.

You know him personally?




King of Kennesaw.

You know him personally?

We've never hung out but we have special mutual close friends and acquaintances.

Need this to come out so we can feast on AS4, 40, CUSA3, then AS 5!!!!

You would think they would want to air content they already filmed... ive been keeping away from the negative thinking but the talks about paramount being bought is making me weary if they keep pushing this release...

plus season 39 isnt on the app anyways, I see people complain about it nonstop. Why not throw something challenge related on there for those? I don't understand any of the decisions they have made in the past year

Is season 40 going to air first lmao

If I was Laurel, Id be heated, waiting for a year for that bag

So excited it's just over a month away!! But yeah the strategy not to put it on Paraflop or the episodes of 39 is wild.

okay, now its getting CRAZY…

Like I said before I'll believe it when I see it. 

I'll be furious if we don't see anything after 2 weeks when Laurel makes her appearance on 39. 

They are responsible for all the global issues of the world today due to the withholding of this season.

why wont they air it lol

i just want a trailer 

i just want a trailer featuring Ayanna 


i just want a trailer featuring Ayanna, Flora, and Tina


If this doesn't air in January we need to RIOT. Let's get on the streets

I'm starting to think this is getting I Love Money 3'ed.  

this thread was made january of 2023 Sad

If they withheld any of the four seasons we actually got this year...World Championship could've been an email.

they should present allstars 4 on mtv as season 40.... since season 40 should be an all legend season anyways *giggles* Smile

I'm starting to think this is getting I Love Money 3'ed.  

We've been told many times this is coming soon. Chill out and stop being so dramatic lol. You are starting to sound like me and this board can only handle one whiner. This is not the first show to take forever to air. IT IS COMING! 

Lmao you keep saying it's coming but we've been saying that most of the year and here we are 2.5 weeks away from a completely different new year. Do I think it'll air eventually ? Ehhhh maybe but I can't confidently predict what's in store for when this is actually coming out 

Gamer don't know Pinky don't know the winner probably don't even know if this is coming out 

Yeah I've been skeptical for a while now 
