Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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Xavier and Tychon for black males played actually interesting and good Big Brother games. Hell Ty 2.0 was interesting because of how hated he was 



Lol Jared backstabbed Felicia first.

Jared was playing Big Brother! Hello!!!

Why can he play, but she can't?

Because she won't do it right. If she cared about Jared, in the midst of that double eviction, she would've sacrificed herself and exited the game. Jared is Destiny's Child, and this season is fate for him and his reigning kingdom.

what was Felicia gonna do? Win the money and buy some graham crackers and milk. Jared has so much more to do.


Izzy is Jared's family... 

No she isn't lol. She's not his step-mama yet...

I misspoke. Jared is Izzy's family. The only one who cared enough about her to send her home to her children.


Need a Black man like Anthony Douglas again.

That's someone who could play the game, I'm still pissed he lost.

he just hung out with his boys and made the end like what did he do that had you jumping up and down lol

So that's you telling me you didn't actually pay attention to the season?



Need a Black man like Anthony Douglas again.

That's someone who could play the game, I'm still pissed he lost.

he just hung out with his boys and made the end like what did he do that had you jumping up and down lol

So that's you telling me you didn't actually pay attention to the season?

Maybe i'm recalling wrong his social game was good but being in The Pretty Boys is literally his only game. It's why he lost lol




Need a Black man like Anthony Douglas again.

That's someone who could play the game, I'm still pissed he lost.

he just hung out with his boys and made the end like what did he do that had you jumping up and down lol

So that's you telling me you didn't actually pay attention to the season?

Maybe i'm recalling wrong his social game was good but being in The Pretty Boys is literally his only game. It's why he lost lol

He was very subtle about how he went about things.

I remember he had sat in on a conversation with two people who repeated the things he told him to say to each other. It's the type of game that wasn't flashy enough to make an impression from the inside looking in. There are more nuanced discussions about it elsewhere, Dane just had the more open game, which isn't a diss to him.

I do agree with Tychon. Ty didn't have much strategy it seemed, but the lack of feeds and him getting like every vote says something.

As for Xavier, I didn't watch BB23 enough to speak on it. Tiffany was the topic of conversation most of the time, I assume his game was similar to Monte's with better social management?

The Cookout only benefited Xavier and he knew it, killed social bonds within the group more than the other 5. Tiffany was the talk of the town because stans....she definitely wasn't playing better lol 

Have the last bbcan seasons been better than USA ? And by better, I mean we're there fights?

Have the last bbcan seasons been better than USA ? And by better, I mean we're there fights?

last season was pretty combative, no feeds but that was for the better because fans are insane 

The Cookout only benefited Xavier and he knew it, killed social bonds within the group more than the other 5. Tiffany was the talk of the town because stans....she definitely wasn't playing better lol 

The biggest critique of Tiffany I've seen is failing to have the same social capital in her alliance as she did outside of it.

This might work if alliances are trading HOHs, but it looks like she went all in on a path she wasn't winning with.

No reason to get power when there's a chance ppl can return as well it puts a target on your back the next week. Best strategy is just to lay low and throw comps until jury.

How would yall tweak the format to improve this show?


The Cookout only benefited Xavier and he knew it, killed social bonds within the group more than the other 5. Tiffany was the talk of the town because stans....she definitely wasn't playing better lol 

The biggest critique of Tiffany I've seen is failing to have the same social capital in her alliance as she did outside of it.

This might work if alliances are trading HOHs, but it looks like she went all in on a path she wasn't winning with.

Thissss always wondered how it would have gone had the Cookout not happened. She had DX, Claire and Christian in her back pocket but the Cookout guys wanted her out so she never had a chance. 

No reason to get power when there's a chance ppl can return as well it puts a target on your back the next week. Best strategy is just to lay low and throw comps until jury.

And, this is how Bowie Jane ended up in the best position. She needs to work on getting the jury to respect her, but her name isn't in anyone's mouth.

How would yall tweak the format to improve this show?

Hidden votes.

Less groupthink would force everyone to work in their best self-interest.

Want to take a shot? Go for it, no one can call you out on it.

queen felicia dragging overrated *** flop cirie

queen felicia dragging overrated *** flop cirie

but Jared still voted to keep her...


queen felicia dragging overrated *** flop cirie

but Jared still voted to keep her...

After he found out the house flipped to keep her.

That Felicia and Cirie fight not being on the feeds was a mistake.

Jared is delivering!!! Jared = AFP

Not the aunties going at it 

That Felicia and Cirie fight not being on the feeds was a mistake.

this would've been up there with Josh vs mark and bayleigh Tyler. Such a loss.  

another reason why we need old people

In the house 

Felicia had a no losing argument until they flipped it on her lol

They edited out Cirie vs Meme and how that argument triggered Cory's memory about the BSB

They edited out Cirie vs Meme and how that argument triggered Cory's memory about the BSB

I didn't even know they got into it too.

I hate this show. At least show it as an extra clip.

Meme kinda lost Cory during the DE, but she and Blue have gotten closer.

And, that's one person she never seemed to have in her corner.


They edited out Cirie vs Meme and how that argument triggered Cory's memory about the BSB

I didn't even know they got into it too.

I hate this show. At least show it as an extra clip.

I only knew because Cory said Cirie yelled at her for no reason and something Meme said after it happened. Cirie stans thought he was exaggerating since they don't see Cirie getting to that point but clearly she does lol

We have to stop casting cause people have interesting names, funky hair, or cool jobs. Cast people who want to play. If Blue had plain black hair and her name was Carol she would never have been cast. If Bowie's name was Laura and she worked in marketing with a bob cut she never would have been cast. If Red's name was Greg and he had a buzz cut with scruff and talked like Tony Raines, he never would have been cast. Like just cast the 16 best personalities who want to play and don't give af. Stop with the stunt casting that never pans out. No one is tuning in cause they have funny names and goofy hair!

How would yall tweak the format to improve this show?

Less days and speed up the ending of the season. We don't need 100 days that's ridiculous.

Xavier was NOT interesting. Was it a masterful game? Absolutely but never interesting.

Ty had a very interesting journey IMO and I loved watching him just maneuver his way to the endgame perfectly.
