The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 1

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Hope a devin and tori boot happened last night 

Who do y'all think is going to be rookie of the year for the guys ?


personally i feel like they should do a eight person purge. specifically something that pertain to ct, devin, ed, kyle, tori, ashley, amanda & nany weaknesses 

What is CT weakness vs other guys on this cast not counting the rookies?

I hope they do end up doing a purge or double elimination cause filming feels like it's been going on forever 


personally i feel like they should do a eight person purge. specifically something that pertain to ct, devin, ed, kyle, tori, ashley, amanda & nany weaknesses 

What is CT weakness vs other guys on this cast not counting the rookies?

sadly I can't think of any

Is there any chance nany wins this season?

I honestly sont think so. Thats my girl so i wanna have faith in her but i dontt want to get my hopes up lol. Maybe if the final is 2 weak girls and one person as strong as her/stronger then her she will have a chance



personally i feel like they should do a eight person purge. specifically something that pertain to ct, devin, ed, kyle, tori, ashley, amanda & nany weaknesses 

What is CT weakness vs other guys on this cast not counting the rookies?

sadly I can't think of any

Daily challenge I can't think of any unless he ends up with Big T during that requires endurance on both parts (Saying big T because the the rookies girls are unproven & the other vet girls have shown they can do well on that aspect against big t)

If they edit this season right this could be good. 

Why am I only realizing that Big T and Priscilla have probably been working together the whole time, hence she's still there? The UK folks much like the BB folks often stick together. She's likely one of the many rookies that have shown more loyalty to the vets.

Because Big T has no power she's just a number



big t and anessa the only female vets not getting any action :/ 

no one in that house wants those girls......lmaooooo 

Big t isn't a sexual person and has said before she doesn't want to hook up on tv. If she wanted someome in that house she could have them.

Wasnt it said during the spoiler season that a guy rejected her on double agents? I think it was Joseph 

Is ct a really good swimmer? I feel like I cant remember a standout performance for him swimming. It could be his weakest area. not saying much but its something, not that any of the other guys are that good at it

Is ct a really good swimmer? I feel like I cant remember a standout performance for him swimming. It could be his weakest area. not saying much but its something, not that any of the other guys are that good at it

Yeah he's a strong swimmer. Not Shane Wes Tyler or Sarah strong but strong. I'd take him over any vet in a swim. 


Is ct a really good swimmer? I feel like I cant remember a standout performance for him swimming. It could be his weakest area. not saying much but its something, not that any of the other guys are that good at it

Yeah he's a strong swimmer. Not Shane Wes Tyler or Sarah strong but strong. I'd take him over any vet in a swim. 

he did outswim wes on CvS2 didn't he?


personally i feel like they should do a eight person purge. specifically something that pertain to ct, devin, ed, kyle, tori, ashley, amanda & nany weaknesses 

What is CT weakness vs other guys on this cast not counting the rookies?

Besides having a partner as an anchor, he can basically do anything 



Is ct a really good swimmer? I feel like I cant remember a standout performance for him swimming. It could be his weakest area. not saying much but its something, not that any of the other guys are that good at it

Yeah he's a strong swimmer. Not Shane Wes Tyler or Sarah strong but strong. I'd take him over any vet in a swim. 

he did outswim wes on CvS2 didn't he?

I thought he did but I wasn't sure so I kept Wes in that group ahead of him. 




Is ct a really good swimmer? I feel like I cant remember a standout performance for him swimming. It could be his weakest area. not saying much but its something, not that any of the other guys are that good at it

Yeah he's a strong swimmer. Not Shane Wes Tyler or Sarah strong but strong. I'd take him over any vet in a swim. 

he did outswim wes on CvS2 didn't he?

I thought he did but I wasn't sure so I kept Wes in that group ahead of him. 

he probably is a better swimmer, just the knots caught him up. but yeah ct isn't bad at anything. it'll be hard for them to get him out

Ct isn't bad at anything beaides being a partner. Put him with another alpha personality in a purge and hes done


Why am I only realizing that Big T and Priscilla have probably been working together the whole time, hence she's still there? She's likely one of the many rookies that have shown more loyalty to the vets.

Because Big T has no power she's just a number

Ct isn't bad at anything beaides being a partner. Put him with another alpha personality in a purge and hes done

Completely disagree if that other person is a good competitor. He doesn't tolerate people that don't try or cant run a half mile as we saw last season. Put him with Laurel and they dominate. 

Honestly nany might be the third biggest threat in for the girls in something physical which I never thought I'd say. 


personally i feel like they should do a eight person purge. specifically something that pertain to ct, devin, ed, kyle, tori, ashley, amanda & nany weaknesses 

What is CT weakness vs other guys on this cast not counting the rookies?

Speaking coherent sentences.

I mean maybe the mattie vs dee elimination could be his weakness but that's only like a one time thing :/

Just put him down there with big t/Bettina and problem solved 

Just put him down there with big t/Bettina and problem solved 

Who says there wouldn't be a puzzle and he'd still win it?  Getting rid of CT isn't as easy as people want to make it out to me.  And if you take a shot at him and don't succeed we all know he's taking a top girl that won't throw missions (Kaycee or Tori) and coming hard at the person that threw him in.

Even if CT had a "weak" partner for the final, he would most likely win the puzzle checkpoint and then production would ask if he wants to switch partners or not, like the DA final. You know they will go to the ends of the earth to get that man another win

They will make eliminations individual if ct goes down with a weak partner and it will make sense too since it's already the halfway point 

They will make eliminations individual if ct goes down with a weak partner and it will make sense too since it's already the halfway point 

they have to wrap this up so i doubt it

I honestly started to believe Hughiecould slide his way to the end but its clear the cast found him unbearable lol


They will make eliminations individual if ct goes down with a weak partner and it will make sense too since it's already the halfway point 

they have to wrap this up so i doubt it

WELP they had the their shot to throw him in consecutively with weak partners in the beginning and once again didnt... and I dont care if it was because there was too many rookies and they wanted a vet alliance at the beginning to get the numbers.


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