Survivor Fantasy casts

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Survivor 45: Champions vs Challengers



Adam (Millennials Vs Gen X)

Amber (All Stars)

Aras (Panama)

Boston Rob (Redemption Island)

Natalie (San Juan Del Sur)

Parvati (Micronesia)

Richard (Borneo)

Sandra (Pearl Island, Heroes Vs Villians)

Tina (Austraila)

Tyson (Blood vs Water)



Alexis (Micronesia)

Amanda (China)

Ciera (Blood Vs Water)

Cirie (Panama)

Jay (Millenials V. Gen X)

Joe (Worlds Apart)

Keith (San Juan Del Sur)

Malcolm (Phillipines)

Natalie (Micronesia)

Ozzy (Cook Islands)



Episode 1:

Winners: Champions

Voted out: Cirie (4-3-3)


Episode 2:

Winners: Champions

Voted out: Alexis (5-4)


Episode 3: New Tribes


Boston Rob 











Natalie A








Natalie B




Winners: Blue and Red

Voted out: Adam (5-1)


Episode 4:

Winners: Red and Blue

Voted out: Natalie B (3-2)


Episode 5:

Winners: Red and Green

Voted out: Parvati (3-3) (4-0 revote)


Episode 6:

Winners: Green and Blue

Voted out: Ozzy (3-2-1) (1 vote idoled)


Episode 7: New Tribes






Natalie A








Boston Rob





Winners: Red

Voted out: Malcolm (3-2-2)


Episode 8: MERGE

Winner: Aras

Voted out: Amanda (10-3)


Episode 9:

Winner: Keith

Voted out: Richard (9-2-1) (9 votes idoled, 1 vote idoled)


Episode 10: 

Winner: Ciera

Voted out: Aras (8-3)


Episode 11:

Winner: Tina

Voted out: Boston Rob (6-2-2) (6 idoled out) (4-3 revote)


Episode 12:

Winner: Tyson

Voted out: Ciera (5-4)


Episode 13:

Winner: Joe and Tina

Voted out: Amber (5-3)


Episode 14: 

Winner: Joe

Voted out: Sandra (3-3-1) (3 idoled out)


Finale Part 1:

Winner: Joe

Voted out: Natalie A (3-3) (3-1 revote)


Finale Part 2:

Winner: Tyson

Voted out: Joe (3-1-1)


Finale Part 3:

Winner: Tyson

Voted out: Jay (2-2) (1-1) (Lost tiebreaker to Tina)



Winner: Keith (4-4-2) (Tina votes for Keith since she came in third)

3rd: Tina (Amber and Natalie A)

2nd: Tyson (Joe, Sandra, Aras, Richard)

1st: Keith (Amanda, Boston Rob, Ciera, Jay) (TINA***)


Fan Favorite: Amber

Survivor 47: Allies (Blood vs Water Format)



Amanda Kimmel

Amber Mariano

Aras Baskauskas

Eddie Fox

Jeremy Collins

Joe Anglim

Kelley Wentworth

Parvati Shallow

Sarah Lacina

Stephen Fishbach



James Clement

Rob Mariano (Boston Rob)

Tina Wesson

Reynold Toepher

Natalie Anderson

Sierra Dawn Thomas

Lauren O'Connell

Cirie Fields

Tony Vlachos

James Thomas



Episode 1:

First Impressions Vote off:

Galang: Eddie (5-3-2)

Tadhana: Tony (6-4)

Immunity: Galang

Voted out: Reynold (4-3-2)


Episode 2:

Redemption Island: Eddie, Tony, Reynold

Eliminated: Tony

Immunity: Tadhana

Voted out: Joe (6-3)


Episode 3:

Redemption: Eddie, Reynold, Joe

Eliminated: Eddie

Immunity: Tadhana

Voted out: Jeremy (6-2)


Episode 4:

*Sierra Switches with Joe*

Redemption: Reynold, Jeremy, Sierra

Eliminated: Sierra

Immunity: Galang

Voted out: Natalie (6-2)


Episode 5:

Redemption: Reynold,Jeremy,Natalie

Eliminated: Natalie

Immunity: Galang

Voted out: Lauren (4-3)


Episode 6:

Redemption: Reynold,Jeremy,Lauren

Eliminated: Reynold

Immunity: Galang

Voted out: JT (4-2)


Episode 7:

Redemption: Lauren, Jeremy, JT

Eliminated: JT





Boston Rob












Immunity: Tadhana

Voted out: Tina (3-3) (2-2) (Purple Rock)


Episode 8:

Redemption: Jeremy, Lauren, Tina

Eliminated: Tina

Immunity: Tadhana

Voted out: Joe (4-1)


Episode 9:

Redemption: Jeremy, Lauren, Joe

Back In Game: Joe


Immunity: Boston Rob

Voted out: Joe (6-4-1) (1 idoled out)


Episode 10:

Immunity: Kelley

Voted out: Stephen (5-5) (5-3 revote)


Episode 10 Part 2:

Immunity: Amber

Voted out: Kelley (5-2-2)


Episode 11:

Redemption: Joe, Stephen, Kelley

Eliminated: Joe

Immunity: Aras

Voted out: Parvati (5-2-1) (2 idoled out)


Episode 12:

Redemption: Stephen, Kelley, Parvati

Eliminated: Kelley

Immunity: Amber

Voted out: Boston Rob (4-3)


Episode 13:

Redemption: Stephen, Parvati, Boston Rob

Eliminated: Boston Rob

Immunity: Aras

Voted out: Amanda (3-2-1) (3 idoled out)


Episode 14:

Redemption: Stephen, Parvati, Amanda

Eliminated: Parvati

Immunity: Aras

Voted out: James (2-2-1) (1 idoled out) (2-1 revote)


Finale Part 1:

Eliminated: James and Stephen

Back in Game: Amanda

Immunity: Sarah

Voted out: Amanda (4-1)


Finale Part 2:

Immunity: Sarah

Voted out: Cirie (2-2) (1-1) (Aras beat Cirie in Firemaking)



Winner: Aras (Joe, Kelley, Parvati, James, Stephen, Amanda)

2nd: Amber (Boston Rob)

3rd: Sarah (Cirie)


Fan Favorite: Boston Rob

Survivor 50: Back to Basics (Borneo Format)


Andrea Boehlke

Brenda Lowe

Denise Stapley

Laura Morett

Malcolm Freberg

Ozzy Lusth

Tony Vlachos

Yul Kwon



Abi-Maria Gomez

Adam Klein

Brad Culpepper

Ciera Eastin

Jay Starrett

John Cochran

Kass McQuillen

Kelley Wentworth


Episode 1:

Immunity: Pagong

Voted out: Cochran (5-3)


Episode 2:

Immunity: Tagi

Voted out: Tony (4-4) (5-1 revote)


Episode 3:

Immunity: Tagi

Voted out: Ozzy (4-3)


Episode 4:

Immunity: Pagong

Voted out: Abi (4-2-1)


Episode 5: 

Immunity: Tagi

Voted out: Yul (4-2)

Episode 6:

Immunity: Tagi

Voted out: Denise (3-2)


Episode 7: MERGE

Immunity: Laura

Voted out: Malcolm (6-4)


Episode 8: 

Immunity: Adam

Voted out: Laura (6-3) (She voted out her mom)


Episode 9:

Immunity: Brad

Voted out: Andrea (6-2)


Episode 10:

Immunity: Jay

Voted out: Brenda (6-1)


Episode 11: 

Immunity: Adam

Voted out: Jay (4-2)


Episode 12:

Immunity: Brad

Voted out: Kelley (3-2)


Finale Part 1:

Immunity: Kass

Voted out: Brad (3-1)


Finale Part 2:

Immunity: Kass

Voted out: Ciera (1-0)



Winner: Kass (Laura, Brenda, Jay, Kelley, Brad, Ciera)

2nd: Adam (Andrea)


Fan Favorite: Jay


Poll for SC 2 with who I'd vote for underlined, nobody who didn't get voted in last time because what's the point? Max of 4 from 1 season since that's what they seemed to do last time, apologies to multiple IOI girls 


  1. Greg Buis(1)
  2. Ian Rosenberger(10)
  3. Kenny Hoang(17)
  4. Marty Piombo(21)
  5. Hayden Moss(27)
  6. Jon Misch(29)
  7. Rodney Lavoie(30)
  8. Jay Starrett(33)
  9. Devon Pinto(35)
  10. Domenick Abbate(36)
  11. Michael Yerger(36)
  12. Christian Hubicki(37)
  13. Davie Rickenbacker(37)
  14. Wardog Dasilva(38)
  15. Rick Devens(38)
  16. Jamal Shipman(39)
  17. Dean Kowalski(39)


  1. Neleh Dennis(4)
  2. Natalie Bolton(16)
  3. Chelsea Meisnner(24)
  4. Alexis Maxwell(28)
  5. Jaclyn Schultz(29)
  6. Carolyn Rivera(30)
  7. Cydney Gillion(32)
  8. Mari Takahashi(33)
  9. Jess Figueroa(33)
  10. Ali Elliott(35)
  11. Chrissy Hofbeck(35)
  12. Gabby Pascuzzi(37)
  13. Angelina Keeley(37)
  14. Victoria Baamonde(38)
  15. Lauren O'Connell(38)
  16. Lauren Beck(39)
  17. Janet Carbin(39)

Poll for SC 2 with who I'd vote for underlined, nobody who didn't get voted in last time because what's the point? Max of 4 from 1 season since that's what they seemed to do last time, apologies to multiple IOI girls 


  1. Greg Buis(1)
  2. Ian Rosenberger(10)
  3. Kenny Hoang(17)
  4. Marty Piombo(21)
  5. Hayden Moss(27)
  6. Jon Misch(29)
  7. Rodney Lavoie(30)
  8. Jay Starrett(33)
  9. Devon Pinto(35)
  10. Domenick Abbate(36)
  11. Michael Yerger(36)
  12. Christian Hubicki(37)
  13. Davie Rickenbacker(37)
  14. Wardog Dasilva(38)
  15. Rick Devens(38)
  16. Jamal Shipman(39)
  17. Dean Kowalski(39)


  1. Neleh Dennis(4)
  2. Natalie Bolton(16)
  3. Chelsea Meisnner(24)
  4. Alexis Maxwell(28)
  5. Jaclyn Schultz(29)
  6. Carolyn Rivera(30)
  7. Cydney Gillion(32)
  8. Mari Takahashi(33)
  9. Jess Figueroa(33)
  10. Ali Elliott(35)
  11. Chrissy Hofbeck(35)
  12. Gabby Pascuzzi(37)
  13. Angelina Keeley(37)
  14. Victoria Baamonde(38)
  15. Lauren O'Connell(38)
  16. Lauren Beck(39)
  17. Janet Carbin(39)

Lots of great options here

Just realized I broke my rule and put Carolyn, whatever. She had different circumstances anyways as recency bias worked against her IMO

Why not have a cast of 34 lol. Have a vote out everyday after Day 3 and actually have them fight to win.

I miss Old Schoolers in that cast.

Kelly Goldsmith from Africa, John Carroll from Marquesas, Burton Roberts from PI, Twila from Vanuatu and Brian Corridan from Guatemala would be great old school choices.

I would also love a Jamie Newton (from Guatemala) return. He was on the pool for Blood vs. Water and he dated Noura from IotI. The dinamyc between those two crazy-heads would be amazing.


Survivor Champs vs Contenders

Location: Tocantins (One of the best locations)



Natalie Anderson

Tina Wesson

Sophie Clarke

Vecepia Towery

Kim Spradlin

Richard Hatch

Earl Cole

Yul Kwon

Wendell Holland

Mike Holloway


Contenders (people from other shows):

Da'Vonne Rogers (BB)

Becca Droz (TAR)

Maddie Poppe (American Idol)

Brandi Mudd (MasterChef)

Sylvia Elsrode (RW/The Challenge)

Henry Zhang (TAR)

Darrell Taylor (The Challenge)

Tyler Crispen (BB)

Daniel Prikazsky (AYTO?)

Adam Smith (ANTM)

Survivor All-Stars 2 

All-Stars from 9-15

Malakal Tribe

Cirie Fields

Parvati Shallow

Eliza Orlins

Danni Boatwright

Ami Cusack

Tom Westman

Terry Deitz

Jonathan Penner

Yul Kwon

James Clement/Erik Huffman


Airai Tribe

Ozzy Lusth

Earl Cole

Shane Powers

Lea Sarge Masters

Rafe Judkins

Candice Woodcock

Stacy Kimbell

Twila Tanner

Sundra Oakley

Amanda Kimmel/Peih-Gee Law

Survivor Champs vs Contenders 

Champs (Z list celebrities)

Carole Baskin

Shawn Johnson

Janelle Pierzina

Sasha Banks

Kim Glass

Ryan Lochte

Keo Motsepe

Derek Hough

Gus Kentworthy

Matt Rife (lol)


Contenders (people from past season who did not make it far)

Brice Johnston (Cagayan)

Matt Bischoff (Caramoan)

Brendan Shapiro (Ghost Island)

Brian Corridan (Guatemala)

John Cody (BvW)

Natalie Cole (David vs Goliath)

Nadiya Anderson (San Juan Del Sur)

Alecia Holden (Koah Rong)

Tracy Hughes-Wolf (Micronesia)

Liz Kim (Samoa)

Did a simulation on Brantsteele and it was Battle Of The Reality Stars: Winners at War and these were the results I got, let me know what you think


24th: Michele Fitzgerald

23rd: Tyson Apostol 

22nd: Parvati Shallow

21st: Johnny Bananas

20th: Kaycee Clark

19th: Josh Martinez

18th: Jordan Wiseley

17th: Ashley Mitchell

16th: Dan Gheesling

15th: Cara Maria Sorbello

14th: Laurel Stucky

13th: Sarah Rice

12th: Tony Vlachos

11th: Wes Bergmann

10th: Rachel Reilly

9th: Derrick Levassauer

8th: Jordan Lloyd

7th: CT Tamburello

6th: Nicole Franzel

5th: Dr. Will Kirby

4th: Ethan Zohn

3rd: Sandra Diaz-Twine

2nd: Boston Rob Mariano (4 votes)

1st: Natalie Anderson (5 votes)


Fan Favorite: Tyson Apostol

Queen Natalie win against the overrated terrible Boston Rob.

Survivor: Early Boots

Location: Brazil


Brian Corridan

John Kenney

Hunter Ellis

Anthony Robinson

Spencer Duhm

Bill Posley

John Cody

Brice Johnston

Alan Ball

Matt Bischoff


J'Tia Taylor

Lindsey Cascaddan

Alecia Holden

Mari Takahashi

Ali Elliot

Gina Crews

Lisa Keiffer

Sherea Lloyd

Tracy Hughes-Wolf

Stephanie Valencia

Survivor All-Stars 2 (Castaways from throughout Survivor US and only appeared once.)

Using 24 castaways.

Tribe 1:

Teresa "T-Bird" Cooper

Sundra Oakley

Erinn Lobdell

Victoria Baamonde

Ken Hoang

Todd Herzog

Sash Lenahan

Davie Rickenbacker


Tribe 2:

Vecepia Towery

Christine Shields Markoski

Michelle Yi

Natalie Bolton

Kyle Jason

Brett Clouser

Domenick Abbate

Earl Cole


Tribe 3:

Cyndey Gillon

Darrah Johnson

Jaclyn Schultz

Kellee Kim

Hayden Moss

Reynold Toepfer

Devon Pinto

Mookie Lee

Survivor All-Stars 2 (Castaways from throughout Survivor US and only appeared once.)

Using 24 castaways.

Tribe 1:

Teresa "T-Bird" Cooper

Sundra Oakley

Erinn Lobdell

Victoria Baamonde

Ken Hoang

Todd Herzog

Sash Lenahan

Davie Rickenbacker


Tribe 2:

Vecepia Towery

Christine Shields Markoski

Michelle Yi

Natalie Bolton

Kyle Jason

Brett Clouser

Domenick Abbate

Earl Cole


Tribe 3:

Cyndey Gillon

Darrah Johnson

Jaclyn Schultz

Kellee Kim

Hayden Moss

Reynold Toepfer

Devon Pinto

Mookie Lee

I'm gonna challenge you. It's way to easy to cast more. Pretend you are a producer. You gotta AX 2 guys and 2  girls.

Who do you cut?


Survivor All-Stars 2 (Castaways from throughout Survivor US and only appeared once.)

Using 24 castaways.

Tribe 1:

Teresa "T-Bird" Cooper

Sundra Oakley

Erinn Lobdell

Victoria Baamonde

Ken Hoang

Todd Herzog

Sash Lenahan

Davie Rickenbacker


Tribe 2:

Vecepia Towery

Christine Shields Markoski

Michelle Yi

Natalie Bolton

Kyle Jason

Brett Clouser

Domenick Abbate

Earl Cole


Tribe 3:

Cyndey Gillon

Darrah Johnson

Jaclyn Schultz

Kellee Kim

Hayden Moss

Reynold Toepfer

Devon Pinto

Mookie Lee

I'm gonna challenge you. It's way to easy to cast more. Pretend you are a producer. You gotta AX 2 guys and 2  girls.

Who do you cut?

Hayden and Brett then Jaclyn and Darrah

Survivor 50: Champions vs Contenders



Adam Klein

Amber Mariano

Aras Baskauskas

John Cochran

Michele Fitzgerald

Natalie Anderson

Parvati Shallow

Rob Mariano

Sandra Diaz-Twine

Sophie Clark

Todd Herzog

Tony Vlachos



Amanda Kimmel

Andrea Boehlke

Brenda Lowe

Ciera Eastin

Cirie Fields

Hayden Moss

Jay Starrett

Kelley Wentworth

Malcolm Freberg

Ozzy Lusth

Russell Hantz

Spencer Bledsoe



Episode 1:

Immunity: Champions

Voted out: Russell (8-4)


Episode 2:

Immunity: Contenders

Voted out: Boston Rob (8-4)


Episode 3: 

Immunity: Champions

Voted out: Jay (9-2)


Episode 4:

Immunity: Champions

Voted out: Cirie (7-3)


Episode 5:

Immunity: Champions

Voted out: Brenda (6-3)


Episode 6:

Immunity: Contenders

Voted out: Michele (7-4)


Episode 7:

Immunity: Champions

Voted out: Amanda (7-1)

*TWIST*: Amanda is going to Exile Island and will have a chance to reenter the game


Episode 8:

Immunity: Champions

Voted out: Ozzy (3 votes) 

*Andrea Idoled out 4 votes against her*

*TWIST*: Ozzy is going to Exile Island and will have a chance to reenter the game


Episode 9:

Amanda vs Ozzy: Amanda wins and reenters the game on her tribe

Immunity: Champions

Voted out: Amanda (4-3)


Episode 10:

Immunity: Champions

Voted out: Andrea (3-2-1)



*New Tribes*





















Episode 11:

Immunity: Contenders

Voted out: Parvati (4-3)


Episode 12:

Immunity: Contenders

Voted out: Cochran (3-2-1)

*Twist*: Contenders get option to save or send Cochran home

Decision: Send home (5-3)


Episode 13:

Immunity: Contenders

Voted out: Todd (3-2)


Episode 14:


Immunity: Natalie

Voted out: Sandra (6-3-3)


Episode 15:

Immunity: Sophie

Voted out: Adam (7-4)


Episode 16:

Immunity: Ciera

Voted out: Sophie (3 Votes)

*Aras idoled out seven votes using idol on Natalie)


Episode 17:

Immunity: Hayden

Voted out: Natalie (6-3)


Episode 18:

Immunity: Ciera

Voted out: Tony (3-3-2) (4-2 revote)


Episode 19: 

Immunity: Amber

Voted out: Hayden (4-2-1)

*TWIST*: Hayden remains in game but is unable to vote in next two tribal councils


Episode 20:

Immunity: Malcolm

Voted out: Kelley (3-2-1)


Episode 21:

Immunity: Hayden

Voted out: Spencer (2-2-1)

*Aras Idoled out 2 votes against Amber*


Episode 22:

Immunity: Ciera

Voted out: Hayden (4-1)


Episode 23:

Immunity: Aras

Voted out: Ciera (3-1)



Immunity: Amber

Voted out: Aras (1-0)


Winner: Amber (5 Votes)

2nd: Malcolm (4 Votes)

Votes for Amber: 







Votes for Malcolm:






Fan Favorite: Boston Rob

Did a Celebrity Survivor season. The cast I chose from the celebrities that Brantsteele has uploaded lol. 

Still thought Season 42 and 43 were celebrity seasons.

Survivor All-Stars recast. Mostly the same cast but replaced some annoying people. 

Darrah, Helen, Heidi and Kelly were gonna be picked but didn't know who to switch them out with.

Jenna was replaced since she quit due to her mom's passing.


Survivor All-Stars recast. Mostly the same cast but replaced some annoying people. 

Darrah, Helen, Heidi and Kelly were gonna be picked but didn't know who to switch them out with.

Jenna was replaced since she quit due to her mom's passing.


I mean, they're all All-Stars but the demos are very very unrealistic. Every woman except Colleen is over the age of 33, so you didn't satisfy survivor's rigid bikini quota. The cast is very long in the tooth for CBS's standards. You also need to balance the ages, you have the 3 oldest guys on the same tribe. 



Survivor All-Stars recast. Mostly the same cast but replaced some annoying people. 

Darrah, Helen, Heidi and Kelly were gonna be picked but didn't know who to switch them out with.

Jenna was replaced since she quit due to her mom's passing.


I mean, they're all All-Stars but the demos are very very unrealistic. Every woman except Colleen is over the age of 33, so you didn't satisfy survivor's rigid bikini quota. The cast is very long in the tooth for CBS's standards. You also need to balance the ages, you have the 3 oldest guys on the same tribe. 


Oh I did a random shuffle of the tribes lol


Survivor Greece: Titans (Winners) vs Warriors (Losers) 

Tried to mix up the chooses for the tribes with the best contenders for both without using the same people always used.




Season 35-43 All Stars, cuz at this point there's a lot of new school people who need to come back. Not including winners who were on WAW


  1. Devon Pinto
  2. Domenick Abbate
  3. Christian Hubicki
  4. Davie Rickenbacker
  5. Rick Devens
  6. Chris Underwood
  7. Dean Kowalski/Xander Hastings
  8. Ricard Foye
  9. Deshawn Radden
  10. Jesse Lopez


  1. Chrissy Hofbeck
  2. Angelina Keeley
  3. Lauren O'Connell
  4. Kellee Kim
  5. Lauren Beck
  6. Janet Carbin
  7. Shantel Smith 
  8. Drea Wheeler
  9. Maryanne Oketch
  10. Karla Godoy

Alternates Dean/Xander, Cody Assenmacher, Hai Gang, Erika Casupan, Noelle Lambert, Ali Elliot

Season 35-43 All Stars, cuz at this point there's a lot of new school people who need to come back. Not including winners who were on WAW


  1. Devon Pinto
  2. Domenick Abbate
  3. Christian Hubicki
  4. Davie Rickenbacker
  5. Rick Devens
  6. Chris Underwood
  7. Dean Kowalski/Xander Hastings
  8. Ricard Foye
  9. Deshawn Radden
  10. Jesse Lopez


  1. Chrissy Hofbeck
  2. Angelina Keeley
  3. Lauren O'Connell
  4. Kellee Kim
  5. Lauren Beck
  6. Janet Carbin
  7. Shantel Smith 
  8. Drea Wheeler
  9. Maryanne Oketch
  10. Karla Godoy

Alternates Dean/Xander, Cody Assenmacher, Hai Gang, Erika Casupan, Noelle Lambert, Ali Elliot

I love your cast. Hai or Omar over Chris Underwood for sure thouigh. Women's side is perfect. 

Absolutely, let's create a cast for Survivor: Second Chance Season with 10 female and 10 male players who have never played more than once.


Men's Tribe:


1. Domenick Abbate (Ghost Island): Domenick's strategic and aggressive gameplay took him to the final two, but lost to Wendell in a tiebreaker vote. He certainly deserves a second chance.


2. Devon Pinto (Heroes vs Healers vs Hustlers): Known for his social game and major blindsides, Devon was a major figure despite his young age. 


3. Jay Starrett (Millennials Vs. Gen X): As a likable player who used idols effectively, Jay could thrive with a second chance.


4. Rick Devens (Edge of Extinction): As a challenge beast and loved by viewers, Devens only lost due to the Edge of Extinction twist.


5. Hayden Moss (Blood vs Water): Originally from Big Brother, Hayden adapted to Survivor impressively and was a major strategic player in his season.


6. David Wright (Millennials Vs. Gen X): A strategic ****** that played dominant and daring but fell just short, David deserves a second shot.


7. Ian Rosenberger (Palau): Known for his altruistic decision in Palau, it would be interesting to see if Ian can change his game.


8. Albert Destrade (South Pacific): Albert played a solid social and strategic game, but his poor final tribal council performance cost him the win.


9. Rafe Judkins (Guatemala): Despite his strong strategic game, falling at the last hurdle marked Rafe as needing a second chance.


10. Ken McNickle (Millennials vs. Gen X): Though often overshadowed by other players, Ken's impressive physical game would be interesting to see again.


Women's Tribe:


1. Chrissy Hofbeck (Heroes vs Healers vs Hustlers): A strategic force and winner of several immunity challenges, Chrissy fell just short in the final.


2. Victoria Baamonde (Edge of Extinction): Her under-the-radar strategic gameplay got her far, and she would likely do well in a second chance season.


3. T-bird Cooper (Africa): Known for her kind heart and plucky spirit, Teresa would be a great returnee.


4. Lauren Rimmer (Heroes vs Healers vs Hustlers): A strong player who was a part of several blindsides, Lauren's unique approach would be exciting to see again.


5. Cydney Gillon (Kaôh Rōng): Cydney's strong physical and strategic game saw her go deep into the game, making her a valid candidate for a second chance.


6. Michelle Yi (Fiji): Michelle was shockingly voted out due to a surprise twist, and truly deserves another shot at the game.


7. Natalie Bolton (Micronesia): Natalie was a key player in the Black Widow Brigade and managed to reach the Final 4, she would do well with a second chance.


8. Carolyn Rivera (Worlds Apart): As a key player in several blindsides, Carolyn was a great strategist who just missed out on the million dollars.


9. Sabrina Thompson (One World): Sabrina played an excellent social game and finished as a runner-up, deserving a chance to play again.


10. Kelly Goldsmith (Africa): Remembered for her vote against Lex, Goldsmith's strategic chops would make for a dynamic second chance.


These contestants were chosen for their notable gameplay, strategic skills, challenge strengths and the fact that they only played once and are likely to ramp up their game on a return.

This AI Chat has taste. This would be a good cast imo.

I'm so desperate for another second chance cast for 47. Makes zero sense to have 50 be legends but not give anyone from 35-49 a chance to become a legend like most do on a second season, unless it's hot trash like game changers and nobody cares. Especially with the BiPoc rule in place they need to do one soon. Here's my season 47 second chances from 35-present


  1. Devon Pinto
  2. Domenick Abbate
  3. Christian Hubicki
  4. Davie Rickenbacker
  5. Rick Devens
  6. Ricard Foye
  7. Jonathan Young
  8. Jesse Lopez
  9. Carson Garrett
  10. Kaleb Gebrewold


  1. Chrissy Hofbeck
  2. Angelina Keeley
  3. Lauren O'Connell
  4. Kellee Kim
  5. Janet Carbin
  6. Lauren Beck
  7. Shan Smith
  8. Drea Wheeler
  9. Cassidy Clark
  10. Carolyn Wiger


Left out people still in 45 cuz the cast is already stacked

Omg that would be such an awful cast.
