Survivor Fantasy casts

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While we're on the FvF topic, here's my recast of the dreadful Caramoan Favs Tribe:

  1. Erik Reichenbach-was tempted to go with Kenny instead since Erik did nothing, but he was a good casting choice, just didn't end up doing anything
  2. Stephen Fishbach-replacing Brandon
  3. John Cochran
  4. Troyzan Robertson-replacing Phillip
  5. Malcolm Freberg
  6. Natalie Bolton-replacing Corinne, who I liked on the cast but doesn't fit as much as Natalie
  7. Brenda Lowe
  8. Holly Hoffman-replacing Dawn
  9. Chelsea Meissner-replacing Andrea, who I liked on the cast but didn't really fit the theme
  10. Sabrina Thompson-replacing Francesca

Marty, Kenny, Andrea & Corinne as alternates

Assuming Matt Elrod & Taj would both decline

if All Stars 2 was season 16 instead of Micronesa who would ya'll choose from Season 9-15?


Someone is looking to do a brainsteele game later on

People really want quiters Ian and Rafe back... hate to see it. Least you could throw legendary villains Dreamz and Judd in their place.

While we're on the FvF topic, here's my recast of the dreadful Caramoan Favs Tribe:

  1. Erik Reichenbach-was tempted to go with Kenny instead since Erik did nothing, but he was a good casting choice, just didn't end up doing anything
  2. Stephen Fishbach-replacing Brandon
  3. John Cochran
  4. Troyzan Robertson-replacing Phillip
  5. Malcolm Freberg
  6. Natalie Bolton-replacing Corinne, who I liked on the cast but doesn't fit as much as Natalie
  7. Brenda Lowe
  8. Holly Hoffman-replacing Dawn
  9. Chelsea Meissner-replacing Andrea, who I liked on the cast but didn't really fit the theme
  10. Sabrina Thompson-replacing Francesca

Marty, Kenny, Andrea & Corinne as alternates

Assuming Matt Elrod & Taj would both decline

You still kept Cochran? Cancel it! Lol


While we're on the FvF topic, here's my recast of the dreadful Caramoan Favs Tribe:

  1. Erik Reichenbach-was tempted to go with Kenny instead since Erik did nothing, but he was a good casting choice, just didn't end up doing anything
  2. Stephen Fishbach-replacing Brandon
  3. John Cochran
  4. Troyzan Robertson-replacing Phillip
  5. Malcolm Freberg
  6. Natalie Bolton-replacing Corinne, who I liked on the cast but doesn't fit as much as Natalie
  7. Brenda Lowe
  8. Holly Hoffman-replacing Dawn
  9. Chelsea Meissner-replacing Andrea, who I liked on the cast but didn't really fit the theme
  10. Sabrina Thompson-replacing Francesca

Marty, Kenny, Andrea & Corinne as alternates

Assuming Matt Elrod & Taj would both decline

You still kept Cochran? Cancel it! Lol

Second in fan fave voting In SP after Ozzy. He was one of the few people who fit the theme(especially considering Malcolm hadn't even been on tv yet), and his return was inevitable. At least this way he doesn't come in with all his friends

Survivor: Inferno (Mix of favorite players and players I believe deserve a second shot)


Brenda Lowe

Ciera Eastin

Hayden Moss

Kim Spradlin

Natalie Anderson

Ozzy Lusth

Parvati Shallow

Rodney Lavoie

Russell Hantz

Tony Vlachos



Amanda Kimmel

Andrea Boehlke

Cirie Fields

Joe Anglim

Jon Misch

Kelley Wentworth

Malcolm Freberg

Rob Mariano

Sandra Diaz-Twine

Yul Kwon



Episode 1:

Immunity: Koror

Voted out: Boston Rob (8-0) after a revote. Original vote was (5-5)


Episode 2:

Immunity: Koror

Voted out: Joe (8-1)

Episode 3:

Immunity: Koror

Voted out: Malcolm (5-2-1)


Episode 4:

Immunity: Koror

Voted out: Kim (Medievac)


Episode 5: Tribe Swap

Exiled: Cirie























Immunity: Vuku and Jabeni

Voted out: Natalie (4-1)


Episode 6:

Immunity: Jabeni and Tiva

Voted out: Rodney (3-2)


Episode 7: 

Immunity: Vuku and Tiva

Voted out: Sandra (4-1)


Episode 8: Merge















Immunity: Hayden

Voted out: Jon (7-4-2) *Russell nullified 7 votes with idol*


Episode 9:

Immunity: Amanda

Voted out: Hayden (9-3)


Episode 10:

Immunity: Parvati

Voted out: Andrea (6-3-2)


Episode 11 Part 1: 

Immunity: Ciera

Voted out: Brenda (4-3-3)


Episode 11 Part 2:

Immunity: Amanda

Voted out: Tony (5-2-2)


Episode 12:

Immunity: Russell

Voted out: Kelley Wentworth (5-3) *Ciera nullifed the 3 votes with idol*


Episode 13:

Immunity: Yul

Voted out: Russell (5-2)

Finale Part 1:

Immunity: Amanda

Voted out: Yul (Rocks Drawn), Orignal Vote was (3-3) then revote (2-2) between Parvati and Ciera


Finale Part 2:

Immunity: Parvati

Voted out: Amanda (2-1) on revote, original vote was (2-2-1)


Finale Part 3:

Immunity: Parvati

She Grants Immunity to: Ozzy

Winner of Fire Making: Ciera

Voted out: Cirie



Winner: Parvati (6-2-2)

Voted for Parvati: Amanda,Cirie,Hayden,Jon,Kelley,Yul

Voted for Ozzy: Tony and Andrea

Voted for Ciera: Russell and Brenda


Fan Favorite: Ozzy

Anyone removing Phillip from FvF2 is wrong. Just make him the first boot after overplaying.

One More Survivor 40 Fanfic (Using David vs Goliath Format and tribe names)

















Boston Rob









Episode 1:

Immunity: Goliath

Voted out: Yul (7-3)


Episode 2:

Immunity: David

Voted out: Jeremy (6-4)


Episode 3:

Immunity: Goliath

Voted out: Nick (7-2)


Episode 4:

Immunity: Goliath

Voted out: Sarah (7-1)


Episode 5: Tribe Swap

Exiled: Sandra


















Boston Rob





Immunity: Jabeni and Vuku

Voted out: Michele (3-1-1)


Episode 6:

Immunity: Jabeni and Tiva

Voted out: Tony (3-1-1)


Episode 7:

Immunity: Jabeni and Tiva

Voted out: Denise (3-1)


Episode 8: Merge




Boston Rob











Immunity: Adam

Voted out: Boston Rob (7-4-2)


Episode 9:

Immunity: Natalie

Voted out: Adam (6-4 revote, original vote was 5-5-2)


Episode 10:

Immunity: Sandra

Voted out: Sophie (5-3-3)

Episode 11 Part 1:

Immunity: Tyson

Voted out: Sandra (6-3-1)


Episode 11 Part 2:

Immunity: Ben

Voted out: Danni (5-3-1)


Episode 12:

Immunity: Natalie

Voted out: Amber (4-3-1)


Episode 13:

Immunity: Natalie

Voted out: Tyson (3-2-2)


Finale Part 1:

Immunity: Parvati

Voted out: Natalie (3-3) *Ben used idol to nullify 3 votes against him*


Finale Part 2:

Immunity: Ben

Voted out: Parvati (3-2)


Finale Part 3:

Immunity: Ben

Gives immunity to: Kim

Winner of Firemaking: Ethan

Voted out: Wendell



Winner: Kim- 5 votes  (Votes From: Adam,Natalie,Sandra,Sophie,Wendell)

2nd: Ethan- 3 votes (Votes From: Danni,Boston Rob,Tyson)

3rd: Ben- 2 votes (Votes From:  Amber and Parvati)


Fan Favorite: Kim

Survivor America vs Australia

Location: Africa (Like season 3 of the us verison)

24 Castaways 50 days 


America Tribe (Red): 

Parvati Shallow

Cirie Fields

Abi-Maria Gomes

Natalie Anderson

Amber Mariano

Aubry Bracco

Malcolm Freberg

Jeremy Collins

Ethan Zohn

Yul Kwon

Tyson Apostol

Joe Anglim


Australia Tribe (Blue): 

Shonee Fairfax

Brooke Jowett

Janine Allis

Tessa O’Halloran

Michelle Dougan

Kristie Bennett

Nick Iadanza

Locky Gilbert

David Genat

Benji Wilson

Harry Hills

Samuel Hinton

Survivor America vs Australia

Location: Africa (Like season 3 of the us verison)

24 Castaways 50 days 


America Tribe (Red): 

Parvati Shallow

Cirie Fields

Abi-Maria Gomes

Natalie Anderson

Amber Mariano

Aubry Bracco

Malcolm Freberg

Jeremy Collins

Ethan Zohn

Yul Kwon

Tyson Apostol

Joe Anglim


Australia Tribe (Blue): 

Shonee Fairfax

Brooke Jowett

Janine Allis

Tessa O’Halloran

Michelle Dougan

Kristie Bennett

Nick Iadanza

Locky Gilbert

David Genat

Benji Wilson

Harry Hills

Samuel Hinton

Love it, I really hope this happens eventually. Apparently it was considered for S5 before they decided on all stars. Here's mine:


  1. David Genat
  2. Luke Toki
  3. Benji Wilson
  4. Harry Hills
  5. Shaun Hamson
  6. Jericho Malabonga
  7. Sarah Tilleke
  8. Janine Allis
  9. Tessa O'Halloran
  10. Kristie Bennett
  11. Brooke Jowett
  12. Shonee Fairfax


  1. Spencer Bledsoe
  2. Malcolm Freberg
  3. Joe Anglim
  4. Tony Vlachos
  5. Chris Underwood
  6. Wendell Holland
  7. Natalie Anderson
  8. Michele Fitzgerald
  9. Kelleg Wentworth
  10. Kim Spradlin
  11. Michaela Bradshaw
  12. Kass McQuellen


Im assuming anyone who's a lock for a US returnee season, especially second chance 2 would probably not be on so I left people like Dom, Chrissy, Christian etc off


(Returring contestants whose fire never went)

Location: Indonesia.

Format: two teams, switch at 15, merge at 11.


  • Neleh Dennis (Survivor: Marquesas runner-up)
  • Sabrina Thompson (Survivor One World runner-up)
  • Jaclyn Schultz (Survivor: San Juan Del Sur runner-up)
  • Chrissy Hofbeck (Survivor: HvsHvsH runner-up)
  • Angelina Keeley (Survivor: David vs. Goliath 2nd runner-up)
  • Earl Cole (Survivor: Fiji winner)
  • Albert Destrade (Survivor: South Pacific 2nd runner-up)
  • Ken McNickle (Survivor: Millenials vs Gen X runner-up)
  • Pat Cusack (Survivor: David vs Goliath medevac)
  • Dean Kowalski (Survivor: Island of the idols runner-up)

    TRIBE 2


  • Jenna Morasca (Survivor: Amazon winner / All-Stars quited)
  • Twila Tanner (Survivor: Vanuatu runner-up)
  • Natalie Tenerelli (Survivor: Redemption Island 2nd runner-up)
  • Missy Payne (Survivor: San Juan Del Sur 2nd runner-up)
  • Noura Salman (Survivor: Island of the idols 2nd runner-up)
  • Dreamz Herd (Survivor: Fiji runner-up)
  • Chase Rice (Survivor: Nicaragua runner-up)
  • Mike Holloway (Survivor: Worlds Apart winner)
  • Domenick Abbate (Survivor: Ghost Island runner-up)
  • Gavin Whitson (Survivor: Edge of extinction runner-up)

    Alternates: Carolyn Rivera (Worlds Apart runner-up) or Bi Nguyen (David vs Goliath medevac) ///// Ryan Ulrich (HvsHvsH runner-up) or Tommy Sheehan (Island of the idols winner)


    (Returring contestants whose fire never went)

    Location: Indonesia.

    Format: two teams, switch at 15, merge at 11.

    TEAM 1

  • Neleh Dennis (Survivor: Marquesas runner-up)
  • Sabrina Thompson (Survivor One World runner-up)
  • Jaclyn Schultz (Survivor: San Juan Del Sur runner-up)
  • Chrissy Hofbeck (Survivor: HvsHvsH runner-up)
  • Angelina Keeley (Survivor: David vs. Goliath 2nd runner-up)
  • Earl Cole (Survivor: Fiji winner)
  • Albert Destrade (Survivor: South Pacific 2nd runner-up)
  • Ken McNickle (Survivor: Millenials vs Gen X runner-up)
  • Pat Cusack (Survivor: David vs Goliath medevac)
  • Dean Kowalski (Survivor: Island of the idols runner-up)

    TRIBE 2

  • Jenna Morasca (Survivor: Amazon winner / All-Stars quited)
  • Twila Tanner (Survivor: Vanuatu runner-up)
  • Natalie Tenerelli (Survivor: Redemption Island 2nd runner-up)
  • Missy Payne (Survivor: San Juan Del Sur 2nd runner-up)
  • Noura Salman (Survivor: Island of the idols 2nd runner-up)
  • Dreamz Herd (Survivor: Fiji runner-up)
  • Chase Rice (Survivor: Nicaragua runner-up)
  • Mike Holloway (Survivor: Worlds Apart winner)
  • Domenick Abbate (Survivor: Ghost Island runner-up)
  • Gavin Whitson (Survivor: Edge of extinction runner-up)

    Alternates: Carolyn Rivera (Worlds Apart runner-up) or Bi Nguyen (David vs Goliath medevac) ///// Ryan Ulrich (HvsHvsH runner-up) or Tommy Sheehan (Island of the idols winner)

    I ran this in brainsteel... and stopped when Earl and Dreamz were the first two boots... .. not here for it.



    Survivor America vs Australia

    Location: Africa (Like season 3 of the us verison)

    24 Castaways 50 days 


    America Tribe (Red): 

    Parvati Shallow

    Cirie Fields

    Abi-Maria Gomes

    Natalie Anderson

    Amber Mariano

    Aubry Bracco

    Malcolm Freberg

    Jeremy Collins

    Ethan Zohn

    Yul Kwon

    Tyson Apostol

    Joe Anglim


    Australia Tribe (Blue): 

    Shonee Fairfax

    Brooke Jowett

    Janine Allis

    Tessa O’Halloran

    Michelle Dougan

    Kristie Bennett

    Nick Iadanza

    Locky Gilbert

    David Genat

    Benji Wilson

    Harry Hills

    Samuel Hinton

    Love it, I really hope this happens eventually. Apparently it was considered for S5 before they decided on all stars. Here's mine:


    1. David Genat
    2. Luke Toki
    3. Benji Wilson
    4. Harry Hills
    5. Shaun Hamson
    6. Jericho Malabonga
    7. Sarah Tilleke
    8. Janine Allis
    9. Tessa O'Halloran
    10. Kristie Bennett
    11. Brooke Jowett
    12. Shonee Fairfax


    1. Spencer Bledsoe
    2. Malcolm Freberg
    3. Joe Anglim
    4. Tony Vlachos
    5. Chris Underwood
    6. Wendell Holland
    7. Natalie Anderson
    8. Michele Fitzgerald
    9. Kelleg Wentworth
    10. Kim Spradlin
    11. Michaela Bradshaw
    12. Kass McQuellen


    Im assuming anyone who's a lock for a US returnee season, especially second chance 2 would probably not be on so I left people like Dom, Chrissy, Christian etc off

    Yours is better lol. And when was it considered?



    Survivor America vs Australia

    Location: Africa (Like season 3 of the us verison)

    24 Castaways 50 days 


    America Tribe (Red): 

    Parvati Shallow

    Cirie Fields

    Abi-Maria Gomes

    Natalie Anderson

    Amber Mariano

    Aubry Bracco

    Malcolm Freberg

    Jeremy Collins

    Ethan Zohn

    Yul Kwon

    Tyson Apostol

    Joe Anglim


    Australia Tribe (Blue): 

    Shonee Fairfax

    Brooke Jowett

    Janine Allis

    Tessa O’Halloran

    Michelle Dougan

    Kristie Bennett

    Nick Iadanza

    Locky Gilbert

    David Genat

    Benji Wilson

    Harry Hills

    Samuel Hinton

    Love it, I really hope this happens eventually. Apparently it was considered for S5 before they decided on all stars. Here's mine:


    1. David Genat
    2. Luke Toki
    3. Benji Wilson
    4. Harry Hills
    5. Shaun Hamson
    6. Jericho Malabonga
    7. Sarah Tilleke
    8. Janine Allis
    9. Tessa O'Halloran
    10. Kristie Bennett
    11. Brooke Jowett
    12. Shonee Fairfax


    1. Spencer Bledsoe
    2. Malcolm Freberg
    3. Joe Anglim
    4. Tony Vlachos
    5. Chris Underwood
    6. Wendell Holland
    7. Natalie Anderson
    8. Michele Fitzgerald
    9. Kelleg Wentworth
    10. Kim Spradlin
    11. Michaela Bradshaw
    12. Kass McQuellen


    Im assuming anyone who's a lock for a US returnee season, especially second chance 2 would probably not be on so I left people like Dom, Chrissy, Christian etc off

    Yours is better lol. And when was it considered?

    Not too sure, I read on a spoiler site it was considered before they chose to do all stars. It may have not gone very far though, I imagine it's much cheaper to have all Australians and no legal issues to worry about either

    All Stars 2(1 time players only)

    1. Earl Cole
    2. Todd Herzog
    3. Mike Holloway
    4. Jay Starrett
    5. Devon Pinto
    6. Domenick Abbate
    7. Christian Hubicki
    8. Davie Rickenbacker
    9. Rick Devens 
    10. Chris Underwood
    11. Natalie Bolton
    12. Cydney Gillion
    13. Chrissy Hofbeck
    14. Gabby Pascuzzi
    15. Angelina Keeley
    16. Lauren O'Connell
    17. Victoria Baamonde
    18. Kellee Kim
    19. Lauren Beck
    20. Janet Carbin

    All Stars 2(1 time players only)

    1. Earl Cole
    2. Todd Herzog
    3. Mike Holloway
    4. Jay Starrett
    5. Devon Pinto
    6. Domenick Abbate
    7. Christian Hubicki
    8. Davie Rickenbacker
    9. Rick Devens 
    10. Chris Underwood
    11. Natalie Bolton
    12. Cydney Gillion
    13. Chrissy Hofbeck
    14. Gabby Pascuzzi
    15. Angelina Keeley
    16. Lauren O'Connell
    17. Victoria Baamonde
    18. Kellee Kim
    19. Lauren Beck
    20. Janet Carbin

    They really need to bring back Earl! I just recently did a Fiji rewatch and his gameplay was phenomenal. 


    All Stars 2(1 time players only)

    1. Earl Cole
    2. Todd Herzog
    3. Mike Holloway
    4. Jay Starrett
    5. Devon Pinto
    6. Domenick Abbate
    7. Christian Hubicki
    8. Davie Rickenbacker
    9. Rick Devens 
    10. Chris Underwood
    11. Natalie Bolton
    12. Cydney Gillion
    13. Chrissy Hofbeck
    14. Gabby Pascuzzi
    15. Angelina Keeley
    16. Lauren O'Connell
    17. Victoria Baamonde
    18. Kellee Kim
    19. Lauren Beck
    20. Janet Carbin

    They really need to bring back Earl! I just recently did a Fiji rewatch and his gameplay was phenomenal. 

    Id like Earl to comeback but sadly I think his last shot was WAW.

    Survivor Heroes Vs Villains 2

    Location: Guatemala

    Heroes Tribe:

    Carolyn Rivera

    Cydney Gillon

    Devon Pinto

    Janet Carbin

    Jeremy Collins

    Lauren O'Connell

    Michele Fitzgerald

    Tommy Sheehan

    Woo Hwang

    Yul Kwon

    Villains Tribe:

    Abi-Maria Gomes

    Chrissy Hofbeck

    Corinne Kaplan

    Dan DaSilva

    Dean Kowalski

    Joe Mena

    Kim Spradlin

    Kyle Jason

    Michaela Bradshaw

    Tony Vlachos


    What do you guys think?



    All Stars 2(1 time players only)

    1. Earl Cole
    2. Todd Herzog
    3. Mike Holloway
    4. Jay Starrett
    5. Devon Pinto
    6. Domenick Abbate
    7. Christian Hubicki
    8. Davie Rickenbacker
    9. Rick Devens 
    10. Chris Underwood
    11. Natalie Bolton
    12. Cydney Gillion
    13. Chrissy Hofbeck
    14. Gabby Pascuzzi
    15. Angelina Keeley
    16. Lauren O'Connell
    17. Victoria Baamonde
    18. Kellee Kim
    19. Lauren Beck
    20. Janet Carbin

    They really need to bring back Earl! I just recently did a Fiji rewatch and his gameplay was phenomenal. 

    Id like Earl to comeback but sadly I think his last shot was WAW.

    Agreed, I don't think any winners will return between 40 and 50(any returnee season will be SC2, Unfinished business, non winner captains or FvF3 IMO) and he's not a big enough name to be in season 50, which will likely be legends

    Survivor Heroes Vs Villains 2

    Location: Guatemala

    Heroes Tribe:

    Carolyn Rivera

    Cydney Gillon

    Devon Pinto

    Janet Carbin

    Jeremy Collins

    Lauren O'Connell

    Michele Fitzgerald

    Tommy Sheehan

    Woo Hwang

    Yul Kwon

    Villains Tribe:

    Abi-Maria Gomes

    Chrissy Hofbeck

    Corinne Kaplan

    Dan DaSilva

    Dean Kowalski

    Joe Mena

    Kim Spradlin

    Kyle Jason

    Michaela Bradshaw

    Tony Vlachos


    What do you guys think?

    I like it, there's a couple people who I doubt would return like Woo and Tommy, possibly Kyle and I don't see Joe & Wardog on the same cast(Both Tony clones) but it's solid


    Survivor Heroes Vs Villains 2

    Location: Guatemala

    Heroes Tribe:

    Carolyn Rivera

    Cydney Gillon

    Devon Pinto

    Janet Carbin

    Jeremy Collins

    Lauren O'Connell

    Michele Fitzgerald

    Tommy Sheehan

    Woo Hwang

    Yul Kwon

    Villains Tribe:

    Abi-Maria Gomes

    Chrissy Hofbeck

    Corinne Kaplan

    Dan DaSilva

    Dean Kowalski

    Joe Mena

    Kim Spradlin

    Kyle Jason

    Michaela Bradshaw

    Tony Vlachos


    What do you guys think?

    I like it, there's a couple people who I doubt would return like Woo and Tommy, possibly Kyle and I don't see Joe & Wardog on the same cast(Both Tony clones) but it's solid

    I kind of regret not adding Denise since I put Abi on the cast.

    Maybe Swap Densie and Lauren and have Lauren be on my Second Chances 2 cast.

    Next returee season I think Dom, Chrissy, Angelina, Christian & Devens are all locks if they accept the call, Gabby, Janet, Davie & Lauren O have good shots(they need a young attractive girl like Lauren and she's well liked), Chris should be back next time winners are eligible. Jay, Devon, Dean & Chris Noble will probably be fighting for 2 spots. I hope Lauren B, Kellee & Victoria will be on but there's a ton of girls, especially from IOI and I'm concerned Noura, Karishma and/or Elaine may take their spots, and who knows if they want Kellee or if she'd accept. Wardog, Ali & Jamal are other newer players I'd like to see but may not make it

    Big Brother vs Survivor

    Location: Cambodia

    Big Brother Tribe (Blue)

    Cody Nickson

    Da'Vonne Rogers

    Derrick Levasseur

    Janelle Pierzina

    Keesha Smith

    Kemi Fakunle

    Matt Hoffman

    Paul Abrahamian

    Rachel Reilly

    Zach Rance

    Survivor Tribe (Green)

    Alexandrea Elliot

    Chris Underwood

    Chrissy Hofbeck

    Davie Rickenbacker

    Dean Kowalski

    Devon Pinto

    Hannah Shapiro

    Kellyn Bechtold

    Lauren O'Connell

    Terry Deitz

    Survivor second chance 2 

    Female cast 

    Lauren O. 38

    Elaine 39

    Chrissy 35

    Hannah 33 

    Cydney 32

    Carolyn 30 

    Jaclyn 29

    Gabby 37

    sabrina 24

    Lauren 39 


    Rick Devens 38

    Christian 37

    Davie 37

    Domenick 36

    Michael Y 36

    Rodney 30

    Hayden 27

    Dean 39 

    Gavin 38 

    Pete Y 25 

    For second chances 2 they should cast the poll loser (whoever accepts) and from there have the public chose from recent seasons to be added to the cast. Wish US can take notes and copy the AUS Survivor format.

    From The Challenge who would you think would have a good crossover?

    Boys- Tony Raines, Johnny Bananas, Derrick K, Darrell Taylor, Frank Sweeny, Cory Warton, Hunter Barfield, Wes Bergmann, and Brad Fiorenza

    Girls- Cara Maria Sorbello, Amanda Garcia, Ashley Mitchell, Marie Roda, Laurel Stucky, Tori Deal, Kam Williams, Kailah Casillas, Veronica Portillo, Sylvia Elsrode and Kellyanne Judd.

    I don't remember many of the older challengers.

    From The Challenge who would you think would have a good crossover?

    Boys- Tony Raines, Johnny Bananas, Derrick K, Darrell Taylor, Frank Sweeny, Cory Warton, Hunter Barfield, Wes Bergmann, and Brad Fiorenza

    Girls- Cara Maria Sorbello, Amanda Garcia, Ashley Mitchell, Marie Roda, Laurel Stucky, Tori Deal, Kam Williams, Kailah Casillas, Veronica Portillo, Sylvia Elsrode and Kellyanne Judd.

    I don't remember many of the older challengers.

    Kam and cara cant swim so they'd be gone early lol


    From The Challenge who would you think would have a good crossover?

    Boys- Tony Raines, Johnny Bananas, Derrick K, Darrell Taylor, Frank Sweeny, Cory Warton, Hunter Barfield, Wes Bergmann, and Brad Fiorenza

    Girls- Cara Maria Sorbello, Amanda Garcia, Ashley Mitchell, Marie Roda, Laurel Stucky, Tori Deal, Kam Williams, Kailah Casillas, Veronica Portillo, Sylvia Elsrode and Kellyanne Judd.

    I don't remember many of the older challengers.

    Kam and cara cant swim so they'd be gone early lol

    True. But knowing Cara she will create another Cara Cult and get far.



    From The Challenge who would you think would have a good crossover?

    Boys- Tony Raines, Johnny Bananas, Derrick K, Darrell Taylor, Frank Sweeny, Cory Warton, Hunter Barfield, Wes Bergmann, and Brad Fiorenza

    Girls- Cara Maria Sorbello, Amanda Garcia, Ashley Mitchell, Marie Roda, Laurel Stucky, Tori Deal, Kam Williams, Kailah Casillas, Veronica Portillo, Sylvia Elsrode and Kellyanne Judd.

    I don't remember many of the older challengers.

    Kam and cara cant swim so they'd be gone early lol

    True. But knowing Cara she will create another Cara Cult and get far.

    Cara would be a massive goat, nobody would ever vote for her to win




    From The Challenge who would you think would have a good crossover?

    Boys- Tony Raines, Johnny Bananas, Derrick K, Darrell Taylor, Frank Sweeny, Cory Warton, Hunter Barfield, Wes Bergmann, and Brad Fiorenza

    Girls- Cara Maria Sorbello, Amanda Garcia, Ashley Mitchell, Marie Roda, Laurel Stucky, Tori Deal, Kam Williams, Kailah Casillas, Veronica Portillo, Sylvia Elsrode and Kellyanne Judd.

    I don't remember many of the older challengers.

    Kam and cara cant swim so they'd be gone early lol

    True. But knowing Cara she will create another Cara Cult and get far.

    Cara would be a massive goat, nobody would ever vote for her to win

    You forgot to say she'll get dragged by the jury for playing victim.
