Survivor: Generic Thread (No Spoilers)

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I dont see Natalie being boring. I think her intense personality would fit in perfect 

It was brought up on the IMDB recap show that women always sit in the front at tribal and men sit in the back, which I'd never even noticed. It is a really big advantage in recent seasons since it's obviously easier to whisper when you're in the back and you're more likely to be left out if you sit in the front where everyone can see you

This might be an unpopular opinion but I don't think Tony's win was that impressive. He played with a bunch of sheep who were playing for him to win. It reminded me a lot of Redemption Island and Rob's win. I was very disappointed with this season and the (lackof) gameplay.

Agree. Plus the amount of pre gaming sarah does really helped him. 

This might be an unpopular opinion but I don't think Tony's win was that impressive. He played with a bunch of sheep who were playing for him to win. It reminded me a lot of Redemption Island and Rob's win. I was very disappointed with this season and the (lackof) gameplay.

I think the impressiveness was him being able to make previous winners his sheep.. Sarah was way too loyal and Ben is really terrible casting but why didn't Denise, Michelle, Sophie, Nick, Adam vote him out at merge?

I always struggle with that, do you blame and the cast or the charisma of the person. I think Tony just has it. He had that next level charisma this season. Funny enough he prob loses pre merge if his tribe loses that last immunity that was super close.  

Also, majority of these people aren't sheep. Everyone plays for a different reason with something like survivor. It shouldn't just be about winning or the money. 

If a lot of the newer winners were voted out pre merge I see the old school players picking Tony off pretty quickly tbh

I always struggle with that, do you blame and the cast or the charisma of the person. I think Tony just has it. He had that next level charisma this season. Funny enough he prob loses pre merge if his tribe loses that last immunity that was super close.  

Also, majority of these people aren't sheep. Everyone plays for a different reason with something like survivor. It shouldn't just be about winning or the money. 

It was definitely weak gameplay. Denise, Ben, Sarah were playing for Tony to win. Nick was the only one blinded by his charisma and just an overall bad player.

Still crazy to think that Ben allowing Sarah to vote him out ultimately cost her the game. If Ben stays then he likely beats Tony in F4 fire(assuming he doesn't win Immunity), I see most of the F3 Tony votes more than likely going to Sarah rather than Ben or Nat

She tried to make a last minute plan to seperate herself from Tony at the end when her priority the whole endgame should have been to make sure Tony wasn't in the final 3


I always struggle with that, do you blame and the cast or the charisma of the person. I think Tony just has it. He had that next level charisma this season. Funny enough he prob loses pre merge if his tribe loses that last immunity that was super close.  

Also, majority of these people aren't sheep. Everyone plays for a different reason with something like survivor. It shouldn't just be about winning or the money. 

It was definitely weak gameplay. Denise, Ben, Sarah were playing for Tony to win. Nick was the only one blinded by his charisma and just an overall bad player.

People like Sarah though thought they could actually win and you could say he chose the perfect allies in Ben and Denise. I just love how he constantly made every group need him while keeping his threat level low. 

I really don't know what Denise's gameplan was post merge though, like she kind of just hung around and stayed with the numbers



I always struggle with that, do you blame and the cast or the charisma of the person. I think Tony just has it. He had that next level charisma this season. Funny enough he prob loses pre merge if his tribe loses that last immunity that was super close.  

Also, majority of these people aren't sheep. Everyone plays for a different reason with something like survivor. It shouldn't just be about winning or the money. 

It was definitely weak gameplay. Denise, Ben, Sarah were playing for Tony to win. Nick was the only one blinded by his charisma and just an overall bad player.

People like Sarah though thought they could actually win and you could say he chose the perfect allies in Ben and Denise. I just love how he constantly made every group need him while keeping his threat level low. 

When Natalie came back and said what everyone was thinking she panicked lol Then she talked about the whole bias thing and really thought she had a shot. Ben and Sarah had no shot they did nothing all season but follow Tony's plans. 

I was today's years old when I found out season 38 winner Chris underwood is actually latino. So congrats on him but it shoulda been ozzy as our first Latin male winner.

I was today's years old when I found out season 38 winner Chris underwood is actually latino. So congrats on him but it shoulda been ozzy as our first Latin male winner.

I preferred Ozzy when he was on Playboy's Foursome show.

Yikes. It explains why Survivor producers protected him on EOE.**********161103872?s=19

Yikes. It explains why Survivor producers protected him on EOE.

what is it? I tried copying and pasting the link but it says it doesn't exist.**********161103872?s=19

Yikes. It explains why Survivor producers protected him on EOE.

what is it? I tried copying and pasting the link but it says it doesn't exist.



Plus rumors saying he was the one saying the n-word on Kama during EOE.

Plus rumors saying he was the one saying the n-word on Kama during EOE.

Are you talking about Joe? 

Plus rumors saying he was the one saying the n-word on Kama during EOE.

Oh shit, really? Ugh, always knew he was trash.


Plus rumors saying he was the one saying the n-word on Kama during EOE.

Are you talking about Joe? 


I remember a rumour about Joe filming a female contestant naked in the shower with a go-pro in Second Chances.

I remember a rumour about Joe filming a female contestant naked in the shower with a go-pro in Second Chances.

Ew i knew there was a reason i never liked him

Everyone should watch this: Brilliant panel Sean and Rob got together.

Who would you guys like to see return if they do another Heroes vs Villains.

Everyone should watch this: Brilliant panel Sean and Rob got together.

This was awesome. C's comment on Boston Rob living on the damn show had me dying.

Who would you guys like to see return if they do another Heroes vs Villains.

For sure Corrine and Abi for the villains.

Id also like to see Terry get another shot so he can be on the Heroes tribe.

Who would you guys like to see return if they do another Heroes vs Villains.

If it's post HvV 1 then here's a cast I made a while ago (before 40 aired), replacing some winners who won't be on soon IMO


  • Malcolm
  • Jay
  • Devens
  • Davie
  • Jeremy- not playing again, can be replaced by any of Ben, Jamal, Christian or Chris. Christian's probably the most realistic
  • Kelley
  • Chrissy
  • Kim-probably not playing again, could be replaced by Lauren B, Lauren O, Michele F or Kellee Kim
  • Natalie A
  • Janet
  • Villains

  • Brad
  • Tony-not playing again unless it's like Legends or something, replaced by Wardog or Wendell
  • Devon
  • Domenick
  • Dean
  • Michaela
  • Sarah-probably not playing again anytime soon, maybe replaced by Ciera or even Victoria B which would be a bit of a stretch. 
  • Kass
  • Abi Maria-It's been a while for her, could get replaced by someone newer like Noura
  • Angelina
  • Kelley and Chrissy on hero tribe? Lol

    i can't really find a good cast for a ideal HvV since so many people were under edited but I'd like to see Carolyn, Natalie, Terry, and Spencer return for Heroes and either Scot or Jason, Abi and Dean for Villains.

    Not sure what tribe Spencer would be on. I thought based he'd would probably be on either tribe.
