Ex on the beach USA - (Season 2)

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So Chad Johnson really joined OnlyFans to be on another reality show...The desperation is real smh.

Wtf is that thing Malcom?? Like who is that lmao 

From what I understand, real **** stars have to go through tests for obvious reasons....Why this man just post a video talking about how a random girl emailed him that he never met before and theyre gonna do a "collaboration" right now? 

Have y'all seen Chad's pictures? I was disappointed thought he was bigger. 

Have y'all seen Chad's pictures? I was disappointed thought he was bigger. 

no but you're about to DM them to me 


Have y'all seen Chad's pictures? I was disappointed thought he was bigger. 

no but you're about to DM them to me 

nevermind i found it. i'm not disappointed it's a good size. nice curve too 

I was just about to post that lmao but we been knew >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

That goes for ALL of these corporations too; all of a sudden acting like they're "down for the cause" lol they all want to keep that money rolling in. Burn MTV as a whole down to the ground.

So the only white males on day 1 of her season were Chad & Cheyenne. Not that it even needs to be narrowed down any more but Cheyenne's gay so obviously Chad was the one threatening her

Proud of Janelle for speaking her truth. Hoping even more black women and men speak up because I know there's more. MTV is trash! 

Ch@d j0hn$0n was rey beat dat kitty kat good....


My gunness...poor janelle just a perpetual target....mtv u suck and ya immature (ridiculous(if u will))

Ooof at Janelle. Little hints and things have been dropped since filming was done tbh so I believe all of it. But it looks like Maya is next 

Mmmmhmmm now...

Coulda put the victor twins up in this ***** (I know they aint contacting the Clermonts cause theyd have to pay) but they put some netflix******* on this *****....


Ugh i need a drink 2 go with my whine...


MTV is so trash

MTV is so trash

Screaming! Katie only worked for this season of ex on the beach but she did the challenge too 

She was on survivor and made it to final 2. One of the earliest seasons from it.

Katie from Survivor: Palau? The layup who was roasted down by the whole jury for basically being a waste of sperm, egg & air?

Katie from Survivor: Palau? The layup who was roasted down by the whole jury for basically being a waste of sperm, egg & air?

Yes, I think so Gallagher or something like that . 


Katie from Survivor: Palau? The layup who was roasted down by the whole jury for basically being a waste of sperm, egg & air?

Yes, I think so Gallagher or something like that . 

Not surprised lol 

Yeah it's that one

Survivor Palau - The Jury vs Katie Gallagher

She got the most brutal savage beatdown in final tribal I think lol im not surprised shes a shitty person

Yeah it's that one

Survivor Palau - The Jury vs Katie Gallagher

Guess that was her audition tape for being a dumb *** producer.....welcome aboard *****

Yeah it's that one

Survivor Palau - The Jury vs Katie Gallagher

God damn. They dragged the **** out of her lmaooo.

LOL not Katie from survivor 

That was the very first Survivor season I watched in full back when it aired.....to think that back then I actually thought that they were too hard on her lol nah they clearly saw her for the low-vibrating piece of fresh dog shit that she was with her hard-faced ***.

As far as the Chad stuff not surprised before this show I though he was great TV but he show his true colors and he is piece of trash. A total weirdoe! He always slide to his enemies gfs and have an stalkerish obsession with them


Shane had issues with Lauren Zins too lol

This "MTV Is Over" movie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Ain't Lauren also the producer Day had issues with 
